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  1. Like
    Whitman got a reaction from + Tarte Gogo in My 5,000th Post!!!   
    Did you guys (or should I say yinz) do something to make him feel unwelcome? Or do you suppose he was lurking here and discovered how you felt about him there? I admit, I got curious about how, exactly, he was driving yinz crazy and went to look, but the first thing I bumped into was his post announcing that he was taking a hike from there. Literally:
    "Thanks for the short membership but considering how warm it is out there I'd rather go hiking (something we all should do more often ) instead of posting on here."
    Who'd have guessed!!? Ole marylander1940 thinks hiking is better than posting on an internet message board.
  2. Like
    Whitman got a reaction from wbtravis in Demystifying this forum for me?   
    Here's a link to the TOS page -- https://m4m-forum.org/help/terms (or, it's at the upper left of this page) -- in the column on the left of the TOS page you can find out about trophies.
    Enjoy the forum. Welcome.
  3. Like
    Whitman got a reaction from bigvalboy in My 5,000th Post!!!   
    From what I was told -- so, secondhand info here -- he got a time-out, then decided not to return once the time-out was over.
  4. Like
    Whitman got a reaction from + Tarte Gogo in My 5,000th Post!!!   
    From what I was told -- so, secondhand info here -- he got a time-out, then decided not to return once the time-out was over.
  5. Like
    Whitman got a reaction from + tassojunior in My 5,000th Post!!!   
    Did you guys (or should I say yinz) do something to make him feel unwelcome? Or do you suppose he was lurking here and discovered how you felt about him there? I admit, I got curious about how, exactly, he was driving yinz crazy and went to look, but the first thing I bumped into was his post announcing that he was taking a hike from there. Literally:
    "Thanks for the short membership but considering how warm it is out there I'd rather go hiking (something we all should do more often ) instead of posting on here."
    Who'd have guessed!!? Ole marylander1940 thinks hiking is better than posting on an internet message board.
  6. Like
    Whitman got a reaction from + pitman in My 5,000th Post!!!   
    An alternative theory to what's become of marylander1940:
    I'd still bet it's just a time-out … but remember those worries about Y2K? …
    Would computers be able to handle the rollover from 1999 into 2000 without going *!#blooey#!* -- disrupting lives, livelihoods, whole economies?
    Everything worked out fine then, but maybe not this time … maybe the sheer volume of posts by marylander1940 has exceeded the M4M capacity and …


    Be careful, @Avalon. Be very, very careful.
  7. Like
    Whitman got a reaction from liubit in Arthritis and Cannabis   
    @Avalon, in another thread, you mentioned that you have arthritis in your knees and that you are homebound. If the arthritis is the reason for being homebound, I hope you are treating it with more than over-the-counter Ibuprofen.
    At a minimum, there are prescription anti-inflammatories that might give you more relief.
    In addition, there's viscosupplementation -- hyaluronan injections directly into the joint. These provided enormous relief to my mother when she was in her 90s, felt it was too late for knee replacement surgery, but was determined to stay on her feet. The hyaluronan (there are different versions of it, different brand name) acts like a shock absorber, lubricating your joints to reduce osteoarthritis symptoms.
    And then there's the knee replacement option.
    Sorry if you've elaborated on your situation in other threads I've missed, and if this advice misses the mark, but I wanted to mention options that I have seen work, and say that I hope you are actively working with a doctor -- a specialist -- to deal with an issue as severe and limiting as you've described.
  8. Like
    Whitman got a reaction from + Avalon in Arthritis and Cannabis   
    @Avalon, in another thread, you mentioned that you have arthritis in your knees and that you are homebound. If the arthritis is the reason for being homebound, I hope you are treating it with more than over-the-counter Ibuprofen.
    At a minimum, there are prescription anti-inflammatories that might give you more relief.
    In addition, there's viscosupplementation -- hyaluronan injections directly into the joint. These provided enormous relief to my mother when she was in her 90s, felt it was too late for knee replacement surgery, but was determined to stay on her feet. The hyaluronan (there are different versions of it, different brand name) acts like a shock absorber, lubricating your joints to reduce osteoarthritis symptoms.
    And then there's the knee replacement option.
    Sorry if you've elaborated on your situation in other threads I've missed, and if this advice misses the mark, but I wanted to mention options that I have seen work, and say that I hope you are actively working with a doctor -- a specialist -- to deal with an issue as severe and limiting as you've described.
  9. Like
    Whitman got a reaction from + WilliamM in Arthritis and Cannabis   
    @Avalon, in another thread, you mentioned that you have arthritis in your knees and that you are homebound. If the arthritis is the reason for being homebound, I hope you are treating it with more than over-the-counter Ibuprofen.
    At a minimum, there are prescription anti-inflammatories that might give you more relief.
    In addition, there's viscosupplementation -- hyaluronan injections directly into the joint. These provided enormous relief to my mother when she was in her 90s, felt it was too late for knee replacement surgery, but was determined to stay on her feet. The hyaluronan (there are different versions of it, different brand name) acts like a shock absorber, lubricating your joints to reduce osteoarthritis symptoms.
    And then there's the knee replacement option.
    Sorry if you've elaborated on your situation in other threads I've missed, and if this advice misses the mark, but I wanted to mention options that I have seen work, and say that I hope you are actively working with a doctor -- a specialist -- to deal with an issue as severe and limiting as you've described.
  10. Like
    Whitman got a reaction from + WilliamM in My 5,000th Post!!!   
    An alternative theory to what's become of marylander1940:
    I'd still bet it's just a time-out … but remember those worries about Y2K? …
    Would computers be able to handle the rollover from 1999 into 2000 without going *!#blooey#!* -- disrupting lives, livelihoods, whole economies?
    Everything worked out fine then, but maybe not this time … maybe the sheer volume of posts by marylander1940 has exceeded the M4M capacity and …


    Be careful, @Avalon. Be very, very careful.
  11. Like
    Whitman got a reaction from MikeBiDude in My 5,000th Post!!!   
    An alternative theory to what's become of marylander1940:
    I'd still bet it's just a time-out … but remember those worries about Y2K? …
    Would computers be able to handle the rollover from 1999 into 2000 without going *!#blooey#!* -- disrupting lives, livelihoods, whole economies?
    Everything worked out fine then, but maybe not this time … maybe the sheer volume of posts by marylander1940 has exceeded the M4M capacity and …


    Be careful, @Avalon. Be very, very careful.
  12. Like
    Whitman got a reaction from + Tarte Gogo in My 5,000th Post!!!   
    An alternative theory to what's become of marylander1940:
    I'd still bet it's just a time-out … but remember those worries about Y2K? …
    Would computers be able to handle the rollover from 1999 into 2000 without going *!#blooey#!* -- disrupting lives, livelihoods, whole economies?
    Everything worked out fine then, but maybe not this time … maybe the sheer volume of posts by marylander1940 has exceeded the M4M capacity and …


    Be careful, @Avalon. Be very, very careful.
  13. Like
    Whitman got a reaction from bigvalboy in My 5,000th Post!!!   
    An alternative theory to what's become of marylander1940:
    I'd still bet it's just a time-out … but remember those worries about Y2K? …
    Would computers be able to handle the rollover from 1999 into 2000 without going *!#blooey#!* -- disrupting lives, livelihoods, whole economies?
    Everything worked out fine then, but maybe not this time … maybe the sheer volume of posts by marylander1940 has exceeded the M4M capacity and …


    Be careful, @Avalon. Be very, very careful.
  14. Like
    Whitman got a reaction from + WilliamM in My 5,000th Post!!!   
    Or at least made someone gnash his teeth.

    It's probably just a time-out. I noticed once when jjkrkwood was timed out that he was gone from the Notable Members list, but reappeared once the time-out ended.
  15. Like
    Whitman got a reaction from Nvr2Thick in Do You Use Straws To Drink?   
  16. Like
    Whitman reacted to LivingnLA in Do You Use Straws To Drink?   
    Nah. No offense taken. I thought it was cute, but just a misrepresentation of our position.
    One of the funniest experiences earlier this Summer was when we were ordering breakfast one morning on a trip and when we told the waitress, "no straws" as we were ordering drinks, she smiled and asked, "where in California are you from?" We all had a good laugh.
  17. Like
    Whitman got a reaction from + Avalon in Do You Use Straws To Drink?   
  18. Like
    Whitman got a reaction from + pitman in Roseanne reboot...   
    No one wants to lynch her, @Corporate Shill. Most of us would like less public spectacle, not more.
    Which would have been a good reason for not putting her back on the air to begin with. Where was your concern about "girl needs help for her mental health issues" back on March 27 when you started this thread and were looking forward to having her back on TV?
    She didn't just get nuts. That didn't just happen.
    Treatment, not television, would have been a better idea right along.
  19. Like
    Whitman got a reaction from + WilliamM in Roseanne reboot...   
    No one wants to lynch her, @Corporate Shill. Most of us would like less public spectacle, not more.
    Which would have been a good reason for not putting her back on the air to begin with. Where was your concern about "girl needs help for her mental health issues" back on March 27 when you started this thread and were looking forward to having her back on TV?
    She didn't just get nuts. That didn't just happen.
    Treatment, not television, would have been a better idea right along.
  20. Like
    Whitman got a reaction from nynakedtop in Roseanne reboot...   
    No one wants to lynch her, @Corporate Shill. Most of us would like less public spectacle, not more.
    Which would have been a good reason for not putting her back on the air to begin with. Where was your concern about "girl needs help for her mental health issues" back on March 27 when you started this thread and were looking forward to having her back on TV?
    She didn't just get nuts. That didn't just happen.
    Treatment, not television, would have been a better idea right along.
  21. Like
    Whitman got a reaction from Kenny in Roseanne reboot...   
    No one wants to lynch her, @Corporate Shill. Most of us would like less public spectacle, not more.
    Which would have been a good reason for not putting her back on the air to begin with. Where was your concern about "girl needs help for her mental health issues" back on March 27 when you started this thread and were looking forward to having her back on TV?
    She didn't just get nuts. That didn't just happen.
    Treatment, not television, would have been a better idea right along.
  22. Like
    Whitman got a reaction from Kenny in Roseanne reboot...   
    As Morgan Jerkins put it the other day in TIME magazine:
    Like the many newspaper and magazine features that have spotlighted the need for working-class white people to be further understood, Roseanne just served to further normalize the bigotry that gets dressed up as “economic anxiety.”
  23. Like
    Whitman got a reaction from Nvr2Thick in Roseanne reboot...   
    As Morgan Jerkins put it the other day in TIME magazine:
    Like the many newspaper and magazine features that have spotlighted the need for working-class white people to be further understood, Roseanne just served to further normalize the bigotry that gets dressed up as “economic anxiety.”
  24. Like
    Whitman got a reaction from + WilliamM in Roseanne reboot...   
    As Morgan Jerkins put it the other day in TIME magazine:
    Like the many newspaper and magazine features that have spotlighted the need for working-class white people to be further understood, Roseanne just served to further normalize the bigotry that gets dressed up as “economic anxiety.”
  25. Like
    Whitman reacted to Moondance in Roseanne reboot...   
    May 31, 2018 … It took only a few hours for ABC and just about everyone else who was in business with Roseanne Barr to cut all ties to the comedian, saying they were shocked and outraged by her hateful tweeting. This had to be more laughable than any of the gags on her resurgent sitcom.
    After all, Barr has never been anything other than what she is now: a talented and addled provocateur who will say or do almost any outrageous thing — butcher the national anthem, mock the Holocaust, run for president or prime minister of Israel — just to get people talking about her.
    Sound like anyone else you might have seen on TV at any hour of the day or night?
    And that, of course, was the point of bringing Roseanne’s irreverent sense of humor back to network TV. She was supposed to draw in all the same people who love President Trump, who resent all the elite consensus and political correctness and multiculturalism, and who just want someone — pardon the terminology here — to piss off all us snowflakes …
    But then Roseanne flamed out all at once, publicly comparing a black confidante of President Obama’s to an ape (and a radical Muslim one at that).
    Why? As the late New York City Mayor Ed Koch once shouted at me from a hospital bed, when I asked him to explain Rudy Giuliani’s apparent meanness: Why does the scorpion sting? It’s in his nature!
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