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  1. Like
    Whitman got a reaction from + BenjaminNicholas in Airline Deal of the Day: A $16,000 seat for $675!   
    For a few hours over the New Year's holiday, Cathay Pacific mistakenly sold first class, lie-flat seats from Vietnam to Canada at a price of $675 round trip. Typically, those seats go for $16,000 round trip. (Yes, you read that right.)
    Once the error was spotted, the airline fixed it. Airlines are not required to honor such fares. When they don't, they cancel any reservations made and inform ticket holders that they have to rebook their trips. In this case, because the gap between the correct and incorrect fares was so wide, most observers did not expect Cathay to honor the $675 fares. Today, Cathay announced via Twitter that it would:
    Happy 2019 all, and to those who bought our good - VERY good - surprise ‘special’ on New Year’s Day, yes, we made a mistake, but we look forward to welcoming you on board with your ticket issued. Hope this will make your 2019 ‘special’ too!
    #promisemadepromisekept #lessonlearnt
    3:01 AM - Jan 2, 2019
  2. Like
    Whitman got a reaction from + azdr0710 in Airline Deal of the Day: A $16,000 seat for $675!   
    For a few hours over the New Year's holiday, Cathay Pacific mistakenly sold first class, lie-flat seats from Vietnam to Canada at a price of $675 round trip. Typically, those seats go for $16,000 round trip. (Yes, you read that right.)
    Once the error was spotted, the airline fixed it. Airlines are not required to honor such fares. When they don't, they cancel any reservations made and inform ticket holders that they have to rebook their trips. In this case, because the gap between the correct and incorrect fares was so wide, most observers did not expect Cathay to honor the $675 fares. Today, Cathay announced via Twitter that it would:
    Happy 2019 all, and to those who bought our good - VERY good - surprise ‘special’ on New Year’s Day, yes, we made a mistake, but we look forward to welcoming you on board with your ticket issued. Hope this will make your 2019 ‘special’ too!
    #promisemadepromisekept #lessonlearnt
    3:01 AM - Jan 2, 2019
  3. Like
    Whitman got a reaction from caliguy in What was the last year Peter North had testicle hair?   
    You realize, of course, that it took more time and finger strength to write that post than to type PETER NORTH into Google?
  4. Like
    Whitman got a reaction from LookingAround in What was the last year Peter North had testicle hair?   
    You realize, of course, that it took more time and finger strength to write that post than to type PETER NORTH into Google?
  5. Like
    Whitman reacted to marylander1940 in Show me your nipples!   
  6. Like
    Whitman reacted to + Oliver in Show me your nipples!   
  7. Like
    Whitman got a reaction from + azdr0710 in Mourning period for a stillbirth?   
    Interesting to bring maternity and paternity leave into this discussion. Particularly the latter, since plenty of us here surely remember a time before the "radical" concept of paternity leave even existed. (And what would that be for? A man taking time off because his wife had a baby!!? It's a world gone mad!)
    Anyway, in mentioning paternity leave, @Unicorn, you've made me wonder if you would have more readily accepted a female colleague -- rather than a male physician -- taking weeks off work for a mourning period after a stillbirth at 24 weeks? I suspect there are plenty of people -- still -- who more easily (more reflexively) understand a woman grieving for the loss of a wanted child, and needing time for emotional recovery.
    But if this couple shared an eager anticipation for their lost child, it seems only logical that they now need time to grieve and recover together.
    From a business perspective -- sure, there's real inconvenience to a circumstance like this. And I suppose there are still plenty of professional colleagues (in all sorts of businesses) who get impatient about men and women taking time off to grieve or to heal, to bond with a new baby or to care for an elderly parent.
    I have been on both sides of that, so I abstain from passing judgment on anyone. I once grumbled way too much about a new colleague (in her 20s) who -- only a couple of months after being hired -- took off many days to be with her dying father, then three more weeks after he passed. She was paid, and nothing was said to her about this. A few years later, I was the beneficiary of a whole lot of consideration and generosity from colleagues --including this one -- when I took an extended time away from work. What goes around ...
  8. Like
    Whitman reacted to Moondance in Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat   
    I've now seen two more of the four episodes. For Salt, you're in Japan. For Acid, you're in Mexico.
    The travel aspect is kind of a bonus to the emphasis on cooking/taste/eating, but it's a beautifully photographed, very appealing "extra."
    (I spent a lot of the first episode contemplating my next trip to Italy. Been too long.)

  9. Like
    Whitman reacted to Moondance in Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat   
    Having just seen the first of four episodes -- Fat -- this is a heads-up to the rest of you about a great food show, unlike any other, recently added to Netflix.
    Based on the book of the same name by chef Samin Nosrat, who also hosts the show, Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat offers an education on these four essential elements of great cooking -- and, I believe, takes you to a different country for each episode. (For Fat, you're in Italy.)
    If you like to cook, and like to travel, this is your show.
  10. Like
    Whitman got a reaction from + WilliamM in Kevin Spacey Accused of Sexual Misconduct, Confirms Rumors He Is Gay   
    Amen to that!

    Seriously!!?? What a lot to expect of Anthony Rapp. And why? To "protect" Spacey from something he has no reason to want to protect him from? And at what risk? Perhaps to expose himself to the suggestion that he wanted to blackmail Spacey?

    Good to hear, because you've sure given that impression.
  11. Haha
    Whitman got a reaction from Luv2play in Faye Dunaway Is Slated to Play Katharine Hepburn on Broadway   
    After what she did to Joan Crawford, why give Dunaway a shot at another Hollywood legend?

    Revised ? Or rewritten ? The first act of that play is set in 1938, when Hepburn was 31. Kate Mulgrew played it in her 40s -- not impossible on the stage -- but Dunaway is pushing 80. The audience will need to be seated in outer space if she has to pass for 31.
  12. Like
    Whitman got a reaction from + E.T.Bass in Boners at work....   
    A career they never covered in the (also legendary) What Color is Your Parachute?
  13. Like
    Whitman reacted to MikeBiDude in Old version of the forum   
    Well the first thing you need to do is setup an account on a 3rd party photo hosting site, I use postimages.org but there’s are lots out there.
    Upload your photo you’d like to post to that photo hosting website
    The photo hosting website will have a way to share a link to your photo, copy or somehow make note of that link
    Here on our forum, when composing a new message/reply, click on the photo icon, a dialog box will pop up asking for the link to your photo, enter the link you saved from the step above, save all and post your message.
    Anytime point out if I’m missing a step?
    Clumsy thick fingered attempt to point out image link icon;

  14. Like
    Whitman reacted to + WilliamM in Faye Dunaway Is Slated to Play Katharine Hepburn on Broadway   
    How many people are interested in a play about Hepburn (other than the author)?
  15. Like
    Whitman got a reaction from mike carey in Support Peacock Not Allowed On Flight   
    Ah, the support peacock is back.
    The great threads never die.
  16. Like
    Whitman got a reaction from + azdr0710 in What about this name is unusual? Mom is ????   
    You can't blame his parents for that. They named him Robert Sargent Shriver, Jr.
    The parents had their own peculiarity in this area -- they were both named Shriver. (Cousins, I think. Like FDR and Eleanor.)
  17. Like
    Whitman got a reaction from + FreshFluff in Boners at work....   
    A career they never covered in the (also legendary) What Color is Your Parachute?
  18. Like
    Whitman reacted to + WilliamM in ASS REVOLUTION   
  19. Like
    Whitman reacted to + WilliamM in ASS REVOLUTION   
  20. Like
    Whitman reacted to + WilliamM in ASS REVOLUTION   
  21. Like
    Whitman got a reaction from bigvalboy in My 5,000th Post!!!   
    From what I was told -- so, secondhand info here -- he got a time-out, then decided not to return once the time-out was over.
  22. Like
    Whitman got a reaction from + WilliamM in My 5,000th Post!!!   
    Or at least made someone gnash his teeth.

    It's probably just a time-out. I noticed once when jjkrkwood was timed out that he was gone from the Notable Members list, but reappeared once the time-out ended.
  23. Like
    Whitman got a reaction from + Tarte Gogo in My 5,000th Post!!!   
    From what I was told -- so, secondhand info here -- he got a time-out, then decided not to return once the time-out was over.
  24. Like
    Whitman got a reaction from + Tarte Gogo in My 5,000th Post!!!   
    Did you guys (or should I say yinz) do something to make him feel unwelcome? Or do you suppose he was lurking here and discovered how you felt about him there? I admit, I got curious about how, exactly, he was driving yinz crazy and went to look, but the first thing I bumped into was his post announcing that he was taking a hike from there. Literally:
    "Thanks for the short membership but considering how warm it is out there I'd rather go hiking (something we all should do more often ) instead of posting on here."
    Who'd have guessed!!? Ole marylander1940 thinks hiking is better than posting on an internet message board.
  25. Like
    Whitman got a reaction from + tassojunior in My 5,000th Post!!!   
    Did you guys (or should I say yinz) do something to make him feel unwelcome? Or do you suppose he was lurking here and discovered how you felt about him there? I admit, I got curious about how, exactly, he was driving yinz crazy and went to look, but the first thing I bumped into was his post announcing that he was taking a hike from there. Literally:
    "Thanks for the short membership but considering how warm it is out there I'd rather go hiking (something we all should do more often ) instead of posting on here."
    Who'd have guessed!!? Ole marylander1940 thinks hiking is better than posting on an internet message board.
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