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Posts posted by Whitman

  1. @Avalon, in another thread, you mentioned that you have arthritis in your knees and that you are homebound. If the arthritis is the reason for being homebound, I hope you are treating it with more than over-the-counter Ibuprofen.


    At a minimum, there are prescription anti-inflammatories that might give you more relief.


    In addition, there's viscosupplementation -- hyaluronan injections directly into the joint. These provided enormous relief to my mother when she was in her 90s, felt it was too late for knee replacement surgery, but was determined to stay on her feet. The hyaluronan (there are different versions of it, different brand name) acts like a shock absorber, lubricating your joints to reduce osteoarthritis symptoms.


    And then there's the knee replacement option.


    Sorry if you've elaborated on your situation in other threads I've missed, and if this advice misses the mark, but I wanted to mention options that I have seen work, and say that I hope you are actively working with a doctor -- a specialist -- to deal with an issue as severe and limiting as you've described.

  2. An alternative theory to what's become of marylander1940:


    I'd still bet it's just a time-out … but remember those worries about Y2K?


    Would computers be able to handle the rollover from 1999 into 2000 without going *!#blooey#!* -- disrupting lives, livelihoods, whole economies?


    Everything worked out fine then, but maybe not this time … maybe the sheer volume of posts by marylander1940 has exceeded the M4M capacity and …




    Be careful, @Avalon. Be very, very careful.

  3. He must have pissed someone off.

    Or at least made someone gnash his teeth.

    He's not listed in notable members so my guess is that he may not be a member anymore

    It's probably just a time-out. I noticed once when jjkrkwood was timed out that he was gone from the Notable Members list, but reappeared once the time-out ended.

  4. Cute, but a misinterpretation of my post. We didn't just remove straws from our lives, we do our best to eliminate all single-use plastics. We know it's a proverbial drop-in-the-bucket, but if everyone started demanding the elimination of single-use plastic, things might start to change in our economy.

    Sounds like Forrest Gump and I offended you. It wasn't our intent. I'm in full support of eliminating single-use plastics … and enjoy an occasional chuckle.

  5. That's what I've been saying, girl needs help for her mental issues. People need to quit wanting to lynch her/make an example out of her just because of her political affiliation ...

    No one wants to lynch her, @Corporate Shill. Most of us would like less public spectacle, not more.


    Which would have been a good reason for not putting her back on the air to begin with. Where was your concern about "girl needs help for her mental health issues" back on March 27 when you started this thread and were looking forward to having her back on TV?


    She didn't just get nuts. That didn't just happen.


    Treatment, not television, would have been a better idea right along.

  6. This hits on just the reason that I’m happy the show has been cancelled. It was peddling the bullshit myth that Trumpism is fueled by economic anxiety.


    Roseanne’s tweet that brought it all down was symptomatic of raw, vulgar bigotry — Trumpism’s actual fuel.



    As Morgan Jerkins put it the other day in TIME magazine:


    Like the many newspaper and magazine features that have spotlighted the need for working-class white people to be further understood, Roseanne just served to further normalize the bigotry that gets dressed up as “economic anxiety.”

  7. I just wish liberals & corporate media were as outraged by the genocide taking place in Yemen right now, & by the disastrous effects of Hillary's interventionist foreign policy decisions, as they are by a racist tweet from someone in need of mental help. Thousands of people of color are actually dying over in those countries, Valerie Jarret is doing fine collecting millions these days.

    Rest assured, @Corporate Shill, there's a boatload of horrors that outrage thinking people more than Roseanne. Just because she's a topic du jour doesn't mean she's at the top of the list.

  8. Kind of ironic that some people are applauding ABC for its "swift action" in pulling the plug on an ill-informed, racist loudmouth who made PLENTY of loud, ill-informed racist remarks before the network ever revived her show (or renewed it for a second season after a single episode).


    They knew who they were getting in bed with, and why.


    Similarly, the talented people who associated themselves with this show (and with the ill-informed, racist loudmouth) knew who they were getting in bed with, and why.


    What were any of them expecting? That if she had a show again she'd go back on her meds and behave herself?


    The whole thing is like a metaphor for Congressional Republicans believing that if they can tolerate Trump, they can get what they want.

  9. I disagree as you are stating it. I had already made clear I am against any kind of abuse ...

    Rather than making yourself clear, saying that you are against any form of abuse and then expressing an openness to bestiality -- even to the unlikely possibility of it -- is contradictory. And the rest of what you said ...

    ... I think you are underestimating animals, they are often able to express consent or rejection. If a dog gets excited by frotting my legs, and I get aroused by it, would it be abuse if I help him to cum and I bust it in the process?

    ... is just bizarre.

  10. ABC NEWS - LONDON - Apr 19, 2018, 1:26 PM ET


    A British man has been jailed for life after being found guilty of deliberately trying to infect 10 men with HIV.


    Prosecutors alleged that Daryll Rowe, 27, infected five men through unprotected sex, and attempted to infect several others by intentionally damaging condoms.


    Rowe, who was diagnosed with HIV in 2015, met men on the gay dating app Grindr, prosecutors said.


    After having sex with his partners, he would message some of the victims saying, “I have HIV LOL. Oops,” the BBC reported.


    Christine Henson, the judge at his sentencing, said: “The messages you sent make it crystal clear you knew exactly what you were doing. As well as the physical offenses it is clear for the victims the psychological effects are immense ... Many of those men were young men in their 20s at the time they had the misfortune to meet you.”


    She continued, “I cannot see how and when you will no longer be a danger to gay men.”


    One of Rower's victims testified during the six-week trial that he felt “pressured” into having sex with Rowe; another branded him as “grotesque” and a “sociopath.”


    A third victim said that Rowe had “destroyed my life. I would rather he had murdered me than left me to live my life like this.”


    Rowe's lawyer pleaded with the judge for a lighter sentence, arguing a life term would stigmatize HIV sufferers.


    Henson said the sentence would not be about "stigmatizing anyone with HIV" but about the "immense" psychological effects Rowe caused to his victims.


    Rowe, who is 27, will serve at least 12 years of his sentence in prison. It is the first sentencing of its kind in the U.K., where a person is imprisoned for “grievous bodily harm” by intentionally infecting others with HIV.

  11. New this morning?


    My habit has been to come to the Message Forums by going to http://daddysreviews.com/, hitting the "I Agree" button on the TOS page, then choosing "Forums" (or whatever it used to say) to get here.


    But this morning: No Such Choice in the bar at the upper left of the TOS page.


    Nor do I see a place on the M4M Message Forums site that links to http://daddysreviews.com/.


    I didn't notice any other comments on this. Thought I'd mention it.

  12. I’m not yet sure and still go back and forth on this. I would think Wanda Sykes, Sara Gilbert and Whitney Cummings, who is co-showrunner, would not allow empty-handed propaganda to define their show ...

    @Kenny, I think you're comment focuses on creative control of the show, and I agree that the show will never (for example) refer to Huma Abedin as either a "Jew hater" or "a filthy nazi whore." I'm sure the show won't equate Islam with Nazism, nor make the deranged claim that Trump is freeing hundreds of children every month from sexual exploitation.


    But the person for whom the show is named, the person around whom it is built, has said those things. Let's see if ABC, or the show's advertisers, or her colleagues can exercise any control over her. Or if the Great Big Platform of a hit show means we should expect a steady flow of unchecked crazy talk and hate speech from its star (as from her hero, Trump).

  13. I am sympathetic with this columnist's point of view, but I think Dean Obeidallah is living in fantasy land. There is no clear anti-Trump, anti-bigotry movement in this country that didn't already exist prior to Trump's election.

    ??? ... Did I misread, or are you paraphrasing what Dean Obeidallah actually said? Because the words I saw were ...

    Times are different from what they were when Trump got elected. There was no #MeToo movement, no Women's March, no teens leading an awe-inspiring charge against gun violence. The passivity from many voters that allowed Trump to get elected, even as he said terrible things about many Americans, has given way to a new energy and activism.

    I don't see how any part of that observation constitutes "living in fantasy land."


    Sure, some folks may watch the Roseanne reboot because of her bigotry, or because they take pleasure in muddle-headed loudmouths, or because they don't care (or maybe haven't paid attention to) her political views ... or because of better aspects of her show.


    But it is no fantasy that others will be disgusted by her and stay away, no fantasy that corporations have grown much more sensitive about their affiliations, no fantasy that consumer boycotts and/or public outcry have influenced stores removing products, networks removing anchors, actors losing jobs, famous assholes being banished to PariahLand.

  14. Add me to the list of those who refuse to watch her show. (Even if I enjoyed the original. Even if I admire some of the actors involved.)


    I can't agree with those who say it's "just television" and, so, are willing to give this despicable woman a pass on all the fake news, utter stupidity and naked hate she spews.


    Dean Obeidallah mentions some of what she's said in the article below. It should disgust us all.


    What 'Roseanne' better worry about

    By Dean Obeidallah, CNN, Sunday, April 1

    ... Trump and Barr have much in common when it comes to spewing bigotry and intolerance. What is surprising is the apparent blind eye turned by the people who have brought us this "rebooted" Roseanne -- a decision that ABC may regret.


    Times are different from what they were when Trump got elected. There was no #MeToo movement, no Women's March, no teens leading an awe-inspiring charge against gun violence. The passivity from many voters that allowed Trump to get elected, even as he said terrible things about many Americans, has given way to a new energy and activism.


    In today's America, nothing is immune from politics, and it's quite possible that even a series with a successful rollout cannot escape that. Like her eponymous show, Barr's history of bigotry is now in a new spotlight. And many will not tolerate her rhetorical kinship with the President.


    To begin: Barr has repeatedly shared inflammatory views about Muslims. One of her retweets equated Islam with Nazism, saying both want "world domination" and the "destruction of all Jews," according to an account last year in the Daily Beast. (Some of the tweets have since been deleted, but screengrabs can be found on several news sites.) Barr has also tweeted about what she calls "Islamic rape pedo culture," and retweeted memes that gin up fear of Muslims.


    Like Trump, Barr has also used Twitter to viciously go after those she perceives as enemies, even if the allegations aren't true. For example, Barr tweeted in 2016 that then-Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin, who is Muslim and at the time was married to Anthony Weiner, was a "Jew hater," adding, "hillary clinton's handler huma weiner is a filthy nazi whore."


    And Barr, like Trump, shares an affinity for the conspiracy-loving Alex Jones -- the man who claimedthat the 2012 Sandy Hook massacre, which left 20 school children dead, was a "hoax." Trump appeared on Jones' show during the 2016 presidential campaign and, according to Roger Stone -- Trump's former political strategist and a campaign adviser -- the two speak on the phone from time to time.


    Barr also appeared on Jones'

    , and has shared tweets from his Infowars website, including retweeting his claim that "5.7 million illegals" voted in the 2016 presidential election -- her apparent effort to explain why Trump lost the popular vote.


    The "Roseanne" star has also been accused of spewing transphobic comments on Twitter. Even Barr's recent responses to charges of such bigotry have a familiar Trump-like ring to them, one Americans have had to get used to over the past 13 months of this presidency. When asked by a reporter for USA today about accusations that she is transphobic or anti-Muslim, Barr responded "it's easy for people to attack." She then added, "I don't care. Just spell my name right."


    Truly, Barr and Trump are a couple made in bigotry heaven.


    ... [but] in an election, people can vote for who they want anonymously -- there is no personal brand you need to think about protecting when you throw the lever in a voting booth. In the corporate world, your decision has a different meaning. Does the network -- which is a part of Disney -- want to be associated with a person with Barr's history? Will Disney shareholders -- will its advertisers -- want it?


    It is surprising that the network, which has just renewed Barr's show for a second season, has not voiced concerns over its star's history of hate. Sure, the ratings were great for the show -- Trump's widely publicized call undoubtedly will help. But it is deeply disturbing that ABC has been silent on Barr's views. By either pretending they are not there, or worse, are harmless, the network abets the distortion of American norms of decency; it normalizes them -- as does Trump's praising Barr without any reservations.


    In today's America, where activism is on the rise -- Black Lives Matter, immigrant rights, protests against gun violence -- ABC shouldn't be surprised if it sees a boycott of the show, targeting advertisers to take a stand on Barr. Trump and ABC executives may not care about Barr's past views, but I'll bet advertisers will.

  15. ... my preference would be no visitaton, closed casket and no religious service.

    I agree about the closed casket (if there's to be any visitation at all). To me, an open casket "viewing" is the weirdest of all funeral customs.


    As to my "remains," I have long said that I'd prefer cremation, but I might consider green burial. Being a tree in my next life doesn't sound so bad.

  16. B_N3HKfVEAIkBiE.jpg

























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