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Everything posted by LivingnLA

  1. If your priority is an actual real massage from someone trained and knowledgeable you need to ask clearly if they're certified or licensed and for their state certification/license number so you can verify them. Ask where they were educated and how many hours of training they've received. Note, if you go down the path of asking about and confirming their credentials, it will be less likely that you'll get "happiness at the end," because a truly certified/licensed therapist usually won't want to risk their career by performing illegal sexual acts for money. Alternatively, you can create a thread on our "spa" forum, saying where you are geographically or where you're traveling too and ask for recommendations for a real legitimate massage from a provider who might also provide "extra" sometimes. Here in SoCal, I only know a couple true therapists who provide true expert massages and also sometimes "extra." But, my standards are very high because I have specific issues when I need work and I have well over 4,000 hours of bodywork education/training and many years of experience from when I was a therapeutic massage professional.
  2. Age doesn't bother me if they're in the same decade, but I'd definitely walk away if there was a large variance.
  3. I trade massages sometimes, it's frequently educational and fun, on some occasions it even goes beyond a massage. It's one of the ways I keep up my bodywork skills since I don't do massage as much as I used to many years ago.
  4. His pics were obvious to me. I didn't believe he was 6', thanks for the confirmation. I don't like big variances in what's advertised and what's real because it starts to seem like false advertising and if someone is willing to lie about something as basic as height, then I start to wonder about things like drugs, safety, discretion, etc.
  5. I've only asked once with a guy I met on SA who's incredibly endowed because I wanted a couple pics and a short vid of me enjoying myself. He happily agreed to take the pics since he's very proud of his very thick dick. I won't ever share them with anyone but myself.
  6. I imagine it all depends on the jurisdiction and what evidence is required for an ironclad conviction. Or, maybe the cop liked what s/he saw and decided to have fun on the job.
  7. Keyed up? Sounds like you definitely need some stress relief.
  8. He’s got a new profile. https://rentmen.eu/YoungmuscleLA Yes, I was too slow on the edit.
  9. I look forward to hearing your thoughts. His ad is no longer straightphysique. His pics are familiar. He was in LA for awhile, maybe based there? I didn't get a chance to meet him. I hope you have a great time! https://rent.men/YoungmuscleLA
  10. That's actually legal in most US states, though it's slowly changing as people wake up to the reality that cops in their state are legally able to coerce and rape suspects in custody without any risk or repercussion. http://feministing.com/2018/02/09/chart-of-the-day-does-your-state-allow-police-to-have-sex-with-people-they-arrest/ More details in this twitter thread about the underlying article behind the chart in the above link.
  11. I don't know this part of the law well, so this is just a marginally informed opinion that could be completely off base. The urban legend I've heard about asking a suspected cop to expose himself was actually done in public, like in the car, or somewhere semipublic to basically force him to perform an unrelated crime as a way of checking if he's a cop under the theory that cops aren't allowed to commit unrelated crimes to encourage someone else to commit a crime. We already know the US Supreme Court is fine with cops lying to suspects in interrogation and while the cop is undercover, but the limits are unclear. http://www.policemag.com/channel/patrol/articles/2007/01/point-of-law.aspx https://www.csmonitor.com/USA/2014/0221/How-much-can-police-lie-to-suspects-N.Y.-rulings-suggest-there-s-a-limit
  12. So, no one here has been with [uSER=18646]@Nick Angel[/uSER]? I think I vaguely recall seeing him once on rentboy.pro, but I can't remember what the profile was called or even if my memory is right.
  13. Does anyone from NYC have experience with [uSER=18646]@Nick Angel[/uSER]? He's in OC now and mentions that he's from NYC. I thought I'd asked for a 411 on him. https://m4m-forum.org/threads/orange-county-may-2nd-18th.136470/ His RM: http://www.rentmen.com/NickAngelides
  14. That sounds like a very fun tag team.
  15. Then why not post in one of the existing threads? That would bump it up to the top where others could see it and comment if they have anything to add. At least, that's how it's supposed to work. I hope someone can answer your question!
  16. He's always advertised as straight on SC as far as I can tell. Look at his "interview" 4 years ago. He identifies as straight and like many straight guys his age nowadays, he's tried sex with a guy by the time SC found him and it "was horrible" in his own words. Please face the facts: he's gay4pay and move on. He seems like a nice guy in his vids and his body is certainly impressive. If he's flexible enough to fuck, kiss, or whatever with a guy he's cool with, that's his choice, but not something he'll probably be able to do with just anyone. "Straight" guys have to feel comfortable enough with another guy to not feel threatened by whatever physical activity they get into. The same goes for "gay" guys who sometimes have sex with women or "lesbians" who like "real dick" sometimes. Human sexuality is complicated and doesn't easily fit into any label or box. Personally, I would very much be into hiring this young man, but like @Gymowner, I'm concerned about the PNP angle. I've seen "straight" guys use PNP as a way to perform with guys and it tends to become a crutch that leads to an addiction and that's not something I want to be complicit in.
  17. Please learn to search the forum before creating a whole new thread. Original thread on Ryan: https://m4m-forum.org/threads/411-on-ryan-musclegod-in-la.107776/ And a 2nd thread: https://m4m-forum.org/threads/ryan-muscle-god-los-angeles.117070/ This thread makes three.
  18. I've edged a few guys back in my Dominant days and it was fun. I enjoy restraining someone and exploring their body. I'm curious like that.
  19. His pics didn't appear in a cursory online search. The name is an interesting clue since Israman is an iron distance triathlon in Israel. Quite a few Germans regularly compete in it. Maybe "Yosef" / Israman is the real guy behind both profiles. Or, maybe a successful German bodybuilder met "Yosef" at an Israman, fell in love, and decided to travel together to America to be escorts in 2nd-tier American cities.
  20. UPS sucks. FedEx isn't any better and both company's politics suck too. I support the USPS. We have a great mail lady who takes care of us and their app is years ahead of others in terms of tracking mail/packages.
  21. They look vaguely familiar, but I do not believe I ever saw either of them. The second one is technically breaking the law by saying he's a CMT without providing his CAMTC number. I probably saw them on CL or another site sometime over the past few years.
  22. Those pictures are of a pretty well known and successful German bodybuilder. While it's not impossible, I doubt it's actually him. It's far more likely that someone took his pics from one of the many sites he's on and is using them, which is probably why this person is also going to smaller towns. Since it's less likely the people in smaller towns would know who he really is or even call him on it when meeting if he doesn't match the pics.
  23. No big dog, but I was surprised by the size of the equipment he had on hand, though he was very clear that he doesn't use it with many clients for a variety of reasons.
  24. He moves around alot and changes his name regularly. I had a massage from him around 2 years ago. He texted me out of nowhere. I'm not sure how he got my number, but he acted like we'd met before, so I went ahead and met him because I was curious. He's a good looking man, his massage skills back then were a little better than average, and was worth my time and money. I left relaxed and smiling.
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