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Everything posted by LivingnLA

  1. Has anyone seen this guy? There are some things about his ad that make me cautious. But, I admit he's an attractive guy and I'm curious if he's any good at massage. The outcall only thing makes it difficult for me to schedule with him https://rentmasseur.com/MichaelOG
  2. Thank you @SoCalBoySD. I hired Troy a couple times and didn't have a great experience nor did I feel safe as he immediately went to physical intimidation and aggression when he became annoyed. I thought Marco's pics looked just like a younger fitter Troy, so I'm glad I never contacted Marco.
  3. I have not met this provider. Several of these pics are of a very well known (if you're in the biz) male model from Brazil. I can't speak for the others. They look more "personal" or intimate. It's possible that it's really him and he is trying a side hustle. But, the probability is fairly high that it's a fake account by someone who tracked down old pics (the real man has more ink now) from the model's instagram or other social media sources.
  4. It depends on many different factors. Are you sucking many different guys? It's a question of probabilities and what you're comfortable with taking on in terms of risk. I love sucking cock too. I'm happily married and am careful about who I suck. I get tested yearly for everything, including swabs for local colonies. I have all my vaccinations. What about you?
  5. It's one of several trends that have been around for years. http://www.gayco.com/toptenselfietrends/
  6. LivingnLA


    Probably most animals around the world are not comfortable being observed without clear intent. If y'all aren't conversing and you're staring at him, he's going to feel uncomfortable, self-conscious, and maybe even harassed or objectified. https://people.howstuffworks.com/why-is-it-rude-to-stare.htm Do I look longingly at my wife sometimes? Yes. And after awhile, she'll say, "what?!" If I reply with something like, "I'm sorry babe, you're stunning and I was struck dumb." She'll laugh, playfully hit me and say I'm full of shit. But, that added twinkle in her eyes makes it all worth it. It's about intent. What are you thinking when you're staring? If you're objectifying, he's going to sense that. Are you hungry? Horny? He's going to sense those too and probably not welcome them in public.
  7. Yes! In any very high-end service-related business, it isn't possible to be generic. In fact, it's probably counter-productive, beyond the obvious "generic" best-practices like timely clear customer-centric communication and the like. Ask anyone in very high-end hospitality. The customer dossiers are extensive and closely guarded to ensure retention and repeat business.
  8. Life is full of risk. The joy and challenge is learning what you're comfortable with and building your life within those limits. Any sexual activity has risk. Safer sex is about being responsible for your health and safety and those you're sexually intimate with to the extent you can without infringing on their choices or letting their choices expose you to risk you're uncomfortable with. Oral sex is a vector for many infectious agents. The rise in chlamydia and gonorrhea are almost certainly linked to the increase in unprotected oral and anal sex in many nations around the world. Syphilis is up too along with many other STIs. If you're engaging in sexual activity with one or more non-monogamous partners, please understand the risks. Get tested regularly, at least yearly, learn the signs & symptoms of all major STIs, known that some geographic areas and demographic groups are much higher risk categories for exposure, and learn how to practice safer sex. That includes condom use, condom/lube interactions, and even PrEP if you're planning on unprotected anal sex or other high-risk activities.
  9. @stiffneck, welcome to the forum. There are plenty of threads out there about this subject. I urge you to read some of them. Here is a post I did back in 2017 on the topic of deepthroating. Yes, it's a more advanced technique, but it's all part of being a great cocksucker. Here's a thread from 2018 about learning to be good at oral sex. Some things to keep in mind, if you want to learn how to suck cock by practicing on real cock, please make sure you understand how to be responsible and have safer sex. It's very easy to catch many different STIs from unprotected oral sex. Get yourself tested for everything regularly and make sure you go some place that's current, which includes using throat and anal swabs if you engage in any unprotected sex at all. Blood and urine tests are not foolproof and they completely miss localized colonies in the rectum and throat. Related to the regular testing, you should consider vaccinations for those infectious agents that are higher risk for unprotected oral sex, like HPV, which is a likely driver of the increase in anal, oral, rectal, and throat cancers. If you are open to practicing with an object, consider getting a dildo or using an appropriate fruit or veggie. Don't be too aggressive. Be patient. Practice. Give yourself time to adjust to the feeling of a large object filling your mouth and possibly throat. Also, don't beat yourself up if you have a gag reflex. It's completely natural and normal. Some people are able to lessen or even stop their gag reflex with practice, but some people cannot. Again, be patient and kind to yourself. It's important that you feel safe, relaxed, and not in danger. Regarding the dry mouth, a mint can help. Staying hydrated helps. Being relaxed instead of anxious or nervous can also help. Edible lube is a good thing too. My wife and I are fans of the Aloe Cadabra brand. It's just a great moisturizer and even very helpful for getting into a wetsuit if you surf.
  10. Except that we won't because PrEP requires consistent use and humans are notoriously bad at consistency. That's probably why there are already PrEP resistent strains of HIV in the general population. Inconsistent PrEP use is a perfect breeding ground for resistance. Though, the percentage of people with PrEP resistant strains is still very small. http://www.aidsmap.com/How-much-PrEP-resistant-HIV-is-out-there/page/3245143/ Plus we have very strange cases like this Dutch man who contracted HIV while on PrEP and it wasn't even a resistant strain. As we all know, PrEP isn't 100%, so perhaps his very high number of sexual partners is how he contracted HIV: probability won. https://www.poz.com/article/prep-fails-third-man-time-hiv-drug-resistance-blame
  11. Oh sure, for a relaxation session or something like that, but when they're in game or a competition and need immediate therapeutic results, I don't care if they're sweaty or whatever.
  12. Good to know, thanks for sharing. My experiences are primarily in the Korean Spas in OC and the vibe is mostly like what I remember from spas in Korea. Though, there are times when there are pushy cruisy guys. I generally ignore them unless they try to interfere in my experience. Then I call them on their BS or if necessary report them. I have no tolerance for bullies who try to claim spaces that do not belong to them or try to force their BS on others.
  13. LivingnLA


    I am sorry if my posts seem harsh or like attacks. I truly am not attacking you or your feelings. I hear and respect where you're coming from and I'm trying to use my outside perspective as a lens through which I can show another point of view. I'm not assuming. I'm attempting to provide an external 3rd-party perspective. If a coworker asked to see a picture of my wife, I would not show a topless intimate pic because of the implicit objectification of her looks and the subtle brag of "look how hot my wife is" kind of vibe. I'm glad you won't tell him. Though, it's not about "keeping your thoughts to yourself." I urge you to interrogate your thoughts and complicate them. This man you claim such strong emotions about is more than his rock-hard abs and chiseled features, right? I mean, he sounds undoubtedly hot physically, but aren't you attracted to him for more than that? Doesn't his intellect and obvious dedication/passion truly light your fire? His body is a combination of genetics and his focused application of dedicated effort. That is something to admire and congratulate him on, not the result which isn't wholly under his control.
  14. LivingnLA


    Why defend? I'm not attacking @Unicorn. I'm being upfront and transparent, but that's because I'm attempting to clarify the situation based on what I've read and help navigate this relationship that appears to cause quite a bit of tension and worry for him along with all the positive feelings and experiences.
  15. It all depends on context. I do a great deal of therapeutic work for athletes during their competitions/games. "Funk" is expected during such sessions. But in relaxation sessions it would definitely be unacceptable. You're right, it should be a norm that doesn't need to be said or explained.
  16. LivingnLA


    Male children in Latinx cultures tend to have deep connections with their mothers, so that makes sense as a reason not to come out. Is he the oldest or only male? That would amplify the connection and the risk. I'm glad he's eager to return and you are too. Though, why the continued performative objectifying? You know he doesn't like it and yet you intentionally objectified and bragged to a coworker about him? Please consider the implications and impact of your actions and words.
  17. LivingnLA


    Therapy isn't a perfect solution. It requires a degree of emotional awareness and openness that isn't for everyone. For "machismo silent types" therapy may never be effective or even welcome. Instead, what can work is modeling behavior so work toward exposing him to "real men" who are empathic, aware, and emotionally intelligent.
  18. That's suggestive of shame, guilt, or other negative emotions. I'm only speculating and not going to extensively publicly analysze someone I've never met who hasn't asked for such feedback. I suggest you remain chill and relaxed. No judgement. Just a quietly supportive safe space. To be frank, this kink may never be "fun" for him outside of the scene. It may be deeply enmeshed in some formative negative emotions and experiences that he's working through or perhaps wanting to relive for various reasons. On a positive front, he may be exploring this kink to try and unpack his experiences to learn from them and grow. Either way, be empathic, compassionate, and have fun! Being a Dominant means many things and can be alot of fun and responsibility.
  19. LivingnLA


    @Unicorn, I strongly urge you to talk this through with a professional therapist or a close thoughtful friend. Because of how y'all met, there is a clear power dynamic but it seems like you're unaware or unwilling to acknowledge it because it cheapens or invalidates the relationship in your mind. Perhaps I'm completely misreading everything, but it feels as though you're anxious and worried about it being real or him leaving you because he's so smart and attractive. As a result, you're objectifying him in ways that create tension and possible resentment on his part. Welcome to relationships! All relationships have give and take, power dynamics, objectification, authenticity, and more. They're complicated and messy and wonderful. Is it possible he's completely lying and acting? Yes, it's possible. But, given how much time you spend together, he'd have to be sociopathic or psychopathic to pull it off without you being aware unless you're actively self-deceiving and in denial. Nobody likes to be objectified (reduced to their attributes). We do love being acknowledged for the ways we excel, but once we are friends/intimate with someone, we expect more from people and begin to resent shallow compliments. I understand you are strongly attracted to him and you want to spend the rest of your life with him, but you need some perspective. You need to seriously look at how you're thinking and talking about him and your relationship. What about him makes your heart beat faster? Really listen to yourself and how you think about him. Imagine what happens when he's "old" or god-forbid in a terrible accident. Will you still want him around? Be honest with yourself. Successful relationships require communication and a degree of honesty. The "being out" issue could destroy the relationship if the two of you don't work through it together. I gather he comes from a conservative family from a machismo culture. If you continue to push him about it, he will resent you and you will resent him. Your journey is not his and his is not yours. If you truly love him the way you claim, talk to him! Find out his fears and why he's hesitant. See if there's a way you can talk about them to help him grow and develop to a point where he decides on his own to come out. I urge communication but recognize that men from conservative machismo cultures frequently tend to be unable to articulate their emotions and thoughts in clear mature ways. Perhaps consider therapy? If he's open to it, this might help him to develop the emotional intelligence and skills to even communicate and think about these issues in a mature way and understand why they mean so much to you. I'm sorry if I seem harsh. I'm trying to cut through some things because right now you are actively possibly sabotaging the relationship in a couple ways and I want you to be aware before it's too late.
  20. @BasketBaller, must you make grown men cry across the country and around the world?! You fiend! I was 99.9999% sure it would go like this and I am very happy and thrilled for you. You're a damn good man and you've raised three damn good men. You and your family will be just fine as this new chapter begins for you. I'm sure they will "put you to shame" if they go to your basketball game, but mostly because many of the other players will be distracted by the sheer overwhelming hotness of you and your fine family. Pick skins. I hope 2019 is a wonderful and fantastic year for you. I look forward to you experiencing the family dinner when you introduce your new love interest, whoever it may be, to these insightful and engaging men.
  21. @Keith30309, the psychology of kinks gets very complicated very quickly. There are multiple clusters of emotions, issues, and experiences that contribute to people's BDSM interests. Masculinity, vulnerability, and many positive and negative emotions/experiences tend to be involved in life-threatening kinks like gut punching (GP). Nipple and CBT don't necessarily go with GP because they're more explicitly erotic/sexual, but it really depends on your playmate and his interests. Regarding what "goes" with GP, ask your playmate what floats his boat. His GP fantasies could involve restraints or might not. It depends on what drives his interest. Some guys get into GP because they get off on being "beaten" by big strong person. Or perhaps it's enmeshed in an abusive childhood where physical abuse was conflated with love/interest/attention. The possibilities are varied and really depends on the specific person and their life experiences. Communication is key. Does he fantasize that he's "valiantly fighting a losing battle?" Does he fantasize about being a "tough guy who can take a beat down and still survive?" What motivates him? Here are some interesting links that might be useful: http://www.wrestlingarsenal.net/wordpress/?p=29895 This guy has a ton of content exploring his interests and he seems pretty thoughtful when he's talking about his kinks and interests. Much of the content has a cost, but there's some free stuff here and there. https://homoabnormative.com/ I encourage you to look at the meet fighters forum. I bet there are people on that forum who can provide their opinions about the GP kink. https://www.meetfighters.com/ https://www.meetfighters.com/groups/Navel_TortureFetish https://www.meetfighters.com/groups/UK_Gut_Punching
  22. Dextrose is used in salt to prevent the potassium iodide from oxidizing. If you don't want it in your salt, then don't buy iodized salt. If you don't eat iodized salt, make sure to get your iodine elsewhere. http://www.wholelifeeating.com/2012/05/morton-iodized-salt-whats-in-it/
  23. I would suggest a chill conversation with him. We can only speculate on his interests and motivations. It could be he's curious or there's something about you that's intriguing. Physiologically, men frequently are horny in the morning. But, if he has a busy schedule right after, he might not be open to more at that time. If that's the case, perhaps a session at the end of his day, but keep in mind that he might be tired during such a sessions.
  24. Cheers to you for being open to exploring this man and his kink. I have some ideas about the emotional/psychological aspects, but it's all idle speculation. I wish you much fun in your journey.
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