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Everything posted by LivingnLA

  1. I don't fault the former employee. He was off-duty and likely smitten by a tall hot guy hitting on him. He was naive and trusted the big bad porn star who wanted to join the mile high club. The jerk here is Austin Wolf who recorded the session and posted it, both apparently without the consent or knowledge of the young man who was just fired because of Austin Wolf's need to brag online. It would've been trivial for Austin to edit the video to protect the young guy, but he didn't even give enough of a fuck to do that. Everyone here who is attacking or criticizing the victim needs to look in the mirror and wake the F up. Yes, the young man made some tragic errors, but we're all human and make mistakes. The asshole in this situation is Austin Wolf, who violated that young man's trust, didn't bother to protect his identity, destroyed his new job, and possibly tainted his career. Let's hope he also didn't expose the kid to anything else during the unprotected oral and anal sex.
  2. That's in a healthy weight range for a male who's 5'7", but does seem suspect for a man who's that muscular. Either he's an inch or two shorter or he's 10-20lbs heavier. But, that kind of variance is well within the online fibbing most escorts and clients seem to do.
  3. https://rentmen.eu/HungWarren His ad is fairly new and pretty limited, but I checked in the forum and didn't find a thread so I thought I would ask about him. I'm curious, but always cautious with such limited profiles.
  4. I haven't looked at the private pics, but those look like a fairly well known fitness model who I've seen around LA. I'm talking about the real model in my real life. I have no idea if this RM profile is really him. His instagram and website don't mention if he's traveling, so who knows. Someone needs to meet him and find out. Whatever you do, please be considerate of the fact that he's a fairly known fitness model. He likely wants to be and remain discreet and keep this sidejob discrete from his real job.
  5. Only in a patriarchal mindset based on the original uses of the term going back a few centuries. Over the last fifty years or so, males absolutely can fit the definition of slut. It's used frequently playfully in the gay subculture and in heteronormative culture, males are frequently lauded for it because "real men have many notches in their belt."
  6. Just report them to management if they're denying you access to facilities you paid for. They aren't "alphas." They're whiny entitled bullies who are acting like they're in high school again. They need to grow up.
  7. Great point! http://www.tennlegal.com/files/430/File/Statistics_of_Ethical_Violations.pdf This data is ancient--from 1999--but it's what I found and it shows the APA back then had less than 0.10% of its members even being accused of ethical violations. Assuming that few victims report, let's say the reality is at least double: 0.20%. Based on the linked data, 29% of the reported ethical accusations involved sexual misconduct with an adult. So, 0.20% * 29% = 0.058%.
  8. Good question. The source material doesn't specify a gender. Perhaps he's being inclusive since her includes he too? Those of us who try to use minimally sexist English tend toward "her" or "them," which is generally preferred now in gender-neutral writing. I really wish English had non-gendered pronouns.
  9. @Drained Empty, forgive me for being forward, but you have every right to be there too. I haven't been to any spas up in LA, but down here in OC, if the cruising gets excessive, the spas will shut it down and even call the cops sometimes. I'm a middle-aged mixed race dad bod kind of guy. But, I don't give a shit if some stuckup cruiser "walks out" after I walk in. I don't go to a spa to cruise, I go to relax, my money is as good as theirs, and they're the ones breaking the law and violating basic civil norms. I'm not a dick or a narc, but if a guy tries to hassle me because he wants to only be around hotties, he can fuck right off to a bathhouse. I sympathize with your experiences. There are plenty of racist lookist and ageist gay or closeted gay/bi/curious/straight/whatever guys around SoCal. But, stand up for yourself dude. You're a human being. You have every right to be there too.
  10. Would you mind sharing sources for your numbers? I believe current CDC odds for an anal receptive partner contracting HIV is 1.38%, more than double your number. As I recall, condom failure is in the 2% range for most brands, but that assumes it was stored perfectly and handled properly. This article touches on many of the ways condoms fail or are mishandled because people don't use them properly. "Between 0.8 percent and 40.7 percent of participants had experienced a condom break, and between 13.1 percent and 19.3 percent had one leak, depending on the study. Improper condom use, including the wrong kind of lubricant or storage, can contribute to these problems. For instance, oil-based lubricants will degrade latex condoms." Demographics play a roll because different groups have different infection rates--especially for other STDs--and different education about safer sex and condom use. There are far more factors to consider when thinking about safety. If you're on PrEP and regularly use good condoms properly, you're doing your part to practice the safest sex we currently know how to have with another person. Life contains risk. There's no way to eliminate risk. All we can do is minimize it and what you're describing (good condom used properly, consistent PrEP use, and asking a top to climax in a condom while fucking) all seem reasonable to me.
  11. Yup. https://www.uexpress.com/dearabby/2018/10/14/mom-is-flustered-to-find-her Abby's advice is spot on. That therapist is highly unprofessional and should be reported to any professional association he belongs to because he's violating professional ethics.
  12. Sorry I missed this awhile ago. I don't have the link anymore. I found it doing an image search. His images are all over. He's a model and fitness guy who's known in some circles.
  13. His location is different now. He's not quite an insane commute for me now. Has anyone tried this guy? Any feedback?
  14. That's an amazing amount of work. I wonder if it's under the underwear too.
  15. Since google scans everything and analyzes it for advertising, transcription, and more, it makes sense that they'd delete any obvious ToS violations since they don't want to be fined or held liable if the long arm of the law catches up with that GV user.
  16. It would take many pages to unpack everything going into the very complicated cluster of issues surrounding the rise in "nudity sensitivity" among American men under 40, though there are some veins of these issues in all Western cultures nowadays. It's the result of the highly managed parenting done by Boomers and GenX. It's the result of the Sexual Revolution & Gay Rights succeeding in raising the awareness of Objectification, Youth Worship, and other powerful ideas. Add all of that to the growing awareness of just how prevalent sexual abuse, assault, and harassment are in the USA coupled with decades of "child predator" scares. All of that overlaid on the general hum of anxiety and worry most millennials experience given "terrorism" and massive inequality along with the end of the "American Dream" for many and it's no surprise how millennial men aren't big on "public nudity" but are fine with "private nudity." https://www.nytimes.com/2015/12/04/fashion/mens-style/mens-locker-room-designers-take-pity-on-naked-millennials.html https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2016/05/26/the-stark-difference-between-millennial-men-and-their-dads/ https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2018/09/07/study-two-thirds-millenials-sleep-nude/1225852002/ https://www.sfgate.com/weird/article/Old-nudists-boomers-naturists-millennials-7423088.php https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/mar/15/millennials-anxiety-generation-y-housing-careers [MEDIA=reddit]nudism/comments/6io627[/MEDIA]
  17. I'm more into Robert Yang's experimental games when discussing queer-themed gaming, but these youtube guided narratives can be useful, especially for younger people as they mature and explore the complexities of human existence. https://radiatoryang.itch.io/
  18. Facts matter. Definitions matter. Language matters. We all have opinions and just like assholes, they stink sometimes. Educated adults with strong critical-thinking should be open-minded and careful in our language use. I'm guilty of sloppy or lazy language use sometimes. English is a pain in the ass because of the rapid casual use of so many words that still have context-specific technical meanings. http://changingminds.org/explanations/behaviors/habit/habit_compulsion_addiction.htm https://www.verywellmind.com/the-difference-between-an-addiction-and-a-compulsion-22240 As I said to @Zapped above, if using the term "addiction" is helpful for him, great! But, that doesn't change reality or the fact that sound reliable research does not currently support the existence of "sex addiction." We'll see how the research goes over the coming decades because this is not settled, but based on what I know, my money is on it being a compulsive disorder. The WHO even recently added a "Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder" to the ICD-11 earlier this year. https://www.businessinsider.com/sex-addiction-vs-compulsive-sexual-behavior-disorder-2018-7
  19. I'm fairly well versed in the on-going debate. I'm glad it's working for you. Just because there isn't solid research around something doesn't mean it can't be useful or helpful so long as it isn't taken as gospel or a settled scientific Theory. Humans are complex animals and our sexuality is fiendishly complex, so it will be many decades even a century or two before we understand it fully, if we ever do. https://melmagazine.com/trust-a-scientist-sex-addiction-is-a-myth-76014c4b14eb Perhaps it's a question of physical vs. psychological addiction. "Sex addiction" has no currently reliably observed physiological markers, tendencies toward tolerance/dependence, or withdrawal as compared to addictions like alcoholism, opiods, gambling, etc. https://www.addiction.com/expert-blogs/sex-addiction-dsm-5-2/ https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/263750.php I'm in the "sex compulsion" or "hypersexuality" camp not the "sex addiction" camp. I'm not minimizing it as an issue for some people, but using the term "addiction" is inappropriate given what we currently know.
  20. I didn't say it was comprehensive or included every physiological factor. That's why I mentioned check-ups, blood-work, etc. first. Anti-depression meds are well known for causing ED for a sizable percent of the population. I'm sorry they were a major factor for you. I hope you were able to work with your doc to find a suitable substitute. https://www.healthline.com/health/erectile-dysfunction/antidepressant-sexual-side-effects#medications
  21. I strongly prioritize therapeutic skill and knowledge over everything else. I've had my share of "surprises" with therapeutic only providers and I don't share details here, even in PM. Many of those "surprises" are strongly based on personalities, chemistry, and just "the moment." I believe it's unfair to the provider to publicly or privately broadcast details because it creates false expectations.
  22. The idea of an addiction to sex is definitely still open for debate. There are many reasons why it isn't in the DSM-5. The lack of research, the lack of agreement on symptoms, and the lack of certain sex/gender/culture markers all lead to the likely possibility that "sex addiction" doesn't exist and is a cultural construct to excuse cheaters, who are predominately men in hetero-normative patriarchal societies with monogamous expectations. The AAC talks about it like it's a real thing: https://www.psychguides.com/guides/sex-addiction-symptoms-causes-and-effects/ https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/philosophy-stirred-not-shaken/201405/is-sex-addiction-real http://www.slate.com/articles/double_x/doublex/2013/07/sex_addiction_study_ucla_researchers_find_that_sex_and_porn_might_not_actually.html A decent overview article from last year about the ongoing debate: http://time.com/5016058/sex-addiction/
  23. He's too far away for me to try out, but I'm certainly curious! Is he @FrequentMassageGetter's type? Maybe he has experience or an upcoming review with this guy.
  24. I'm not dismissing the physical factors that may be contributing to what you're experiencing. I'm all for current blood work, a physical, and a check-up to rule out biological factors. Take a look at your diet, exercise, weight, and more. But, I want to also touch on the the psychological factors: stress and over-training. If you have trained yourself to cum when your penis is held very firmly, then anything other than very firm may not be stimulating. Even worse, the stress and associated anxiety, fear, and worry with "not performing" create a self-reinforcing psychological habit that discourages cumming or as it progresses even maintaining an erection. The over-training issue and psychological ED both fall under Male Orgasmic Disorder. https://www.allaboutcounseling.com/library/male-orgasmic-disorder/ If you have trained your body to cum only with very firm grips, it will take practice and time to retrain for variability again. Plus, you'll want to work through the associated psychological issues related to performance anxiety, fear, etc. You can do all of this though! Awareness, patience, compassion, and persistence will help. Good luck!
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