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Everything posted by TruthBTold

  1. No, I do not believe that poppers count as PNP, any more than a joint would count as PNP. It is certainly an enhancer but I do not think they are in the same category.
  2. Well thank you for letting me in on the secret that the anger, maltreatment, and mistreatment of women in the 50s, 60s and beyond is just something to just smile at and accept as a sentimental norm. I will keep it in mind when straights let me know that to be gay is just something to be made fun of as a sentimental norm.
  3. I might as well take a picture of perfection.
  4. And of course there is absolutely no ketchup on a hot dog in Chicago except by a heathen of some sort who is properly and expeditiously executed (without due process).
  5. I had an escort who I really clicked with sexually. Over time we began to do things off the clock, like a concert or movie. Then seemingly out of the blue he asked if he could see me because he wanted to have fun in a certain way. I did not ask but I guess he knew I really liked doing it and I must have been fairly decent at it (no it was nothing kinky). I more than obliged and I was glad to see him.
  6. Thank you for your service.
  7. How many of these WOMEN were saying, "Just give me my fucking check you fucking asshole."
  8. Not out of my eyes, but maybe out of his.
  9. What kills me is that these (assumedly) wealthy men who have been found (by at least their company) to have committed acts that made them unemployable are whining to get even more money. I suppose an ability to be content with what one has is what got them in trouble in the first place. Plus, if you have a chance read the whole piece that this clip is taken from. I think it is a concise expression of how good ideas meant to produce justice are side-lined by those who create the injustices in the first place so that they can continue to go on their way and not give the accusers the justice they deserve. Gays have already seen this. The "country" threw us the bone of being able to be married but are forcing gays to fight hand over fist to have the right to a job, a cake, a hotel room . . . all those things straight society has taken for granted for many, many years. Fuck 'em all.
  10. Just noticed that he or someone labels him as "Pornstar Performer in London". Anyone know of anything he has been in or his vid name? Thanks.
  11. Too bad he is in London. That ass is amazing. A plane ride looks almost worth it.
  12. No, no. There are only Lucas R. and Kris Evans (not as bulky).
  13. I prefer hot dogs on holidays. I guess because hamburgers seem to offered in almost every restaurant. Of course, if it is your party, you should offer both. Hot dogs are so little trouble.
  14. Perhaps they "let themselves go" because they have found someone who loves them for something other than some ridiculous standard they eventually will not be able to meet. They may also have pursued hobbies and ways to help others that take up their time more than lifting a barbell or two. I believe that everyone should exercise, not because exercise will allow you to remain perpetually attractive to others but to remain healthy and to feel good about one self. So I would not automatically feel "sad" for them.
  15. The only thing important is the ass to thigh ratio.
  16. The only thing important is the ass to thigh ratio.
  17. They gave up the colonies but then got the Commonwealth of California years later.
  18. It sounds like a good idea but actually as you may have noticed we clients put posts wherever the hell we please already.
  19. You might cash in your policy and invest it. With the just passed Tax Bill and the eventual deficit caused by it Medicare will no doubt be attacked and chipped into. Social Security may also be on the chopping block. If you rely on either of those I would never be too confident of your assets.
  20. Thanks. Your posting came up after I had written my reply. I normally do what is in your post (as far as the nibbles and the drinks). I think that I will speak with him when are going to confirm a time, etc. He might be more willing to confirm an amount at that time. I would actually give him almost anything cause he is just so enjoyable to be with.
  21. I agree. But you can see how it puts (at least) me in such an uncomfortable position. First, because I don't know how much extra he thought I overpaid the last time. Second, based on that what he is expecting this time. Unfortunately, he is notoriously honest and rather giving. So I guess I will play it by ear and just have an envelope full of hundred dollar bills on the table. Then at the end just ask him what I owe him. I am 100% sure it will not be more than his advertised amount. Moreover, I invited him to dinner after and he can accept or not but that would be an extra for him. Thanks for your insight.
  22. Epic Burger (http://epicburger.com) Not sure if it is just in Chicago or not. P.S. I apologize if it has been listed previously but I knew if I read all previous posts I would just get hungry.
  23. I think rates put everyone in a quandary in so many ways. I have one coming up. I had been seeing someone for many years until he moved out of my town and it just became too inconvenient (and expensive) to see him. For whatever reason I had never really thought about increasing the amount that I paid until it came to mind at the very end. I think that he never minded because it appeared that he actually liked having sex with me most of the time so it became sort of a trade off. At any rate, after he left I got hold of someone else. He was "well-known" and had his rate listed on Rentmen. We got together and I had put the amount that I figured it would cost, plus a tip because I had no doubt that he would be more than pleasing. And because it was in an envelope I could slip some out if I did not want him to have it all. At any rate there was sort of a rushed departure and I gave him the envelope. At some point later, he contacted me and told me that he thought it was much too much and that he would make our next get-together less if that is what I wanted. So then I scheduled a follow-up date because he was coming to my town. When we were conversing about the follow-up (I can't recall if it was phone or text) he mentioned that I had given him too much the last time, however did not mention what he expected when I did pay him. If I just go by what is on his Rentmen profile we will be in the same position as before. I don't know whether to just ask him and how? P.S. I know that I am not really answering your question and I apologize in advance. I thought someone might have been in the same situation and could help. That is what comes when the working guy has so much integrity. Makes me sick.
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