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Everything posted by TruthBTold

  1. I think I will pass. But thanks.
  2. TruthBTold


    I know it is old but I like the song. At any rate, he reminds me of a breakaway Bel Ami-er.
  3. My throat looks as good as it did 30 years ago and probably works a lot better (a lot more training ya know).
  4. Next time just call me and I will do a lot more than warm you.
  5. Yes, and as you my reading skills obviously are not up to par. I apologize. Obviously the teacher, who was teaching in a public school, should have been disciplined to the extent the board thought appropriate. His "first amendment" religious beliefs should have not had anything to do with whether he followed school policy and called the student his chosen name after following the rest of the name procedure. Period. It appears that he always has a right to appeal the decision.
  6. OK, you know the routine. Go for it!
  7. What is Google 6077386123?
  8. TruthBTold


    Austria is equally beautiful even though they had to restore so much after WWII. I can certainly understand why the Czechs may not be all warm and fuzzy toward Germany.
  9. Why not? Especially when they are unexpected. They make the day/week seem so much better.
  10. TruthBTold


    Prague is gorgeous. As noted, it is one of the few major cities that was spared from bombing during WWII. Therefore many of its stellar buildings are totally intact. The people are really beautiful. The only problems I had 1) I walked pretty much everywhere and many of the streets were cobblestone (yowee!!) and 2) not a fan of the food.
  11. I would love to agree with that because as many people in society become acquainted with the issue (tho this current administration does not make it very easy) they will willingly choose to call a child a newly chosen name. However, if there is a policy that has been formulated the school board must change that policy so that the name change can be done very quickly. Teachers should never be disciplined for complying with policy. The teacher has no intent to bully the student. The intent is to comply with official procedure. As I said many teachers will simply call the child by the name he/she wishes but use the name in written materials until the change can be done according to policy.
  12. You pick, either butt is available.
  13. I agree. I think the thread began as a story about a teacher who would only call a student by his/her given name. I think that a student should be able to dress as he/her wishes, that he/she should be able to medically transition as he/she sees fit and that a teacher and fellow students can choose to call the trans student whatever name he/she wishes. However the only point I was making was that a student and his/her parents must register the trans student under one name and then must follow the procedure and rules to change the student's name under the school's manual. If a teacher follows the rules then he or she cannot and should not be disciplined. If he/she does not, however, appropriate disciplinary action must be taken.
  14. He goes back a long way (in the porn world) with various studios. He has also touched various aspects of the "art" world, e.g., palling around with Grace Jones and doing fashion shows. I really like him.
  15. That is weird. Why did he not have his back waxed? It grows back so he did not have to worry.
  16. In a way I really have to think about why trans people choose to difficult life they do and what "urges" lead them to make that choice. I equate it to how I would imagine straight people have to wonder at times why gay/lesbian people make the choices they do and/or what desires lead them to do so. In the end it is trying to understand and accept each other.
  17. Well, he was always into the art scene, even when he originally did porn. I agree he is a really handsome man with an amazing body who is also versatile. Also, a lot of porn performers are doing bareback porn because of both PrEP and very rigorous testing. I believe he continues to produce art.
  18. Have to appreciate the thigh to melon ratio.
  19. It seems that he might of been much happier if he had just abdicated and lived his slightly mad life the way he wished. Unfortunately it appears that his younger brother perhaps was also insane so things would have been hard. At any rate he was handsome.
  20. I think that a child (with his parent/guardian) have a right to register the child by the name that he/she will use during the year. The school must be able to keep records corresponding to the child, the teacher must be able to call the child a specific name while the child is being taught. However, once the child registers under a specific name then the child must use it while registered under that name. The parents/guardians and child however may change the registered name to correspond to the child's sex and the teachers must comply. However to willfully refuse to comply with the requested name change once it is made by the child/parent should be punishable.
  21. I think it depends on the person. The attraction quotient is different for each person. What one person finds attractive another person may not. For example, I do not find Joe Davidson (the picture you posted) all that attractive. But I might find other people attractive that you do not. So the world spins round.
  22. Don't usually take to this sort of thing but he can fuck me if he wants.
  23. He looks similar but I do not see the right arm star tattoo on Tommy NYC.
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