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    NJmusclelover reacted to + azdr0710 in Vegas Escorts   
    I think @builder boy means JamesXL, subject of an impassioned thread recently (!). Can't link at the moment, but easy to find here!
  2. Like
    NJmusclelover reacted to + azdr0710 in Giavaniflex   
  3. Like
    NJmusclelover got a reaction from hornytwells in JAMES XL   
    I can see why he stoped seeing you
  4. Like
    NJmusclelover reacted to Aaron_Bauder in JAMES XL   
    Not at all when he's already been there once before and waiting in freezing rain for 15 minutes, only to have the client no-show.
    I fail to see what's sketchy about escort's communication. He said explicitly, "Come now or wait till 11:30?" He was told to "come now." He did that. He texted, "Here." He got no response from a dude who'd already flaked on him before. No, it's not his responsiblity any more at that point to beg and plead with the client to meet him. Sorry, but no. It's called boundaries. At some point, enough is enough.
    As to cheerleading, I don't know James XL and don't want to know him. Not defending him based on any personal relationship. Also I don't find the veiny, cartoon muscle look attractive, so not defending him based on my loins either. My assessment is based purely on the known facts. Now if he had Pietro Boselli's body or Cam Newton's face, then maybe yeah, I'd be biased. As it is, no.
  5. Like
    NJmusclelover got a reaction from LTH in JAMES XL   
    James didn’t steel any money it was a deposit to come back and the guy flaked again
    He had to pay holland tunnel toll twice to see him plus gas and drive time
    I’m sure James has an easier way to make money..gas and tolls maybe $45
    So he took the trip twice from nj an hour each
    Way 4 hours for 2 trips to make $30
    Please James was screwed with plain and
  6. Like
    NJmusclelover reacted to Strafe13 in JAMES XL   
    Would you even listen to yourself? You don't get to demand that someone meet you face to face, especially when you're acting so nutty on an online forum. Either you're engaging in some grade-A trolling of everyone here, or something is seriously wrong with your coping skills and emotional state. Again, for your own sake, please get some help and move on.
  7. Like
    NJmusclelover reacted to builder boy in JAMES XL   
    I simply think your a lunatic. He's far better off to have you out of his life. Look at your posts. Crazy
  8. Like
    NJmusclelover reacted to builder boy in JAMES XL   
    I don't owe you squat. And obviously he wants nothing to do with you and who can blame him.
  9. Like
    NJmusclelover got a reaction from builder boy in JAMES XL   
    I can see why he stoped seeing you
  10. Like
    NJmusclelover reacted to builder boy in JAMES XL   
    When it comes to you, hands down James any day. Sorry I know your antics. You have shown enough here alone. Ciao
  11. Like
    NJmusclelover reacted to builder boy in JAMES XL   
    Trust me this one is as bad as the orginal poster
  12. Like
    NJmusclelover got a reaction from builder boy in JAMES XL   
    Your story has holes in it too
    It happened about 2 years ago
    And not what you said either I’ve talked to him about it , and now you want to disrespect
  13. Like
    NJmusclelover reacted to former lurker in JAMES XL   
    No. You were at fault, not him. Why should you get back what ostensibly is to protect him from your very scenario?
  14. Like
    NJmusclelover got a reaction from LTH in JAMES XL   
    James is not a scam artist
    He a great looking guy and professional and respectful to those who respect him
  15. Like
    NJmusclelover got a reaction from LTH in JAMES XL   
    This is what happened, since James has actually, been staying at my home while visiting
    This week , we were in nyc Sunday
    This guy texted non stop about James going to see him in Brooklyn, James doesn’t usually
    Go to Brooklyn but did , I was in the car
    With him we drove there it was pouring rain
    James waited outside your door for 15
    Min you said your roommate was there could he come back later , so James left it’s raining
    He was ticked off about it and left
    Then the guy starts texting can he come back
    James said no , the client said if he doesn’t
    He’s leaving bad reviews everywhere
    Anyway the next day the guy is texting
    Again so james said he would go and
    I live in nj so it’s an hour drive plus tolls bridges and gas , he gave him $75 deposit
    And pulled same type of thing next day
    And has the balls to leave a bad review
    Hell $75 for 2 drives to Brooklyn
    This guy owes James an apology!!!!!!
  16. Like
    NJmusclelover reacted to builder boy in JAMES XL   
    Per usual you know nothing you speak of. I have friendships with guys that I have seen in the past, since early 2000's and trust me "the money stopped flowing" years ago! You may be putting your own experiences on others and frankly that's your issue.
    As far as "cheerleaders" I don't see how stating the facts is anything more than seeing right from wrong. James is a good guy and is certainly not dishonest, nor did he steal anything.
    You would be better off keep your posts elsewhere as clearly you have no real value to bring to this ridiculous post in the first place
  17. Like
    NJmusclelover got a reaction from Aaron_Bauder in JAMES XL   
    James didn’t steel any money it was a deposit to come back and the guy flaked again
    He had to pay holland tunnel toll twice to see him plus gas and drive time
    I’m sure James has an easier way to make money..gas and tolls maybe $45
    So he took the trip twice from nj an hour each
    Way 4 hours for 2 trips to make $30
    Please James was screwed with plain and
  18. Like
    NJmusclelover reacted to former lurker in JAMES XL   
    Stop. You were an ass. And you continue to trash him. You never met him. And it was all due to your own poor behavior. So just stop. It's both pitiful (you) and spiteful for you to keep degrading James.
  19. Like
    NJmusclelover reacted to Strafe13 in JAMES XL   
    In the words of the young ones online: GTFOH with that nonsense. When someone's already screwed you over once before, but you give him a 2nd chance anyway, you are under no obligation to bend over backwards to give him the benefit of the doubt when it looks like he's screwed you over yet again. Contrary to what you've said before, that doesn't reflect poorly on James's character. To the contrary, standing up for one's self and not letting others take advantage of you shows strength of character.
    I probably never would have accepted a 2nd appointment with the not-so-good doctor, but if I had, I'd have waited no more than just a few minutes after he told me to "come now." James gave him 15, which was more than enough. Could he have waited longer? Sure, but he was under no obligation to do so, especially late at night, during winter, and in an unfamiliar neighborhood in a city he doesn't live in. There's a difference between being exceedingly nice, and being a pushover. Under these circumstances it was definitely reasonable for James to conclude that he'd been taken for a ride yet again, given how the doctor acted the first time. Stop with the BS excuses.
  20. Like
    NJmusclelover got a reaction from Stefcho in JAMES XL   
  21. Like
    NJmusclelover reacted to hornytwells in JAMES XL   
    At the risk of beating an already dead horse, you have to also realise that your excuse makes no logical sense. If you said yes to "come now" instead of him arriving at the prescheduled time of 12 mins later, it doesnt take a genius to figure out that means he expected to be in advance of 11.30, otherwise why ask you? Also, how dirty are your teeth it took you 15 minutes to brush them......really? Am guessing he was lucky he left
  22. Like
    NJmusclelover reacted to Strafe13 in JAMES XL   
    Even more B.S. You cannot truthfully state, with any reasonable degree of certainty, that James "was not at my door." Why? Because you were brushing your teeth for 15 freaking minutes after you told someone to "come now" rather than wait 12 minutes until the original time you'd agreed to meet. Since you never went down in a timely manner to retrieve your guest, you cannot possibly know whether he was there at 11:17 when he texted you, 11:18 when you responded, or within a few minutes after that. All you know is that he wasn't there at 11:33 when you texted him asking where he was.
    The notion that a professional (or anyone, really) should wait around for 15 minutes late at night in the dead of a New York winter, and then just proceed with an appointment and discount the time that you made him freeze outside in an unfamiliar neighborhood, all while he looked like a loiterer, lest he reveal (according to you and one other poster) poor character, displays such a lack of consideration, arrogance, and entitlement. The very fact that you stubbornly insist that you're in the right, here, is proof positive of this.
    I'm not a cheerleader for James. I've never met or spoken with him, nor am I into muscle worship. So, he's not the kind of guy I'm typically into, or that I'd hire. I have no horse in this race, so to speak. This is just about right and wrong, and you, sir, are entirely in the wrong.
  23. Like
    NJmusclelover reacted to Epigonos in JAMES XL   
    Dr.Mavin if you want what now appears to have become an endless ridiculous thread TO END you need to shut the fuck up and stop being bated into responding.
  24. Like
    NJmusclelover reacted to Aaron_Bauder in JAMES XL   
    Being so entitled that you think you have the right to decide for others whether waiting in the cold for 15 minutes is a big deal for them or not.
    Character indeed.
    I was just in New York for New Years. I know how cold it's been there; more than once my fingertips were frozen solid way more quickly than anticipated on what I thought would be a 20 minute walk, forcing me to call an Uber after ten minutes of walking to finish my trip. No, I'm not waiting around in the cold for anybody for 15 minutes -- let alone freezing rain -- and I don't expect anyone else to do so either. Get over yourselves.
  25. Like
    NJmusclelover reacted to Aaron_Bauder in JAMES XL   
    Entitled nonsense. Still making excuses, and why I say escorts need our own forum where we can review clients. Clients here have routinely ruined escorts' business with badmouthing and one-sidedness, and thank goodness there was someone here to flesh out the whole picture.
    "Why would I him drive all the way over here to just play around with him?" Like it hasn't been done before lol You wasted this dude's time, not once, but TWICE. Was he supposed to come around a THIRD time and wait in New York winter cold AGAIN to try to find out if you were legit and not playing games? Get over yourself.
    You lied about the amount of the deposit, claiming it was $100 when it was really $75.
    You lied by omission failing to note you'd already made him wait in freezing cold rain.
    You lied by omission failing to note you threatened the dude with bad reviews.
    You lied by omission failing to note you harrassed the dude with texting and demands.
    You still haven't told the truth about what was happening during the 15 minutes he waited for you a second time. Brushing teeth does not take 15 minutes.
    Why should anyone trust or believe you? In a fair and just world, escorts would be writing reviews telling other escorts to steer cleer of you. I'm sure James XL is not perfect -- nobody is -- but you *really* need to check yourself. There's a reason why lots of guys don't have all five star reviews. Sometimes it's because they're not five star escorts. Other times it's because of rude, arrogant, dishonest clients.
    There's a reason why James XL took of with $75 dollars of your money, and the reason is you.
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