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Everything posted by TruthBTold

  1. I agree with you on many of these things. Chicago has really nice springs and falls (generally, for instance I was wearing a heavy coat last week) but there can be incredible weeks in spring and fall. And if you come in summer or winter then you have no one but yourself to blame. Though (perhaps due to climate change) our winters can have some very mild weeks. I think there are a couple of the stars of the escort business who make regular trips here but then can get clogged up because they might have a lot people trying to see them. And then there are some stars in the making that escort starved Chicago go for but they only stay a couple of days. Of course, these guys are in a better position to tell you how they figure how to come or not than moi. Finally, I am sure there are as many schmucks in LA and NYC as in the "rust belt". The midwest has a reputation of being much more restrained and polite generally than other places. Perhaps the deviation is for some other reason. I could not say.
  2. Marcello Mastroianni Just re-watched one of my all time favorite movies: A Special Day (Una Giornata Particolare). It was made in 1977 with Ettore Scola as director and Sophia Loren and Marcello Mastroianni as its two principle actors. It is a beautiful, graceful film with Loren as an overly tired, repressed housewife and Mastroianni as her gay neighbor who is being exiled for his sexual orientation. They give probably the best performances they have ever given. Here is a short review/synopsis: This film literally took my breath away ! Both Mastroianni and Loren are fantastic actors, who can express a whole range of human feelings in just a look or a silence. This film is an unbelievable contrast : simplicity and sobriety in form but ultimate sophistication in content and in the actors' performance. I have never seen a film which raises so many questions at the same time : war, family, tolerance, women's condition, fanaticism, homosexuality, etc. Furthermore, it is a wonderful love story between two people who are actually too good for the world they live in. And last but not least, the contrast between the scruffy apartments and the beauty and elegance of Mastroianni and Loren is incredible. Mr. Scola achieved a masterpiece without make up, special effects or wonderful sceneries. When you have seen the film, you will understand that the special day was not for Mussolini and Hitler, who all the sudden seem very unimportant compared to what happened to the two characters. The day I have seen this film was definitely a special day for me as well, unforgettable ! It is just the most human film I have ever seen, a wonder of refinement. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-3TINimaukgs/T8zGHVgH5rI/AAAAAAAAB2U/VN_qctEMWiA/s1600/marcellomastroianni.jpg http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/51/67/68/516768ed35a64e6e8896cd78a0712a09.jpg
  3. I think this is doing nothing but condoning unethical behavior and lying. Some men are versatile.
  4. Why are guys like this so damn patriotic?
  5. Chicago has a lot to offer and I think that certain guys do build a regular clientele but I would imagine that it involves some luck and finding the right niche. But traveling through can prove valuable for some guys or as suggested by eric winters above picking the right time.
  6. Though I understand your point, I don't believe we can just turn off our crush while we are in the situation. Having a crush on the provider is a bad thing. Being appreciative of his work is not a bad thing. If you have a crush that keeps increasing you can do nothing but leave.
  7. Man on a mission tumblr_p956qnR1cw1xsycp7o1_540.jpg
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