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Everything posted by LivingnLA

  1. That's been about 80% of my experiences with Marines. Army, Navy, & Air Force are more varied.
  2. I was going to say the same thing. Though, I've also met some very smart Marines too.
  3. Through the power of search, I found this thread. Thank you @Wolfer for the idea of flaxseed lube. I just had a very vigorous fun time earlier this week and I'm still feeling it. I wonder if I'm reacting to the lube. I hadn't considered that before. I guess I'll have to try making my own lube.
  4. I probably have a couple shirts still in my closet. lol Maybe that's what it was, but the energy didn't feel safe for me, especially when he was basically hitting me and calling it massage. Not relaxing at all. I'm glad he was a good experience for you. Just goes to show how different people interact differently with each other.
  5. I saw Troy for massage. His massage skills are ok but he relies more on pressure than technique or skill. If the pic he uses is him, it was him when he was younger and not as bulked up. I wasn't able to relax. I think we weren't a good match. The location was fine, quiet, and seemed clean and safe.
  6. I'm sorry that happened to you. It was very inappropriate for your therapist to share his personal experiences from childhood. It was even more inappropriate that he did it in a way that created guilt and associated negative thinking. It sounds like he might've been attempting to create a "role model" or something for you, which is also inappropriate. I hope you have a much better experience with your new therapist.
  7. For a new client, I would think it's very simple, the payment in cash must be out and visible at the start of the session or the provider leaves. I always make sure my payment is visible when a provider arrives and have never had a problem with the provider seeing it, progressing through the session, and then collecting the payment as he departs.
  8. That's another good case to know, especially since it was part of the "gay sex panic" that swept America in the early 60s. Though stuff like this continues even into modern times and even in "liberal" places like California. http://losangeles.cbslocal.com/2012/04/03/18-men-arrested-in-sex-sting-at-manhattan-beach-public-restroom/ Or even police who use unconstitutional laws to still harass men having sex with men. https://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/07/29/louisiana-police-sting-gay-men-anti-sodomy-law_n_3668116.html On a tangential note, the inventive game creator, Robert Yang, created a game inspired by all of this stuff. https://radiatoryang.itch.io/the-tearoom And if you wonder about Yang's choices in Tearoom, thank Twitch. He's regularly banned because of his male nude content. So, Yang tends to respond in funny ways to the censorship. https://www.destructoid.com/this-historical-public-gay-sex-simulator-replaces-penises-with-guns-445808.phtml
  9. Determination goes a long way in every aspect of life.
  10. @tradehunter, I believe your intentional language, grammar, and slang choices contribute to some of the strong reactions. Maybe I misread what you write, but frequently I read an undertone of derision toward "gay guys" when probably the majority of active forum members are gay. Wisdom is a journey that requires a lifetime. I made no comment about your original story because it sounded precisely like something a very rich spoiled person would do if they were bored or horny or whatever. I've seen straight women and men do similarly arrogant and uncivil things before too. Such behavior isn't unique to any sexual orientation. It's more an attitude many rich people have about poorer people. I know Pendleton's history and its current environment. I've lived in Southern California long enough to have my share of experiences with horny Pendleton marines. Indiana? I don't know that situation. I do know of the cop in Missouri though. Are you sure it was Indiana? It sounds identical to the Missouri case. Got a link for Indiana? https://www.riverfronttimes.com/newsblog/2014/06/09/cops-arrest-cop-for-secretly-recording-men-using-restrooms-and-gloryholes-for-porn-site
  11. WhatsApp like more and more apps does a number validation. When you do a lookup, it's easy to determine if the number is being used by a voip service like google voice or textfree or actually a direct mobile number. It's becoming harder and harder to use voip apps as more messaging apps adopt anti-voip tech. That means those of us who need discretion are being forced to return to burner phones.
  12. Lol! People do stupid shit all the time. Researchers?! It's very well known if you know your American military history. The above references are to the Newport, RI Scandal of 1919 when FDR was ASN. John Loughery wrote about it in his great book, THE OTHER SIDE OF SILENCE. Here's a relevant excerpt. https://archive.nytimes.com/www.nytimes.com/books/first/l/loughery-silence.html
  13. https://www.washingtonpost.com/amphtml/politics/trump-say-he-probably-will-support-bill-to-protect-states-that-have-legalized-marijuana/2018/06/08/23fe0884-6b24-11e8-bea7-c8eb28bc52b1_story.html If I had to guess about his motives, it's likely a real estate play. I know investors here in SoCal who have pushed very hard for legalization because they're doing very well with various real estate projects and they want to really scale up. It's land grab time and already rich white people want to get a whole lot richer so they need legalization now.
  14. He's already decided to support legalization because he wants to win reelection in 2020 and knows that will be a hard requirement for anyone to win.
  15. Lol! They want to be the "Apple" of legal marijuana.
  16. Search for strains that are near you. You may have to do some experimentation because I've found different people react differently sometimes. https://www.leafly.com/start-exploring/good-night-sleep You can also use Leafly to search for various medical effects or other filters. https://www.leafly.com/start-exploring I've found them to be very reliable. The hard part sometimes is finding strains that I want at nearby dispensaries, but we have some pretty great places in my area, so I'm usually good.
  17. I know because I know the space a bit from my day job and I recognized him.
  18. I've been curious about him but our schedules haven't lined up because he travels frequently for his day job. He's a well known fitness expert/model/trainer and you know I love well done tattoos. I'll probably meet up with him sometime in the next few months if I can make it work.
  19. Great Dominants are very good at reading people. All those lovely subtle cues our species uses to communicate. The roughly 2/3s of communication that is missing from just text communication. The sounds, breathing, moaning, the way the body moves. Once you are aware and dialed in and know what to look for, it's easy to see when someone is into it and when someone isn't. I learned a great deal about reading people from massage because so many people don't admit when they're in pain. It's usually easy for me to see the micro facial expressions or body movements but I'm still human and misread people sometimes. That's what makes life and social interaction so interesting. The opportunity to learn something new. https://www.apa.org/science/about/psa/2011/05/facial-expressions.aspx https://lifehacker.com/learn-to-read-emotions-by-watching-micro-facial-express-1662764504
  20. @FigureSkater, welcome to the forum! I second the recommendation to review posts by @VictorPowers and also suggest @FTM Zachary Prince because both of them seem to be consummate professionals and have built successful businesses. Some thoughts: 1. As with any branding situation, decide what your "brand" is and what you want it to be about. Since you've grabbed the tag, FigureSkater, that's clearly an athletic/jock presentation. That you're Asian is also part of your brand. The assets you've displayed in your pics are intriguing and could certainly apply to a "jock top" or a "jock bottom" or "versatile jock." It all depends on what you want to be professionally and what you're comfortable doing with clients. 2. Part of any successful business is "finding your niche" and nailing it. In other words, once you find a success brand/niche/kink for yourself, be the best damn version of that that you can be and you'll attract and retain the clients who are into that brand/niche/kink. 3. Even though your communication style plays into your brand--such as Fin Doms who call their clients fags or other derogatory names--it's always important to be on-time and consistent with your communication. There's nothing more frustrating than flaky communicators. 4. Be safer because escorting and men who have sex with men are both high-risk demographics for STD and STI transmission and there are highly resistant strains of nearly every known sexually infectious agent in the world now. It's important to know this stuff well and protect yourself. Get your vaccinations, use condoms, consider PrEP if you're engaging in anal sex, especially as a bottom because condoms do break. 5. Consider your boundaries and be firm about them. The nature of this work and the "roles" we play in interactions can sometimes blur the lines. Don't put yourself at risk needlessly. That means, if you don't want to have public face pics, don't. You're an Asian in Oklahoma, a very "red" state. Being outed is a real risk for you. Plan accordingly. Have fun! As a client, this is one of my favorite "hobbies" and I'm privileged to have had some incredible experiences. I've certainly learned a great deal about myself.
  21. At least one of the pics leads to multiple twitter accounts. That cound just be a coincidence or the pics could've been taken from someplace online and being used by someone else.
  22. Boston? His ad says Palm Springs. He isn't heading to Provincetown, MA until tomorrow.
  23. Very true, my dance card is currently full, so I doubt I'll avail myself of any of those fresh faces.
  24. I snapd the guy who owns those pics and he never replied. I'm 100% sure they're stolen and whoever is using them isn't him.
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