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Everything posted by Whitman

  1. https://cdn.gayboystube.com/galleries/44822611536f4ac915/611537289d91c.webp
  2. @Danny-Darko, your mention of several books by Tennessee Williams (memoirs, poems, notebooks) prompts me to pass along a recommendation I received from the friend (a former poster here) who introduced me to this forum. At the time, I think I was reading the excellent biography of Williams by John Lahr (son of the Cowardly Lion) and I was told that I had to read Tennessee Williams' Letters to Donald Windham, 1940-1965, a book published in the mid-1970s. I haven't often read books of letters, and--much as I admire Williams--didn't think I'd read that one, but a week or so later a copy arrived in the mail. (So apparently when he said I had to read it, he meant had to.) I have just now pulled it off the shelf behind me. Several pages are turned down at the corners to help find letters I've read many times because the sexy, evocative prose is like poetry ... 1940: " ... I lean over him in the night and memorize the geography of his body with my hands--he arches his throat and makes a soft, purring sound. His skin is steaming hot like the hide of a horse that's been galloping. It has a warm, rich odor. The odor of life ..." 1942: " ... I think for a good summer fuck you should cover the bed with a large white piece of oil-cloth. The bodies of the sexual partners ought to be thoroughly, even superfluously rubbed over with mineral oil or cold cream. It should be in the afternoon, preferably soon after lunch when the brain is dull. It should be a bright, hot day, not far from the railroad depot and the scene of the fornication should be a Victorian bedroom at the top of the house with a skylight letting the sun directly down on the bed. On a table beside the bed should be a pitcher of ice-water and a bottle of sherry wine and plenty of cigarettes and a portable radio ..." More turned down pages to re-read now, so I'll leave it there.
  3. A few pages (and several months) back, @thickornotatallmentioned the British show Doctor Foster. I just found it recently and am seconding his recommendation. I have now seen the first (five episode) season, and the first episode of the second (and final) season. Although the title characer (played by Suranne Jones) is a doctor, this is not a medical show. The focus is on Dr. Foster's marriage, specifically her suspicion of her husband's infidelity. Jones plays her character to suggest that Dr. Foster (overworked and tightly wound) is sometimes just this side of madness, and it makes for a riveting show. P.S. I found Doctor Foster after watching Dalgliesh (also recommended, but it's not on Netflix) in which Bertie Carvel (the husband in Doctor Foster) plays Adam Dalgliesh, the estimable poet-detective-protagonist in most of the mystery novels of P.D. James.
  4. https://cdn.gayboystube.com/galleries/2421560ed7b1d10e70/60ed7b4385fe0.webp
  5. https://cdn.gayboystube.com/galleries/2421560ee1653718e3/60ee16a8092e8.webp
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