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Everything posted by LivingnLA

  1. For a sensual/erotic massage, I use the first two and plenty of research here. I do not hire anymore for any ad if there isn't clearly positive commentary here on the forum and/or good daddy reviews.
  2. You're welcome to do your own research. I've written many threads about human sexuality on this forum. There are decades of research materials into this topic. Human sexuality is not even close to as limited as you're attempting to imply. Here are some links to get your started: https://m4m-forum.org/threads/do-you-have-sex-with-both-men-and-women.115359/page-3#post-1113451 https://m4m-forum.org/threads/straight-male-bud-sex.120339/page-2#post-1205182 https://m4m-forum.org/threads/a...ho-isnt-aging-well.127847/page-3#post-1349778 https://m4m-forum.org/threads/a...ho-isnt-aging-well.127847/page-3#post-1349837 https://m4m-forum.org/threads/a...ho-isnt-aging-well.127847/page-3#post-1350225 https://m4m-forum.org/threads/a...ho-isnt-aging-well.127847/page-4#post-1350423
  3. This may be an interesting thread, but I imagine the majority of providers and clients here don't look for "therapeutic massage services." They are more in the sensual/erotic market. I place a great deal of value in a legitimate massage therapist. When I need one, I don't go to any of the sites usually discussed on this forum because the majority of providers on those sites are almost always amateurs. That's not to say amateurs can't provide a good or even great relaxation massage, but they rarely have the knowledge and skills for true therapeutic work. If you're a certified/licensed MT and looking for legitimate therapeutic work, I'd suggest sticking to the professional sites for advertising such services. If you're a private practice, something like a professional instagram to build awareness, maybe a blog, targeted Facebook ads, maybe working for zeel or soothe to build your client list, targeted google ads, etc.
  4. SA isn't for everyone. The site itself is not "cheap" but then neither is this hobby. The most expensive aspect of SA is the time investment because it requires patience and time to communicate with the many possibilities and patience to handle the ones who are only interested in billionaire boyfriends versus those who want to be platonic Ferrari friends and everyone else in between. For me, I've had some great chats. Some wastes of time. I've even met a straight guy who I'm meeting again soon with the right mix of personality, body, and incredibly thick equipment that makes the hours fly by whenever I'm with him.
  5. Calling him a stalker is a big much at this point. He's clearly persistent even pushy, but that could just be he's desperate or doesn't know how to negotiate professionally. If you feel comfortable, you could certainly try to provide constructive feedback. Did you use your real direct mobile number? If so, then blackmail is certainly possible if he decides to post it online and/or use one of the many publicly available services to search for your name, address, etc. associated with the number. If you used a disposable number, like a burner phone or voip number, then you can safely block him and not worry about ever hearing from him again. If it was a real mobile number, was it for work or personal? How exposed are you? You can try continuing to ignore him and hopefully he'll eventually go away. If you do block him, it would be smart to setup an ongoing web search--google alert or one of the many reputation management services--for your mobile number so that you'll know if your number is ever publicly posted and what it's associated with. Good luck!
  6. There are many people who lie abut their status or their testing regime. That's honestly why I'd believe a positive person showing recent test results who reported being undetectable and on PrEP than I would a "married guy" who maybe got an HIV test a year ago. Men who have sex with men are a very high risk category for multiple STDs and STIs, especially in many large cities. As someone who loves sucking cock and swallowing cum, it's become a very challenging environment. I now stick to only guys I've known for a long time. Otherwise, I insist on condoms even for oral sex.
  7. As with all things about human sexuality, there are a diversity of perspectives. Some men do not like receiving oral sex. There are many possible reasons why and they usually stem from negative formative experiences. https://www.glamour.com/story/guy-confess-the-10-donts-of-or All bjs are not created equal. I've had many guys over the years tell me my head was amazing, even when I'd just started sucking cock. I think about it a lot. I experiment. I pay attention to how the guy reacts and learn his preferences. All of us probably have at least one or two stories of a truly bad bj. The kind that actually hurt or maybe even injured you or someone you know. That kind of trauma could definitely turn a guy off from head. https://blogs.webmd.com/sexual-health-sex-matters/2006/09/top-10-reasons-men-dont-want-sex.html Even though I absolutely love to suck cock, I would probably still hire Sean Duran because he looks very hot and I imagine he would provide an incredible time.
  8. PNP seems to be a spectrum. It can mean meth, coke, ecstasy, GHB, LSD, ketamine, etc. That's why if you're going to go with someone who PNPs, get clarity about which drugs they do. Some people even consider cannabis and poppers as PNP drugs.
  9. When I posted that, we didn't have a link to his profile so I was unaware of all the clear recognizable pics on the profile. Now that I've see the profile, you are quite correct. The escort has clearly been "made" and is completely identifiable.
  10. That's why there are appliances with digital controls and pricey lawyers.
  11. Haha. Good catch! I changed it. Precision is for watches.
  12. One of the guys I chatted with was similar to that though he said he might be ok with a hug sometimes if it weren't weird. I told him we weren't a good match. I'm looking forward to spending more time with the straight guy I met who's coming back to town for the holiday. I enjoyed worshiping him last time and I'm sure I'll enjoy this time too.
  13. If you feel the client can maintain discretion as well, then go for it! It's certainly convenient. But, if you're living discreetly and worrying about how you might explain running into him at the pub, then maybe not. To use @MikeBiDude's example above about a hookup, I've hooked up with people in my neighborhood too. One was completely fine and knew how to remain completely discreet when we'd run into each other in public settings. Another guy did not and I had to end things firmly with him. Having sex for money is more complex than a hookup since it's a criminal activity in many places, but the same rules of discretion apply for those of us who cannot be outed. If the client and you are completely out, then there's not really an issue because people will assume you met at the pub, gym, or some other activity. They won't even think about escorting unless the age difference is substantial. Good luck!
  14. I'm sure @TruthBTold and @Just966 must be referring to the fairly large Prince Albert piercing, which could do significant damage if the bottom and top aren't knowledgeable and aware.
  15. Well, if he's only accepting clients he finds hot, he's basically getting some money to hook-up, which he probably does for free when he's horny, so it makes sense.
  16. It all comes down to your senses. You can't trust anything an ad says sometimes. My first hire was with a highly recommended and reviewed guy who was very much my type. He checked all the boxes, including NO PNP, which I even asked him to confirm because I wanted nothing to do with anything like that for my first time. When I arrived, he was amazing in person. We had a couple beers, chatted, headed to the bathroom to clean-up, and I blacked out. I came to about 7 hours later, completely naked, on the bathroom floor, with blood in places that indicated a problem, and an escort who was pissed. I ended up having all of my cash (3x what we'd agreed) guilted out of me and my brand new iPhone was "lost." The lesson? Even if the ad says no PNP and the escort agrees verbally, never ever drink or eat anything you didn't personally watch being made.
  17. Be careful about the "rubber banding them together" because the multiple small batteries and microelectronics in the vape pens all bunched together like that could throw off their scanner and flag your bag for deeper inspection. Precheck is your friend since it generally causes them to assume you're safe even for flags like that.
  18. I've written about human sexuality, sexual orientation, etc. in quite a few posts before. Here are some links to those posts, because I don't want to rewrite all the points again. https://m4m-forum.org/threads/do-you-have-sex-with-both-men-and-women.115359/page-3#post-1113451 https://m4m-forum.org/threads/straight-male-bud-sex.120339/page-2#post-1205182 https://m4m-forum.org/threads/apparently-im-not-the-only-one-who-isnt-aging-well.127847/page-3#post-1349778 https://m4m-forum.org/threads/apparently-im-not-the-only-one-who-isnt-aging-well.127847/page-3#post-1349837 https://m4m-forum.org/threads/apparently-im-not-the-only-one-who-isnt-aging-well.127847/page-3#post-1350225 https://m4m-forum.org/threads/apparently-im-not-the-only-one-who-isnt-aging-well.127847/page-4#post-1350423
  19. I enjoy kpens. They are very portable, reliable, and discreet. There are many cartridge options. My wife loves them too.
  20. Technically, it's possible if we consider dialects as still the same language, like Cantonese & Mandarin are both Chinese dialects. Or American and British English. "Mexican" Spanish vs. Español Spanish.
  21. Who knows if the rumors are true, but supposedly Dr. Mike and Pia broke up awhile ago. He hasn't mentioned her on his usually busy instagram in awhile. https://www.instagram.com/doctor.mike/
  22. We're talking about different things. What you're referring to is the fairly well documented "visually responsive" aspect of human males as compared to females. That doesn't mean males are able to appreciate aesthetics more than females, it just means males are stimulated visually in ways that females don't appear to be as far as we know.
  23. Is this a trollish thread or a serious question? I honestly cannot tell. Our species has men who have sex and procreate with females because it's neccessary for our species' survival. The ratios worked many tens of thousands of years ago when lifespans were much shorter. That's part of one of our many problems now: we have far too many children--far beyond replacement rates--even as more and more resources are consumed per capita. The identity of heterosexuality, like homosexuality and bisexuality, is a culturally constructed concept that is barely 150 years old. If we're going to talk about this topic, it's important to understand cultural context and concept history. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terminology_of_homosexuality I'm going to assume this thread isn't really about diving into complex ideas like sexual orientation, romantic orientation, and sexual activity. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexual_orientation https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romantic_orientation No, as far as we know, there isn't some sex-specific limit on aesthetic appreciation of the human male body or the human female body. It all depends on cultural context, life experiences, and a person's own interests. I presume this is in reference to the often true, "guys suck better" or some such similar "common sense." That isn't some biologic limit. All it means is that male humans have an advantage over women--just as women have over men for female bodies--regarding "what typically feels good" for a body like theirs. Experience easily overcomes that slight advantage. Regarding the "males are more attractive" point made above, that's basic evolutionary biology. In nearly all bird species the male is more colorful than the female. Here's a helpful article that breaks down many of the possible reasons for male birds being so showy. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/why-are-male-birds-more-c/ Regarding the lion comment, male lions aren't the only lions with manes. Some female lions--called lionesses--have manes too. Oh and the mane isn't just decorative though debates continue about why male lions have manes. Here's a fun article about how temperature helps determine how robust a lion's mane might become. http://www.nationalgeographic.com.au/animals/curious-question-why-dont-some-male-lions-have-manes.aspx
  24. I don't douche anymore. It's too annoying to my sensitive tissues and a pain in the butt to do. Instead, I eat plenty of fiber and I use glycerin suppositories spaced an hour or so apart about 1-2 hours before I plan to bottom. It's far easier than douching, doesn't irritate my bum, and cleans me out just fine. The flax lube though may be my next project to see how my skin responds. I definitely know I don't like the lube my top buddy used earlier this week. Maybe coconut oil might be worth trying too.
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