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Everything posted by LivingnLA

  1. As the article says, there are a whole range of meanings from playful, cute, angry, and more. I just used the fuck you to note one of the extreme meanings. But, the public picture part is the major change over the decades. These pics online can last for a lifetime.
  2. https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/evolution-the-self/201509/what-does-it-mean-when-we-stick-our-tongues-out Maybe they're all Tibetan and it's a respectful greeting. Or perhaps they're all Maori and about to go to war, on your ass. The sense I get from my kids about the tongue pics, is playfulness with an undertone of fuck you, literally like a living emoji. Though, I'm sure some escorts intend it as a display of their tongue's size just like pics of their other physical assets.
  3. It's the same guy or he's gone through a lot of trouble to create multiple online profiles that overlap to create a believable online presence. The "bad boy" pic appears to be used on his dating profiles and the first pic is his professionally taken "work pic" used on his website. He seems legitimate, well trained, and a fit army vet. I would expect a good therapeutic massage from him.
  4. Since he's accused of stealing over $500k in personal property from the doctor, I'm guessing the prosecutor will argue that it required planning. The court is supposed to hear the case in April, so we'll see what come out in court. http://www.ketchikandailynews.com/article/20170803/ARTICLE/170809982 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Felony_murder_rule_(Alaska)
  5. I haven't read anything about beyond this thread. If it was an accidental overdose, I'm guessing the prosecutor will go after prostitution and manslaughter, depending on the evidence, unless there's other evidence of intent. For example, maybe he planned it with a friend via a messaging app, that would clearly show intent and planning.
  6. Great minds think alike. Sean's early movies along with ChaosMen had a very large influence on me too.
  7. I was afraid the massage wouldn't be good since I didn't find anything about him actually studying or being trained in massage beyond the ad which seemed weird for a guy claiming to have done massage for quite a few years. Thank you for sharing your experience.
  8. @saminseattle beat me to it. I imagine the offense to "sex worker" was because you were in a place where such work is illegal. Escorting or Companionship are about "spending time" not "sex work."
  9. He's well known online with an established following in coaching and fitness. Those rates aren't out of line for a celeb who's basically offering his muscle loving fans the chance to interact in person with him. I have not hired him, but I'm very tempted. He's stunning and if his massage is skilled, he'd be well worth the time and money.
  10. Unprotected oral sex is a vector for many STIs. The rates of infection and risk vary because some STIs are transmitted more easily than others. Further, some of those STIs can develop colonies in the throat, be fully asymptomatic, and not show up on blood/urine tests. That's why I mentioned throat swabs above. Lastly, there are treatment-resistant strains for many STIs and the preliminary data seems pretty clear that HPV is likely a major driver of the significant increase in oral & throat cancers in American men. https://www.cdc.gov/cancer/hpv/statistics/cases.htm http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/newfoundland-labrador/cancer-hpv-gardasil-vaccine-boys-mouth-throat-cervical-1.3812345 Despite all of that, as I said above, I strongly prefer sucking cock and being sucked without condoms. However, based on my gut and what I observe, I have insisted on condoms before or even stopped sexual activity if something feels wrong to me. It's all about your own personal comfort with risk and awareness of all the factors involved in your sexual activity.
  11. Good point. Though, keep in mind that knowing if they bareback or not isn't enough info because if they're reliably on PrEP, it's statistically superior to condom use for preventing the spread of HIV in men who have sex with men, though it obviously doesn't provide any protection against other STIs.
  12. A great point and good catch. I just quick scanned them and missed that one.
  13. Someone deep enough into psychology and hypnotherapy to do what he claims in his ads is likely to be a Dominant personality who enjoys manipulating people. Such people are almost always serious, especially in sessions, since their objective is to play someone like a fine instrument and you can't do that without being seriously intellectually engaged to closely observe, adapt, and adjust as needed during the session.
  14. Intelligent, thoughtful, and well said. The hallmarks of a professional. Thank you.
  15. And lest my previous post start a flame war or piss someone off, for me--a married 40-something dad who still has sex at home--I have my vaccines, I'm comprehensively tested twice a year, and I engage in sex with men sometimes. Usually, about once a month with a known partner who I've seen for some time. I love to suck cock and swallow cum. Clearly I don't have him wear a condom for that activity. I also enjoy bottoming and being fucked. I use condoms when I am fucked. If I were to see a new guy, I would expect condoms for everything. But, that's my choice. Someone else probably chooses differently. As with all sexual activity, enthusiastic informed consent is the way.
  16. 1. People lie. All the time. Frequently to themselves. 2. Escorts are a high-risk demographic. 3. Men who have sex with men are a high-risk demographic. 4. There are treatment resistant strains of all known STDs / STIs. 5. There are already a handful of documented PrEP resistant cases in the wild. 6. Men, generally speaking, are frequently asymptomatic for many known STIs. 7. All known STI tests have false-negative and false-positive rates. What does this all mean? Simple: the ONLY person you can truly know about, is yourself and only if you're open and honest with yourself. So, how do you protect yourself? If you're looking for total 100% protection, live in a protective suit and never touch another human being, though that will lead to serious mental health issues and likely physiological issues as well. More realistically... A. Get tested for everything, at least once a year, and preferably 2-4 times a year or more depending on your volume and diversity of sexual partners. That includes throat and anal swabs for infection colony checks. B. Get the vaccines that apply to you. Hep A/B, HPV (Gardasil 9), and meningitis are generally accepted current recommendations for men who have sex with men in Southern California. C. Educate yourself on proper condom and dental dam use AND consider PrEP for a more comprehensive defense. That also means recognizing the pros and cons of these defensive measures. D. Learn what to look for and the symptoms of the major STIs so you're aware if you experience symptoms and also know what to look for with your sexual partners. Also recognize that for some STIs, a substantial majority of every sexually active human on Earth has at least one. E. Never assume your sexual partner actually knows their status for anything unless they test regularly and are highly informed. In other words, I trust an HIV+ person who's undetectable or a person on PrEP who's tested at least quarterly far more than a married guy who maybe hasn't been tested in years, if ever, when they discuss their status. But recognize, that even a frequent tester may be asymptomatic and may not show up on tests because of incubation periods and how sexually active they might be. In other words, they could've been clean last month, had sex with someone last week, and are infectiously sharing this week and for the next week or two before they're tested again. Lastly, and most importantly, please don't invasively interrogate escorts. It's good to learn their safety practices, but beyond that is rude. Take ownership of your own body and make your choices about the risks you wish to take as you live your life. Life contains risk. Every moment of every day. Learning your comfort level with various risks and how you address them are part of being a mature and engaged individual.
  17. Assuming they're actually legally certified massage therapists, please remember that this is a public forum and if the police ever become interested or the state certifying agency, lives can be ruined. Please be discreet about what you post here or we run the risk of causing real harm to this business or the individuals working there. I want to know more about TSS like everyone, but private details should be shared privately.
  18. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conjugal_visit It depends. Israel allows them. In the USA, California allows them. New York allows them only if they're married. Most US states are ending or have ended conjugal visits of any kind. Canada allows them at the discretion of the local institutional head based on a discernible "familial bond."
  19. If we're talking about "real" straight guys who go gay4pay, then stop and think about what that might psychologically mean to someone. Add that with the likely challenging youth that led a guy to seek out or be found and brought into the porn business. We clients like to romanticize porn and escorting, but it's quite rare that it's all wonderful. Then, introduce alcohol and other recreational drugs. Take all of that and place it into a young man's life where he has to live one or more double-lifes if he's truly gay4pay. I'm not making excuses. I'm just setting the context for why so many Sean Cody models--from the beginning he actively focused on "real" straight guys--have turned into violent criminals. My near-death drugging encounter wasn't with a SC model, but it was a guy who claimed to be straight at the time and was clearly--in retrospect--deeply in over his head with drugs and other issues. Fortunately, I didn't die. I learned alot and he hopefully got the help he needed and is giving clients great times now. And yes, I remember the original Sean Cody being in some videos. I believe as @azdr0710 has pointed out, it's the "original" part that has led to those videos disappearing since Sean probably values his privacy and probably passed the business on to someone else to run.
  20. Well, y'all know I'm a very cautious person now. First, the poor grammar and poor sentence structures suggest either someone lazy and unprofessional or someone for whom English isn't a first or second language. The Montmarte pic shows he's been to Paris at least. Assuming it's even him in the pics. Second, the claim that he's been around for 4 years and has many regulars. I've never seen or heard of him, he has no reviews, and can't seem to be found here or other review sites. Third, his massage rates are high suggesting he's either a high-end who hasn't had to advertise much or a guy trying to scam for as much money as possible. Fourth, a search for the cell number in the ad, brings up references to many cities all over, suggesting he does move around very frequently and seems to pick smaller cities, which feels like something a scammer would do. Finally, it's the combination of all of that or maybe just my gut telling me something is off.
  21. Too many cautionary flags for me.
  22. I'm glad you found them useful. Reddit is one of the online forums where Millennials and Gen Z congregate and many older people have little exposure to how serious and considerate these "kids" can be about serious topics, such as this tragic murder of one of their own by one of them. Though, there were plenty of trollish comments, but they were downvoted/moderated into oblivion.
  23. Blaze was completely safe here and at OCSA, except for the fact that he socialized with "the bad boy" who he met at OCSA. I know--not super well, but well enough--both families. I'm not going to say too much beyond that this attempt by the media to make Blaze a completely innocent victim is annoying. Life is not black/white. It's all shades of gray. Blaze was a good kid. Sam was a good kid with mental issues, a very religious mom, and a demanding dad. Blaze's parents had and have issues too. Sadly, Sam didn't stand a chance to the hand he was dealt and sadly Blaze paid for it with his life. A surprising number of people from the area who knew either or both families have posted in this reddit thread if you want more info.
  24. Also, if it's Swedish massage, the whole point is relaxation and improved circulation, so it's no surprise an erection occurs.
  25. @goeffers, thank you for sharing so generously about such a personal part of your life. I've been and remain happily married with kids. My wife and I have an understanding that allows me to explore my interests so long as I remain safe, discreet, and always put her and my family first. What works for us may not work for anyone else. Every relationship is different. Communication, trust, and empathy are critical for a successful marriage in my opinion. For me, I know I'm a better man because I've been able to explore this side of myself and that's made me a better husband and father. If you feel incomplete, I would urge you to think about what would help and be open with your wife if you can. She's been with you for 53 years. She deserves to know you as much as you deserve to know you. Whatever you decide, embrace it and accept yourself for who you are because even from one post, you seem like a darn fine man to me.
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