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Everything posted by Whitman

  1. https://thumb-p5.xhcdn.com/a/9LC0aXTqyMXWa17QV7aa0w/000/247/683/755_1000.gif
  2. https://thumb-p7.xhcdn.com/a/S6ozf2M0dMaKPDsLjEHpxg/000/247/683/847_1000.gif
  3. https://thumb-p8.xhcdn.com/a/8KnNnsvw790fz8EfR9M-IQ/000/247/687/698_1000.gif
  4. https://thumb-p2.xhcdn.com/a/LSGRY_nivCF24VbhR2KTTg/000/247/687/712_1000.gif
  5. In addition to representing growth, harmony and nature, GREEN is considered the color of hope. Remember reading The Great Gatsby in high school and learning that the green light at the end of Daisy Buchanan's dock was a symbol of Gatsby's hopes? So, translated to this thread, green represents what we hope and dream for ... just inside the stretchy elastic waistband and well-filled pouch. 🙂
  6. https://i1.wp.com/graveravens.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Andrey-Vic-by-Wolfgang-Jager9.jpg?w=1280&ssl=1
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