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Everything posted by LivingnLA

  1. Thank you for sharing some of your experienes @latbear4blk. Yes, I understand I was grossly generalizing and that's always risky, so I appreciate you pointing that out.
  2. Here's an interesting ethnographic paper about a Brazilian fishing village. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/225670702_Fishermen_Masculinity_and_sexuality_in_a_Brazilian_fishing_community A paper about a big study of youth, gender, & sexual practices in Brazil: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0102-71822013000500005 Another paper about "down low" men: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2597583/
  3. It's possible "machismo" plays a role in Mediterranean, Middle East, and Central/South American straight men who have sex with men. The "Active" role is seen as masculine and Dominant so it's completely okay for a straight man to be serviced by a passive/bottom. Or it could be the "ease" of obtaining sexual pleasure with another man without any "drama" or attachments. There are multiple possibilities. I would love to hear opinions and experiences from someone like @latbear4blk who grew up in such a culture. Though, it's difficult to generalize, it's always worth hearing personal experiences. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/sex-life-the-american-male/201507/straight-men-who-have-sex-other-men-in-their-own-words https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3467943/ https://www.thecut.com/2017/02/how-straight-men-explain-their-same-sex-encounters.html https://www.thecut.com/2016/12/why-straight-rural-men-have-gay-bud-sex-with-each-other.html https://www.indy100.com/article/straight-men-sex-with-sexuality-gay-bisexual-straight-labels-research-7874916
  4. He's been covered on the forum before. Here are the relevant links: https://m4m-forum.org/threads/brian-in-hi-play-your-body-like-a-cello.127380/ https://m4m-forum.org/threads/new-masseur-listing-brian-in-long-beach.138196/
  5. Here are some useful wikipedia pages to start understanding modern knowledge about human sexuality: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_sexuality https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_sexual_activity https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexual_orientation https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biology_and_sexual_orientation https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Environment_and_sexual_orientation https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bisexuality https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Klein_Sexual_Orientation_Grid It's entirely possible to be "straight" and engage in homosexual/same-sex sexual activity. They seem to be completely independent psychodynamic aspects of human sexuality that are frequently interrelated.
  6. I would say, "it depends" because I have no idea about the patient's specific case. There are genetic factors to consider, various illnesses and environmental factors. But, as I have said repeatedly in this thread, moderation matters. Diversity, variety, and quality of food matters. Generally speaking, processed "food" is a less healthy choice, but the specifics of the patient's life come into play too.
  7. Yup, which is why I said that when I said the only time calories matter is with regard to weight gain/loss/management. Beyond that, diversity and variety of vegetables and fruits are beneficial. Further, if you're a committed Vegan, that lifestyle implicitly includes calorie management if it's based on raw fruits and vegetables simply because calorie concentration is lower in natural raw foods. I would challenge the young man's "religion about eating right" because it sounds like he's eating far too much of the wrong foods.
  8. He would, until he had another major health problem caused by eating so terribly. His gut microbiome would be horrifically damaged. His cardiovascular health would probably decline substantially. It's possible to eat relatively well at McDonalds as this story shows, but he wasn't eating hamburgers, let alone Big Macs. This woman nearly died because she only ate chicken nuggets is the more likely scenario for someone who only ate Big Macs.
  9. Raw fruits are absolutely beneficial. The research is substantial for the benefits of "real natural food." I'm not talking about fruit juices or anything processed. I'm talking about 100% all natural fruits. Our bodies are not calorie counters. A calorie is a calorie in a thermodynamic sense but research continues to hammer home: the "packaging" (how it's cooked or not, eaten whole, etc.) of that calorie matters far more than the number of calories in many cases. The only time counting calories really matter is when losing or gaining weight. Otherwise, it's not a critical aspect of nutrition. The "total package" is much more important. Moderation matters in all aspects of life. So do diversity and variety. Eat many vegetables and fruits every day. And that means all of the fruit or vegetable that's edible. Don't just juice it. https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/what-should-you-eat/vegetables-and-fruits/ https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/raw-veggies-are-healthier/ https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/895545 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3649719/ https://www.cdc.gov/healthyweight/healthy_eating/fruits_vegetables.html
  10. Entropy wins in the end. Nothing escapes it. Sugar is indeed a very serious issue and I'm glad awareness about it continues to grow. It's the modern day cigarette. Hopefully, 50 years from now, we will have sugar much more under control than we currently do because the amount of suffering created and the hundreds of billions wasted every year are outrageous and unsustainable.
  11. Yes! You've been a naughty disgrace. It's okay though, Daddy loves you and will help you let go of your guilt and shame. Thanks for the update. It's always wonderful to hear from you. Happy holiday!
  12. History is history and shouldn't be erased. Clear linkages should be made between the original and this thread so that anyone researching would see the historical record. Deleting history only dooms people to repeat it.
  13. Oh and regarding the gargling claim, sorry I forgot to address it above. That's a very old claim from the original creator of Listerine. https://www.forbes.com/sites/tarahaelle/2016/12/21/got-gonorrhoea-try-gargling-with-listerine-no-really/#1657d2f37930 A very small study found that the original claim (gargling with Listerine cured gonorrhea) was false, duh! But, another very small study found gargling for 1 minute as far back in the throat as possible with Listerine (or a chemically identical generic) alcohol-based mouthwash reduced gonorrhea transmission. In other words, a responsible cocksucker, would gargle for 1 minute as deeply as possible with undiluted Listerine alcohol-based mouthwash before and after performing oral sex to reduce the chances of spreading gonorrhea.
  14. http://publichealth.lacounty.gov/dhsp/STDClinics.htm California's public clinics do comprehensive testing.
  15. @Yeahman, use common sense. Talk to the guy enough to get a sense of how he views safety. Does he get tested regularly? Does he get sucked off frequently by different guys? STDs are a matter of probabilities. MSM (Men who have Sex with Men) are a high risk category for pretty much every known STD. So, you're already playing with fire. Having said that, some mitigating circumstances: NOTE: Some of these are controversial and may fire up some forum members. *wearing flameproof jockstrap* 1. When was he last tested? Comprehensively, not just a lame urine/blood screen. Frequency is key. A sexually active adult male in a developed nation should be tested at least annually. The frequency depends on risk factors. Personally, I get tested every 6 months even though I am very careful. People on PrEP are supposed to test every 3 months. Reputable porn stars are tested monthly or more depending on the studio. 2. How often does he engage in high risk behavior? MSM is a high risk activity. Escorting is a high risk activity. Sex without condoms is a medium to high risk activity. Is he being sucked off weekly by a different person? That's a high risk activity. Does he go to bathhouses, sex clubs, or cruise adult bookstores? Those are all high risk activities. Is he fucking "anon on all fours door unlocked" guys? That's a very high risk activity. 3. Does he have his vaccinations? How aware of the risks is he? 4. Certain geographic areas have much higher risks than others for one or more STDs. Certain demographic groups have significantly higher rates of infection for some STDs. Know your risks. 5. Know your body well. Know what various STDs look like and also that most men are asymptomatic (no symptoms) for most STDs. So, if you're sucking a cock, did you look at it before you swallowed it? Any marks on it? Does it smell funky? Is there puss when you squeeze it? These help you identify likely infections, but recognize most men have no external symptoms when they're infected. 6. If you're going to suck cock without a condom, you are playing the odds and will possibly get one or more STDs during your cock-sucking career. If you feel like you have a scratchy throat more than 4 days after deep throating a guy, you may want to go to your doctor. Keep in mind though, that STD tests don't have great success detecting infections so early. Typically, the rule of thumb is at least 7 days and more likely 14-21 days following the date of infection. HIV and HSV though require a month or more before even the best tests might reliably discover an infection. Educate yourself. Know the false positive and false negative rates for STD testing. 7. Lastly, I would encourage you to educate yourself on the demographic & geographic high risk areas and avoid ever having unprotected sexual contact with anyone within those groups without a high degree of trust and confidence in them and their safer sex practices. Yes, this is a lot to consider and I get how difficult it is sometimes. But, we are all adults and it's our job to decide how we want to live and do so as responsibly as possible. If you're a single man, your risk profile looks different than if you're a married man who still has sex with his spouse. I am in the latter group, so I take my safety pretty damn seriously because it would personally devastate me if I ever brought something home. Know yourself. Know your risks. Live accordingly.
  16. https://arstechnica.com/science/2018/11/new-drug-shows-promise-in-treating-gonorrhea-in-early-trials/ It looks like we might have a new drug for treating even resistant gonorrhea in the rectum and genitals, but not the throat. If you are not 100% sure you are playing with someone who's regularly tested and free of STDs, use condoms.
  17. As I have posted many times on the forum over the years, unprotected oral sex is risky for everyone involved. All the big STDs (chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, HIV, HPV, & HSV) are transmittable via unprotected oral and anal sex. The probability varies, but all--except HIV--are easily shared via unprotected oral sex. @adventurous old guy, yes it's easy for a guy receiving a BJ to catch chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, HPV, & HSV from unprotected oral sex. The problem with STD colonies in the throat or rectum are that they're usually asymptomatic for years, except for a sore or scratchy throat or possibly an itchy ass. I suspect these are frequently misdiagnosed. If you are not very aware of how your body feels and regularly tested, you could be a carrier and sharer of one or more STDs for years. Also, remember, chlamydia and gonorrhea are becoming highly resistant to all know treatments. If you catch one of the resistant strains, treating it could be very difficult. When going for STD testing, throat and rectum swabs are basic best practice in addition to blood & urine tests for anyone having unprotected oral or anal sex.
  18. You'd think so, but I'm continually surprised by how uncommon common sense actually is in most people.
  19. If you're going to get into gut punching, do your homework on human anatomy and only play with a sub who understands the importance of tensing enough musculature to be able to take the hit. You can do serious damage to someone, even fatal damage, if you rupture something with a full on gut punch. The sub must be aware of when the punch is incoming so they can tense, so plan your play session accordingly. As with all BDSM activities, the Dom is responsible for creating and controlling a safe session. There's a guy on XT who's into gut punching and shares some vids. He seems pretty responsible. https://www.xtube.com/profile/rolandmeier-28068112#videos
  20. You never met with him months ago? The repeated name changes make me wonder. Maybe he's super cautious or something.
  21. It all depends on their life experiences. There's no reason "some kind of mental/emotional difficulty" needs to exist for a heterosexual man to recognize how much money can be made on the side by being a professional escort with men. It's just common sense if you're born with the body and raised with an open mind. If there is a market for it, I'm sure there are plenty of gay escorts who would see women clients. Human sexuality is not as limited or constrained as so many in this thread seem to believe.
  22. I've met assholes in all walks of life and of all genders or sexual orientations. I do my best not to stereotype groups of people based on the actions of one person. Thank you for sharing this experience. I've come very close to booking with Reese, but scheduling has been challenging. Now, I won't bother trying anymore. I do my best not to support assholes. It appears success has gone to his head.
  23. Is he the former porn star Zane Porter or a guy who looks a lot like him? I'm curious about him. He has a great skater or surfer look. His hairy body is very hot.
  24. I have not tried him and @MikeBiDude is right. Oh great and mighty @Guy Fawkes! When you have time, would you mind moving this thread to The Spa sub-forum? Thank you!
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