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Everything posted by LivingnLA

  1. I have not found any massuers in OC that I enjoy, though I haven't looked extensively. I tend to go to Long Beach, LA, or even San Diego.
  2. It would be nice for people who mention different names to also include a profile link or enough details to actually find the person being mentioned, especially when accusations of aggressive or even nearly violent behavior are mentioned. It sucks that @socal dude had a bad experience, but there are no "mike" profiles on MF or M4M in OC. Perhaps they've been deleted or renamed. Is this the "Troy" mentioned above? The M4M search decided to finally cough up this result with a slightly different search. Troy? https://www.massagem4m.com/masseur/16161/
  3. I'm with you through most of your post except "sometimes blacks" because I'd wager black Americans experience rejection and objectification just as often as Asians. Ultimately, though, this isn't a contest. It's a challenging complex of issues in our culture that works with some of our oldest basic biology to create and reinforce racism in all its forms.
  4. Really? That's easily faked. Look at the dating sites that create tons of fake profiles to encourage memberships.
  5. He could say it on his profile, but he chooses not to because he doesn't want to be labeled for his racial bias.
  6. Searching online doesn't find much information about the developer, Smallwheel Inc, so I would be very cautious about installing the app and giving it permission to access your information, location, etc. What little I could find suggests it might be a Russian app developer startup, but I may be mistaken. Personally, I always check out the developer before I install anything on my personal devices, even though Apple is pretty good at compartmentalizing apps from personal data.
  7. Yes, and for me it's far more about his personality than his musculature. Though again, his body is unquestionably in impressive shape and he clearly spends significant time and energy on it. My session with him taught me more about myself. So it was well worth the time and money.
  8. Y'all convinced me to reach out while he's in LA and I believe I understand the hype. I may write an official review, but I will say I had great time with him and look forward to spending more time with him in the future. Oh, and please don't PM asking for details. He's very clear in his ad and the reviews about him are clear too. As multiple people have said, trust and respect go a long way and YMMV because as amazing as his body is, he's still a human being.
  9. @Funguy, my mother fought a very aggressive cancer and lived 8x the doctor's and the then current life expectancy for her diagnosis. She always said a positive never give up never surrender attitude is why she survived so long. I won't sugarcoat it, you have a battle on your hands. But, you're very well equipped and supported to take it on and live well for as long as you can. I haven't been on the forum for very long--less than 2 years--but you're one of the people I'm always happy to read when I see your posts. Thank you for your contributions and I hope you continue to give and take from this community what you need.
  10. I did not go. I was very close to going because of Joe and Nicky, but just couldn't make it work for my schedule. Adonis LA's email today lists Nicky as "final night" so I guess he's about to travel. Too bad. I would've enjoyed spending time with him again.
  11. For those prices I'd expect quite a lot.
  12. [uSER=12155]@Dominiking[/uSER], I think it all depends. Nearly every guy I've spoken to so far--about ten--have been pretty clear during our chats on SA about what they're looking for and what they offer. One guy I may meet in a couple weeks, is from out of town, fits one of my specific kinks almost exactly (which was very easy to search for on SA), and basically, I'm paying for some time with him. The guy I'm meeting tonight, is a fairly well known instagram fitness person and the scenario we'll be exploring will cover multiple sessions, which we'll agree to tonight. I hope. The third guy, seems also more transactional. In my incredibly limited experience, the guys who want monthly allowances--at least around here--are pricey and some-what unrealistic, but given the vast sums of money in this region, I'm not surprised that some top-tier "arm candy" gets a multi-grand monthly allowance to "hang around" like just another friend, albeit one much younger, fitter, and hotter than most.
  13. I may actually make it in 2019. If @BasketBaller goes, I'll try even harder.
  14. For SA? The membership isn't much. The guys all have wide ranging numbers. One young man wanted to be "spoiled" to the tune of many thousands a month. I moved on. Another man, who I'm meeting tonight, seems more realistic and his pics certainly promise alot. I'll see how it goes. I have a couple others I'm talking to as future possibilities.
  15. I finally took the plunge and have started to experiment on SA. The available "talent" is fairly extensive in my area and I've found a few interesting possibilities. Only time will tell if it works out, but I'm cautiously optimistic.
  16. Never understand humanity's ability to "go low" in the quest for more money.
  17. His ads are gone, so I doubt anyone has tried him out, or if they did, he's found his dream sugar daddy and they're living happily ever after.
  18. He's been discussed in a few different places on the forum. It looks like the consensus is very positive. https://m4m-forum.org/threads/max-visiting-la.100051/ https://m4m-forum.org/threads/411-max-or-maximus-from-ft-lauderdale.108648/ https://m4m-forum.org/threads/recommendations-for-nyc.117222/page-3#post-1193336 https://m4m-forum.org/threads/experiences-with-traveling-masseurs.127053/#post-1333641
  19. It's probably just me, but "strawberry" is a modifier to blond. To me, he's a blond with some red, aka a strawberry blond. But, again, it's a minor issue. I have a weakness for gingers, going back to the stereotypical crazy but fun college girlfriend, so my "ginger" is pretty specific.
  20. Welcome to the forum @KarlGrant.
  21. You have such a way with words and images.
  22. He's definitely hot, no doubt. I just didn't see the ginger. I bet 5 minutes after meeting him, it wouldn't matter. Enjoy the next time you're in LA!
  23. I did some quick web scans for gay related web pages in Binghamton. They're out there. It's doable @Pbotter, but it will require more work than just posting on CL, like the ol days. Good luck.
  24. He's blond. Why is he calling himself a ginger? He's plenty built and hot as a blond. No need to try and appeal to ginger-hunters and then disappoint them.
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