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Everything posted by TruthBTold

  1. You clean it first, then you get your reward . . .
  2. three-fer, worth it and from Marylander originally . . .
  3. Damn, he doesn't even have to move in any way to get things accomplished.
  4. OK, I enjoyed the second episode as much as the first (if you can use the word "enjoyed). The scary part for me is that much of what is happening in the series is a mirror to what is happening here (or even what has happened in our recent past). At the same time it can portray what is in our future because we have let things get out of control (even a President Pence - how scary is that). The acting has maintained its top-notch status. I forgot how great Rory Kinnear can be. I guess you must learn something if you spend enough time at the Royal Shakespeare Company and the Royal National Theater. I also learned (maybe I had forgot) how truly disgusting acting Emma Thompson can be. Her Trumpian politician sends chills up my spine. On a more petty level, you learn how bad of a dancer Russel Tovey seems to be as compared to his lover Viktor. Also you get to see that at least as far as they are showing us Russel is the bottom. Finally, you get to see for a split second what a great tongue Viktor has. Plenty to eat you with, my honey.
  5. Only dislike because it makes him look like he had some sort of lip botox. Please god, no.
  6. I think this has been posted before but you really have the right to be mesmerized as often as you want.
  7. Two of the greats and Russell looks really good. I am sure he feels pretty privileged to have that experience. Similar to getting to act with the top ones on Years.
  8. I think another aspect is that I see that you can speak romantically/sexily in whatever porn you choose. There is a fine line between talking so that it just looks fake and being sexy and or romantic. That adds a lot to a screen performance and also in a live performance with a client. I think you need to speak less with a client. As someone said it is always good to see someone being able to perform and how they act before you hire them as an escort. You can see if they come across genuinely or not.
  9. Thanks Whitman Josh-Bensan-Brad-Chase-gay-porn-17.jpg
  10. I think that Ed has always felt slightly deficient about a lot of things and this has not been helped by having the Reese W. character as his wife. What is revealed in the first episode of Season 2 certainly does not help his insecurities. I think a lot of husbands whose current wife have a past husband rolling about often feel that their place may not be as secure as they thought. I certainly do not blame him. Forgiving and forgetting is hard. And perhaps he takes this out on Nathan more than he should. I doubt that it will go as far Ed killing Nathan. I think that Nathan does not really understand the hostility because he doesn't know the entire history of the Ed-Reese relationship. I have to agree that Meryl continues to be wonderful in her dastardly role. As was already said, no wonder Perry found violence to be so stimulating. Well, actually all the actors are great.
  11. You bet ya. I watch enough porn to know what I see. Thank ya very much.
  12. I am glad there is some humor in it otherwise it would be really somewhat depressing. I watched all of Chernobyl but really had to force myself to do so even tho the technical aspects and acting were superb.
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