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  1. I asked for a video confirmation and then crickets. That seems to cut through the confusion of who's who and what's what right away.
  2. @DCHereI'm glad your experience was better than mine. The person in the profile photos did not show up to my appt.
  3. I am genuinely confused due to the amount of positive reviews on this provider. rentmasseur: https://rentmasseur.com/Cortiz I scheduled and arrived and the person who met me was not the person in the photos. He had a similar face, but was definitely not in any shape like the photos suggest. When I brought the profile photos up on my phone and asked point blank "Is this you?" He replied "No that is my roommate." I immediately left. I don't know how he could be receiving these great reviews unless my experience was the one time he opted to substitute with a less hot look alike??? Rating this one : F
  4. Had a disappointing text exchange with him recently. He was reluctant to provide a location and then provided a nearby business (a museum) that wasn't his working address. Given the lack of photo and the "nearby" address, I inquired, letting him know that this was not the usual process when reaching out to an ad for massage. He replied that it was for his safety. When I replied that coming out to a false address and waiting for him to either give me another more accurate address or to be robbed was equally unsafe, he said I was being dramatic and promptly dismissed the appt. The whole exchange was a less than comfortable setup for a session claiming to provide professionalism and comfort. Hard pass.
  5. Exactly @sniper! You got it. Pin the tail on the donkey. 🤣
  6. Not as concerned if the ad is dated? Has anyone met him?
  7. Has anyone met Kgabriel? https://rent.men/Kgabriel
  8. Any takers? https://rentmasseur.com/Muscletension
  9. Any takers? https://rentmasseur.com/Muscletension
  10. Nice new Ft Laud ad. Has he been around under a different name or is this a newbie Daddy? Either way, hot profile, looking to see if anyone knows about him. https://rent.men/TOPLATINMASSEUR
  11. Easily one of my favorites. A+ Very nice, professional, eager to please and willing to adjust if you need him to.
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