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Everything posted by LivingnLA

  1. Are you talking about excessive habit formation associated with orgasm? It's fairly common--especially with the easy access to porn today--for humans to essentially "train" themselves to only be able to cum from very specific stimulation/environmental cues. It's a pretty significant problem for some people and takes patience, compassion, and time to unlearn. There are other factors to consider too, medications, age, hormone levels, etc. https://www.askmen.com/dating/love_tip_100/107_love_tip.html
  2. Generally speaking, it's the width not the length. Our mouth opens only so far and our jaw can get "stuck" if kept maximally open too long or even dislocate. Neither of which are fun in any way, so learn the limits and enjoy having fun within them. Anal is a bit different, I've written about it in many other threads. Length concerns matter after roughly 6-7" of penetration length because the top needs to know how it feels to penetrate into the sigmoid colon and how to help a bottom relax and take the time for their rectum and colon to "line up." Width can also be an issue depending on the overall physiology of the bottom and a massively gifted top. The anal sphincter can relax to accommodate substantial thickness, but it isn't easy to learn or relax that much without significant practice, skill, and patience. You really don't want to rush/force this activity either unless you want to risk serious injury and long-term consequences.
  3. Yes, lube can help you, but know your anatomical/physical limits. You really don't want to dislocate your jaw or develop frozen jaw (aka, lockjaw) trying to take a cock that's too thick for you.
  4. I'm in agreement with @FTM Zachary Prince, but I do encourage safer sex. If you're going to "blow a lot of different guys" to learn, please use condoms. Yes, I know they don't taste great--this is where flavored lube can be useful--but a little condom taste is much better than catching any of the many easily transmittable STDs/STIs that are out there, especially as treatment-resistant strains keep spreading.
  5. Lubes are generally safe for oral sex. Please check the bottle if he's using some exotic special lube to make sure it's safe. If you're worried, use something like coconut or olive oil. They're completely safe unless you or the top are allergic to them. If you have a favorite flavor, there are many different flavored lubes that might help you learn to enjoy cock sucking. Here's a useful site for some ideas: http://www.holisticwisdom.com/flavored-lubricants.htm I enjoy sucking cock with or without lube, though I like my top to be freshly showered or clean sweaty. I'm not a fan of intense funk. If a guy says he likes it wet and sloppy, I make sure not to swallow my spit or the precum he produces as a I work. Instead, I let it fill my mouth, slide down his shaft, and generally make a mess.
  6. I haven't sucked hundreds of guys, but over the years I've explored this interest, I've noticed that each guy is pretty unique. Some guys love hard suction. Some like soft licks. A few guys really like a "soft" suction. Some like making you gag. Some enjoy facefucking. Some want to see your eyes or watch as their dick penetrates your mouth. Some don't want to look at your at all. Some like wet sloppy head and others want it fast and rough. If you want to become a better cocksucker, learn to be a better observer. Learn to tell when a guy is excited and when he isn't. If you want, ask your top for tips, coaching, or advice, but understand that once you become a master cocksucker for that top, you will have to repeat the process for the next top. All that changes, is you'll get better and better and faster at observing what works for the guy you're sucking at the time. I agree with [uSER=12155]@Dominiking[/uSER], enthusiasm is a big factor because many people suck cock like it's an obligation. To me, it's a privilege or honor. A guy is allowing you to touch the most sensitive part of his body and place it in your mouth, which is dangerous, teeth are sharp after all.
  7. If the escort is an expert top, you'd be in good hands. Clean yourself well, be patient, don't be afraid, and enjoy. But, if he isn't, I think you're smart to work your way up to that size. Practice safer sex, condoms and lube are your friends, and have fun!
  8. That's getting into advanced territory. Besides your fingers, have you used dildos? I strongly encourage you to consider carefully what you're about to do, because there are physical health risks if the top isn't patient and skilled. See some other threads and posts for useful advice. https://m4m-forum.org/threads/clients-learning-to-bottom.135459/page-2#post-1494304 https://m4m-forum.org/threads/pain-in-anal.127615/#post-1343923 About douching to clean yourself... https://m4m-forum.org/threads/douche-too-often.127943/#post-1351077 If you have time (at least 3-4 hours to prepare), I vastly prefer glycerin suppositories for gentle cleaning. They don't seem to irritate the delicate tissues and after at least 2 rounds, I'm ready to go. 3 or 4 rounds are only for long powerfucking sessions or very big tops. At least, that's my personal experience, though I eat a good amount of fiber and a balanced diet every day.
  9. Thanks for the support! Feel free to share any of these links if they're useful. We need to keep educating people. 1. Men who have sex with men are a high-risk category for all STDs/STIs. 2. Men of color and poor men are high-risk categories as well. 3. Oral sex without a condom is a great way to catch every known STD/STI except HIV. 4. PrEP only protects against HIV and there are already PrEP resistant strains of HIV in the general population. 5. There are now highly-resistant strains of the major STDs/STIs in the general population. Life is always about risk and that includes sex. There is no such thing as 100% safe sex when another person is involved in some way. All we can do is educate ourselves, weigh the risks, and make decisions about how we want to live. I enjoy swallowing cum, so oral sex without a condom is a risk I take. I mitigate that risk by being very careful about who I have unprotected oral sex with to minimize my probability of exposure. I get comprehensively tested regularly and I have my shots.
  10. I'm hoping you're just using the word in a fun forum way and not in a creepy sexual harassment/assault kind of way. Date rape is a very real thing. Getting him drunk and having sex is sexual assault.
  11. For the 4th year in a row, we have seen new record high infection rates for chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis in the USA. We have the highest rates of infection of any industrialized nation. We're #1! https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2018/08/28/642664883/record-high-number-of-std-infections-in-u-s-as-prevention-funding-declines
  12. As with all things, your mileage may vary. He's human and will respond differently to different people. The last time I met him was well over half a year ago. He's moved around quite a bit. I hope he's settled and in a good place because he seemed like a nice guy when I met him. As I said, the massage was ok, his body was nice, so was he, and I thought it was worth the cost. But, I haven't been back or have an interest in a repeat.
  13. I've seen Carson. He's a very nice guy. His massage skills are amateur but solidly above average. His personality is relaxed and sexy. His body is incredible. His dedication to his body is impressive, remarkable even. He has clear limits, please respect them because he's a great guy! I'll probably write a full review on Dad's other site.
  14. https://nypost.com/2018/08/15/muscular-model-allegedly-tried-to-kill-roommate-over-sexual-advances/ And since this thread is in The Gallery, here are a couple of early pics from Tracy's Instagram. Scanning his comments and posts, he sounds fairly thoughtful and rational for a guy his age in the industry he was pursuing.
  15. Apparently Kanczes also was trying to drug Tracy, presumbly to molest him while he was unconscious. http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/nyc-crime/ny-metro-california-bodybuilder-stabs-man-20180815-story.html It also appears "friends" of Kanczes found Tracy via his Instagram account and "lured" him to NYC with promises of his own place and money. This is sounding more and more like some kind of human trafficking or kidnapping attempt with sexual assault/abuse gone very wrong.
  16. Well, we may never know Tracy's dreams beyond trying to make money to model and bodybuild. He might love modern art, sadly this situation likely means he'll be spending time in prison and that will essentially ruin his life given how our society treats felons. I hope he's able to learn from this, get off the "supplements," and make some kind of healthy life for himself. The same goes for Kanczes.
  17. Yes, but, SA is explicit about what it's after. From Tracy's story, he was seduced by Kanczes with empty promises of easy money. We don't know where or how they met beyond it being "online." It's easy to imagine Kanczes checking out craigslist when it was still around and finding a posting in California for a guy he was into. Tracy was clearly naive, desperate, or a combination of the two. Both of them are victims and bad guys, though Tracy went too far, likely because of lack of sleep and probably other chemical/hormonal "supplements."
  18. For me, the entire hour is interactive, but a significant chunk of it is verbally interactive. At least, that's my client perspective and probably just my personality quirk. Foreplay for me is communication and making some connection, however limited. That's also probably why I don't typically do 1-hour sessions. It's not enough time for me.
  19. @CarolinaRen, welcome to the forum! 1. You screwed up the time. Did he text to ask you if you were coming? How did you know you had the wrong time? 2. You arrived 15 minutes late. 3. The massage only lasted 25 minutes before the masseur ended it? 4. You paid and left. Did you express disappointment on not getting the full 40 minutes that remained of the hour after your tardiness. It was unprofessional of the guy to express frustration with you about his prior client. That's not your fault. Expressing some frustration with you about your tardiness is completely appropriate, especially if he books back-to-back clients. But, he should've provided you with the full remaining time you paid for, assuming you paid the agreed upon one-hour rate. I've noticed that some providers who also provide an HE frequently end the sessions if the HE results in "happiness" because their experience is that many clients are "done" once they're happy. I've also run across a few providers who continue working after "happiness" is achieved to provide the total time.
  20. No because it's not a success. He tricked a dude, flew him cross-country to his "dingy" apartment, molested him while he slept, and then tried to escalate it. That's from Tracy's perspective. It'll be interesting to hear what Kanczes has to say if he's alive and tells his side of the story. Regardless, this isn't a successful arrangement.
  21. And if the articles are to be believed, a "sugar daddy" who barely could afford the sugar and seemed to expect more and more without providing more sugar.
  22. It sounds like they're both victims and criminals. Kanczes sounds like he lured Tracy out with promises of easy money and then exploited the fact that Tracy was trapped out there to supposedly molest him in his sleep and escalate to molesting him when he was awake. Tracy definitely overreacted, likely because of a serious lack of sleep, stress, and probably a ton of hormone supplements, if his skin is any indication. I hope justice is done, though I have no idea how it could possibly be in this fucked up situation.
  23. Good luck! I bet high-quality professionals who are familiar with bondage and the human body could create your scenario. I enjoy consensually tying up and edging guys and gals. I haven't done it in a serious or professional way, but I'll never forget the handful of times when I had the privilege of edging someone well enough to result in them temporarily blacking out as they climaxed.
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