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Everything posted by LivingnLA

  1. Nice find! Anyone with an experience worth reporting?
  2. Thanks for the thread. I've wondered about Vers/Top and Vers/Btm for awhile. I figured it was just marketing that might actually only happen once in a very rare situation.
  3. http://locksmithssouthampton.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Locked-Out.jpg
  4. @PaulM posted above that he'd hired him. I would, but he's far and it's always tricky trying to make time to drive into LA and back out for something like this, so who knows when I might be able to try him.
  5. I'm planning to see my wonderfully gifted SA find in a month when he returns to visit family for the holiday. I can't wait to try and get that incredibly thick and long dick in my hands and mouth again. I believe I may have an inner size queen that I've never fully acknowledged or explored. Or maybe it's just his sexy smirk as he chokes me.
  6. Clearly you feel very strongly about this and I 100% respect your feelings and opinion. My perspective is somewhat different primarily because I suspect few people saw the tweets that potentially outed someone plus we don't even know if the pics are real and we know the phone number was a google voice number, which is slightly harder to tie to someone. As I have said, I do not excuse Max for his fuck up. But, I would be beyond arrogant to not recognize the basic humanity of his fuck up and his attempt, yes even with the obvious and playful salesmanship, to make it better. In the end, @Cruiser7, I respectfully disagree a little with you, probably because my situation is slightly different and my life experiences are slightly different too.
  7. I don't disagree, but I've given Max the benefit of the doubt based on his words and actions since he found this thread. What he did seemed to be an act of anger/desire for revenge or whatever, but at the end of the day, it was a very serious mistake and betrayal of professional discretion. I believe he's deleted the tweets and he appears to be trying to make amends to the community for his actions. I applaud him for attempting to clean up the situation. To err is human. To forgive is compassionately divine.
  8. @bongripper, you're correct that being certified or licensed isn't a guarantee of skill or quality of massage. Note that it was one of many "check-boxes" that I listed. Education is probably the best way to determine someone's interest and potential skills because "the best" in any field tend to be people who are passionate about learning in that field. Yes, some people "just have the touch" but that's only because they pay attention! Touch is the most fundamental of our senses. It's arguably our first sense when we're born and the last we usually lose when we're dying. A great book about touch: https://mitpress.mit.edu/books/first-sense The gentleman you mention, Wilson, must've been passionate, that and money or time are requirements to student at Esalen, which is a wonderful place to learn and grow.
  9. Thank you to everyone who posted in this thread and to @MaxSargent for owning and apologizing his mistake. As many have said, we're all human beings and human beings make mistakes all the time. One of the key differences between brats and adults is an ability to recognize a mistake along with the willingness and ability to own, apologize, and learn from that mistake. As I had said repeatedly, I do not use my real name, email, or mobile number for this "hobby." I also do not send face pics ever and I'm cautious when entering a space hosted by an escort as I scout for potential cameras or other obvious recording devices. Am I being paranoid? Somewhat, since I typically only meet with highly regarded professionals. But, all it takes is one bad situation to ruin careers, marriages, families, lives. As this whole thread demonstrates--or as even my very first hire taught me--even highly regarded professionals are still human beings and will make mistakes sometimes. And yes, I know there are some professionals I will probably never be able to meet because they insist on "background checks" or want face pics of potential new clients for their own safety. I'm okay with that because discretion and safety are far more important to me than the chance to meet anyone. As with all things, your mileage may vary because your priorities and life situation are likely different than mine.
  10. This is an example of why I will never ever share face pics, my real name, or even real mobile number.
  11. I'll ask him. I submitted a review to Daddy's awhile ago, but haven't seen it posted yet. The Seeking Arrangement website.
  12. The pics are tied to a fitness model in Phoenix. Since his instagram said he was in Phoenix very recently, the profile is probably fraudulent.
  13. I nearly always still get doors, walk on the street side, etc. when I'm with my wife, daughter, or other women in my life. Usually they seem to appreciate it because it's from a genuinely loving and respectful place, not misogynistic bs. Every once in awhile, a woman will roll her eyes or say something. In those instances, I apologize for being raised to be polite and deferential to women and then I walk first through the door and let her deal with it.
  14. You're welcome. Though, remember, he's a human being and probably gets mad sometimes in real life too.
  15. His work persona is a brand. It's highly performative. In private, he's a very different person.
  16. I met a guy on SA and he was far and away the thickest cock I've ever experienced. It was quite an experience.
  17. Yes, OC is fairly limited. I usually drive to LA or even SD.
  18. It depends on the state. Have him go to https://www.amtamassage.org/regulation/stateRegulations.html and click on the state he's operating in. That will take him to a page explaining who in the state oversees massage, the education requirements, etc. If he's in California, the CAMTC is responsible for overseeing state certification. They currently require 500 hours of education at an approved school and a passing grade on the MBLEx test. If he's in California, NHI and probably Healing Hands are two of the best purely massage schools. A reputable school is going to run $12-$18k. Any more and he's being taken advantage of while anything less is going to be a subpar education.
  19. rudog, have you searched the forum? The search box is in the upper right of this page. If you find someone you're interested in, ask specifically about them because someone may know them. Here's another recent thread where this topic was discussed. https://m4m-forum.org/threads/oc-options.128548/ Also, have you checked out daddy's reviews? They have detailed reviews and you can search orange county specifically. They're frequently escorts but some offer massage as well.
  20. I would never and never have given out my full name. Discretion is important to me. Any provider that made such a request of me, would be refused.
  21. If he's planning to use oil instead of a good quality lotion or creme, he should look into the healthiest and most easily washable oils, like coconut. But, oil also provides the most glide, so pressure control is much harder when using oil. Wash-ability really matters for oils and many are terribly hard to wash out completely and successfully without using detergents designed to remove oil. If he's performing massages on a client's bed and uses oil, that client might be very mad about the rancid smell that might develop when the oils don't wash out. So, again, picking the right oil matters if he's planning to use oil.
  22. Please don't go overboard on pressure. It's incredibly easy to injure soft tissues when applying pressure without the proper knowledge and a client's complete health history. If he's going to claim to provide "deep tissue" (and that's not a euphemism) then he should go through the trouble to actually learn at least one of the deep tissue styles, the contraindications, etc. so that he doesn't seriously injure someone because all it will take is one accident with a client that decides to sue/press charges, and he'll probably be ruined.
  23. It's always amazing how treating a human being with respect and consideration frequently results in "surprising" outcomes.
  24. As someone with many years of massage training and experience, here are my thoughts: 1. If he's planning to be legitimate, he needs to get the education and the certification/license as required by his state. 2. Given everything you've said, I'm guessing he's planning to be an uncertified/unlicensed bodywork provider who uses his looks and other attributes/skills to provide his service. Whatever he chooses, some basic customer service ground rules: A. Be consistently professional and timely in communication. And make it all match with whatever "brand" or "persona" he's creating for his service. In other words, if he's a "straight Italian from the Bronx" then his pictures, website, communication style, and mannerisms should all align with that "persona" to create the kind of customer experience he wants for his clients. B. Be on time for appointments and also be on time for the duration. In other words, if you say it's a 60min service, don't stop at 50min. If you stop at 50min, then call it a 50min service! C. Nail your personal hygiene. Be clean. Nobody--except for certain kinksters--likes a dirty smelly provider. And that goes for colognes and body-sprays too, unless again, you're appealing to a specific client demographic. D. Learn basic "universal precautions" and follow them or you'll catch something from your clients or vice versa. E. Use quality products. Consider allergies and other sensitivities. F. Get a decent anatomy/physiology/kinesiology book and read it. G. Last but not least, trade massage with other well regarded providers. Learn what they do and get honest feedback about what he does. It goes without saying that he shouldn't do "extras" with legit licensed massage therapists unless there's a clear understanding beforehand or he might be reported as a sex worker.
  25. Sounds fun. I've never been to the lounge, only their private party. Maybe I'll go one day.
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