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Everything posted by TruthBTold

  1. And you know that Ed put that to good use. Lucky him.
  2. He'd have to give me the winning lottery numbers for that amount.
  3. Goddamn it, they always find each other.
  4. In case you can't make it through the obnoxious guy's explanation above, they talked about the phenomenon (ambiguity illusion) on PBS last night (May 16th). Judy Woodruff is so much more palatable. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/yanny-vs-laurel-spotlights-our-brains-desire-for-filling-in-the-gaps Fortunately or unfortunately I am on the Yanni/gold dress team.
  5. Oh you mean no more "Boys will be Boys"?
  6. I think a lot has to do with the different way we treat sex as regards men and women. In the past (hopefully this will be changing) if a woman had been sexually abused first a girl/woman was made to feel as if it was her fault. Then if she gathered strength to report the abuse and testify she was made to feel shame sometimes from the very authorities that she reported the matter to or the prosecutors that were taking care of the matter. Is it any wonder women failed to report the matters for years? It will take decades to remedy the situation. Much of it will be due to an increase in the number of female judges and prosecutors.
  7. I tweeted him and he got back to me in a very short time. As noted above, a lot of it appears to be if you happen to get him at a time he can devote his attention to conversing with you. He does not want to appear abrupt (or that was my impression). So that gets very hard for him during overnights or especially during appointments. That makes sense as you see so many gentlemen rightly complain about escorts answering tweets during sessions. So pray to the gods that you hit him at the right time or check back and he will answer. Or as also noted above use alternate forms of communication. He lists a couple on his profile.
  8. Well, not exactly sure what you are interested in but I have no problem sharing (well, at certain times). I always start at the back sorry to say but you can have the front while I am so distracted.
  9. The only thing (OK, one of the things) I hope is that they don't try to exactly replicate his unique mouth so that it becomes some sort of makeup travesty. Like some sort of transexual Goldie Hawn.
  10. Black, White, Hot and Mine (I hope).
  11. Well, from the pics, hope he's a bottom.
  12. You know how sometimes you know that someone wants to marry you.
  13. Yes. Plastic, glass, and paper go in different bags.
  14. One of the best in the business: Nick Sterling.
  15. Thanks. What is this world coming to.
  16. At the same time perhaps the car companies who are prone to these accidents could begin to think of options that would turn a car off after a certain amount of time that it has idled. This might prevent suicides also. Now before you start yelling at me please first know that I have never owned a car nor have I ever driven so this is just a suggestion based on no experience. Sorry.
  17. I would check online to see if it is still open (if you have not already). A couple of resorts in that area have closed. I have never stayed there. However you might also investigate the Hacienda (if you do not mind a pricier property). It is very nice. The downside is that a lot of people from the group do not stay there so that is something to keep in mind. I have stayed there. Unless you have stayed there before you can search in the Forums or you can PM me and I would be more than willing to let you know what it is like.
  18. That was a couple worth watching again and again!
  19. Boy, that sure was a busy weekend for you TN. Lucky you.
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