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  1. Love
    + 5280Dane got a reaction from + glycine in Budgeting for an Orgy   
    Sounds like a great time.  A few ideas - perhaps have a gift bag for each with bath products or something to remember you by.  Also consider an Airbnb that you can rent the entire place.  Maybe something in Evergreen or even Vail.
  2. Eye Roll
    + 5280Dane got a reaction from daretobare in Seeking arrangements success!   
    If I’m supporting someone as their sole income, they better be putting out 40 hours a week. Minimum. God, I wish I were rich.
  3. Like
    + 5280Dane got a reaction from + Vegas_Millennial in Borrowing on margin to purchase rental property   
    You seem to have thought this out well, but just remember the broker dealer can change the margin requirements should any of your holdings tank.  Unlikely, but possible.
    The other risk that was mentioned above is opportunity risk, as you could miss out on a market turn around and some potential value stocks.
    In any case I admire your entrepreneurial spirit.
  4. Like
    + 5280Dane got a reaction from Kevin Slater in Borrowing on margin to purchase rental property   
    You seem to have thought this out well, but just remember the broker dealer can change the margin requirements should any of your holdings tank.  Unlikely, but possible.
    The other risk that was mentioned above is opportunity risk, as you could miss out on a market turn around and some potential value stocks.
    In any case I admire your entrepreneurial spirit.
  5. Like
    + 5280Dane got a reaction from + keroscenefire in Budgeting for an Orgy   
    Sounds like a great time.  A few ideas - perhaps have a gift bag for each with bath products or something to remember you by.  Also consider an Airbnb that you can rent the entire place.  Maybe something in Evergreen or even Vail.
  6. Like
    + 5280Dane got a reaction from + keroscenefire in Advice for a newbie investor?   
    Good for you that you have come into some money, and you are wise to plan carefully with  what to do.
    some have said to pay off debt and I would agree to pay off high interest debt (anything over 10% for sure.
    I would then suggest that you keep an emergency fund - like in your money market acct that can be accessed easily.  6 months of funds is a good rule.
    As for investments- have you considered Real Estate?  Maybe use some as a down payment to avoid mortgage insurance.  You can invest in real estate through some ETFs and REITS.  You are young so you can weather the ups and downs of the stock market.  The market has been tough this year but it also means that there are some values out there to buy low and then sell high later on.  
    I’ve always liked Warren Buffetts advice. Invest in companies that you know and trust.  And do your best to avoid the temptation of buying into something that you don’t understand.  Stick to equities, mutual funds, bonds, money market, and ETFs at this time.  Index funds are a good way to start and you can grow your portfolio by enrolling in an auto dividend reinvestment plan and using recurring mutual fund purchase plans.  Finally, research tax liability of your investments as there are considerations to be had.  If necessary get a tax advisor.
    Best wishes!
  7. Thanks
    + 5280Dane reacted to mlee789 in 411 on RileyRange   
    I discovered him on Grindr recently and met him. Would not rehire. Found him rude, disrespectful and totally full of himself. Just my experience…
  8. Like
    + 5280Dane got a reaction from TriangleGuy in 411 on RileyRange   
    I saw his ad and wondered myself.
  9. Like
    + 5280Dane got a reaction from HoseMaster in Too Many 'Money Up Front' Horror Stories Lately.......A Remedy??   
    I unfortunately fell for this not long ago.  He did show up but once he got payment he got a call that he needed to give his cousin keys and when he left he never came back. Reported it to RM and they said they would suspend his profile and I reported the scam to cash app and will hopefully get my money back.  End of the day, I absolutely know better and let my little head rule my logical head.  A painful reminder but one that I obviously needed to learn again.  
    Oh escort is King Piper in Charlotte.  Pics are not real either.  I should have kicked him out then.  Sometimes I’m an idiot.
  10. Applause
    + 5280Dane got a reaction from HoseMaster in Too Many 'Money Up Front' Horror Stories Lately.......A Remedy??   
    I agree - you want paid upfront you get no tip.
  11. Like
    + 5280Dane got a reaction from + Lucky in Too Many 'Money Up Front' Horror Stories Lately.......A Remedy??   
    I unfortunately fell for this not long ago.  He did show up but once he got payment he got a call that he needed to give his cousin keys and when he left he never came back. Reported it to RM and they said they would suspend his profile and I reported the scam to cash app and will hopefully get my money back.  End of the day, I absolutely know better and let my little head rule my logical head.  A painful reminder but one that I obviously needed to learn again.  
    Oh escort is King Piper in Charlotte.  Pics are not real either.  I should have kicked him out then.  Sometimes I’m an idiot.
  12. Applause
    + 5280Dane got a reaction from + glutes in Too Many 'Money Up Front' Horror Stories Lately.......A Remedy??   
    I agree - you want paid upfront you get no tip.
  13. Haha
    + 5280Dane reacted to + nycman in Too Many 'Money Up Front' Horror Stories Lately.......A Remedy??   
    Don’t worry, you’re in good company. 
  14. Like
    + 5280Dane got a reaction from + nycman in Too Many 'Money Up Front' Horror Stories Lately.......A Remedy??   
    I unfortunately fell for this not long ago.  He did show up but once he got payment he got a call that he needed to give his cousin keys and when he left he never came back. Reported it to RM and they said they would suspend his profile and I reported the scam to cash app and will hopefully get my money back.  End of the day, I absolutely know better and let my little head rule my logical head.  A painful reminder but one that I obviously needed to learn again.  
    Oh escort is King Piper in Charlotte.  Pics are not real either.  I should have kicked him out then.  Sometimes I’m an idiot.
  15. Applause
    + 5280Dane got a reaction from Beancounter in Favorite College Football Team   
    I’ll cheer for anyone who beats Texas.  
  16. Like
    + 5280Dane got a reaction from marylander1940 in Favorite College Football Team   
    I’ll cheer for anyone who beats Texas.  
  17. Like
    + 5280Dane got a reaction from marylander1940 in Favorite College Football Team   
    I can tell you most fans finally are more realistic and aspire to be like Wisconsin, but it took many years.  After all, after more than 30 years of 9+ wins and a bowl game, and a sellout streak that continues today and started in 1962, we were spoiled.  I would simply warn Ohio State, Clemson and Bama to enjoy it while you can.
  18. Like
    + 5280Dane got a reaction from marylander1940 in Favorite College Football Team   
    What’s your favorite college football team?  
    What 4 teams will make the playoff?
    Which team will surprise as over achievers?  And who will surprise as under achievers?
    1.  Ohio State
    2.  Oklahoma
    3.  Alabama
    4.  Southern Cal USC
    Overachiever - Nebraska
    Underachiever - Clemson 
  19. Applause
    + 5280Dane got a reaction from + E.T.Bass in Favorite College Football Team   
    I’ll cheer for anyone who beats Texas.  
  20. Haha
    + 5280Dane reacted to dutchal in Favorite College Football Team   
    Do you know why University of Texas Austin fans wear orange?
    So they can go to the football game on Saturday, and then deer hunting on Sunday.
    And then on Monday go right back to picking up trash by the side of the road.
  21. Applause
    + 5280Dane reacted to + purplekow in Favorite College Football Team   
    Though I did not attend Nebraska nor have I ever been to the state, I root for Nebraska football.  Go Huskers.  Nice moving to the Big 10, they have been dreadful.  Each year for the last 3 years, they have been ranked in the Top 25 or close during the preseason polls and then they either lose or nearly lose to a vastly overmatched small league team.  From there, it has been downhill.  I hope to see some improvement this year but I need to see it to believe it.  
    Overrated team for me is usually Florida or Florida State.   
  22. Like
    + 5280Dane got a reaction from + Reisr30 in Budgeting for an Orgy   
    Sounds like a great time.  A few ideas - perhaps have a gift bag for each with bath products or something to remember you by.  Also consider an Airbnb that you can rent the entire place.  Maybe something in Evergreen or even Vail.
  23. Applause
    + 5280Dane got a reaction from CatDaddy in Favorite College Football Team   
    I’ll cheer for anyone who beats Texas.  
  24. Like
    + 5280Dane got a reaction from + E.T.Bass in Favorite College Football Team   
    Iowa State is certainly a team to watch.  I wouldn’t be surprised if they get past Iowa that they go undefeated.  Don’t give up on Chip Kelly, he will have the Bruins back soon enough.
  25. Like
    + 5280Dane got a reaction from + keroscenefire in EliXXX   
    It’s been about 6 years when we both lived in Denver. I know he struggled with some addiction issues for awhile, but hopefully he has overcome those. He is a very sweet man and deserves a happy life.
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