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Everything posted by TruthBTold

  1. He obviously has never met my tongue and lips.
  2. Long ago, I did contact someone that had written some very specific limitations in his profile. However, even at the outset I wanted to do something that was outlawed. And I knew that he did the thing in my fantasy because he had also made recent vids where he seemed more than happy to do it. Over time and several get-togethers I did as you suggest. We got closer on a lot of levels and I guess I learned exactly what made him more and more open to doing these things, at least with me. Eventually I suggested it and he went along. As you indicate, patience tends to be the key.
  3. I think so too. While his "interests" in his profile seem to encompass an awful lot I think if you actually speak with him it might be less than what is indicated. When I saw him (which was years ago) he had a great built body. He was a great kisser and did pretty much everything except anal. He was (is?) a lot of fun and as I said a very nice guy. I do not know if he still has that pic of him wearing glasses because it was when he was a lot smaller but it always makes me swoon.
  4. For some reason recipes now call for measuring the temps of cooked meats a lot more often than they used to. I believe it is because of the repeated outbreaks of bacterial infections. At any rate, I guess there can be other types of outbreaks also. https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2018/04/20/604445631/romaine-lettuce-dont-eat-it
  5. Well, I got to listen to "Angel of the Morning." That was a big plus for the week. I hadn't heard it in a long time.
  6. If I remember correctly Talvin DeMachio did a number of hardcore vids, not only "wrestling" productions. I think he worked for all the big companies and was fairly versatile in what he did.
  7. Ben Kieran is one of the best in that area. My experience with him was prior to his becoming as massive as he is now so I am not sure if his repertoire of what his "interests" may be. When I saw him he was an incredibly nice guy, he was open to an awful lot, and I had a great time. As always, make sure you communicate with him and determine the parameters of your experience. Once agreed upon I have no doubt he will deliver. https://rent.men/MuscleCompanion
  8. If all things work out I'm right behind you.
  9. I don't know whether to feel bad so I have adjusted my post so that all readers will see the spirit I meant it. And please, as you will be on your knees anyway would you be willing to whip me around and adjust to my preference?
  10. [QUOT=Moondance, post: 1500537, member: 12206] . . . . http://www.bestmalebutts.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/perfect-man-ass.jpg Someone convince him to come to the Weekend next year.
  11. Well, I guess we do have to make it about you. You always have to shoot down my perfectly reasonable proposals. It never fails. Like the one where I suggested that I sample every escort penis before it is allowed into the event. But no . . . you found it too restrictive. If you read my post, I did also propose that the name be on the forehead and not the penis. So no need for flavor, unless of course you intend to lick everyone's forehead which I suppose now you will say you always do. ()
  12. Very sexy. I hope he isn't an arrogant asshole but he is smart. It is hard to fuck arrogance but a delight to fuck smart.
  13. I wanted to make my way to Inndulge, which is right down the way from the Hacienda, to check it out. I had heard it was nice and I knew there were a couple of the attendees staying there. I did not have the chance so maybe next year.
  14. I believe that I shall put forward a rule change that at any meeting (such as the PS Weekend) a person's site name (e.g., Truthbtold) be printed with a Sharpie across his or her forehead. I suppose it could be placed on exposed penises where the names could fit (and there were some). Perhaps even the title that the attendee has attained (e.g., regent, knight, duke, viscount) so that the appropriate curtsey or waist bending can be exhibited. I was rather taken aback when someone spoke to me without having done one of the two prior to approaching. I did not say anything because I did not want to create a scene at the lovely home to which I was invited. But we sometimes need to be reminded of these common (or really not so common) courtesies.
  15. All of the above. Plus, my figuring out who Latinbear was by his beautiful charming accent. Dr. Vapor helping a very shy Truth find some blissful happiness with only one big somewhat inartful inhale. Spending the requisite time with Tristan B., the Catherine Deneuve of the Weekend. My ability to stare constantly at Vin Marco (where does someone buy a shirt that tight?) knowing he was going to be covered in mauve soon. And the ability to come back to 35 degree weather with a luscious tan to be envied by all far and wide here.
  16. I wish that had been one of The Weekend shots.
  17. No wonder he kept practicing those squats out by the CC pool. When I asked him about them he just smiled.
  18. The last few years I have only stayed at the Hacienda. The one thing I dislike about it is that few people at the Weekend stay there so for better or worse you are there by yourself. One year I brought a "special guest" and that was very nice. The suites are spacious as is the bathroom. There is a kitchen in case you want to cook your own dinner. A continental (the continent where people eat like pigs it appears) breakfast and a gourmet cold lunch are served. You are given a menu after breakfast that you give back to the staff and the lunch is delivered. If you don't want to eat it lunchtime they will put it in the fridge for you and you can eat it for your dinner. Wine is also served with lunch (if you like) and I always think that is a plus. There are 10 rooms total to the hotel - 5 on one side, 5 on the other separated by a breezeway where the breakfast is served. Each side has its own pool, one side has a jacuzzi. The staff is all great and really friendly. As I mentioned, the suites are large and there is a pull out in the living room if for whatever reason you find someone needs to stay. You just need to be discreet about it. It is more like a place where couples might come to celebrate an anniversary although I have seen frolicking in the jacuzzi take place. Again it tends to be discreet. So, while the piggish side of me really, really wants to stay at one of the more risqué establishments the lazier side loves having my lunch served to me poolside. P.S. I do have a knight in shining armor who carts my lazy ass around and I get to visit the other places to escape the quietness of the Hacienda.
  19. Well, I certainly would have helped with the "proper" welcome had you asked but it seems that the seating arrangement had been planned in advance.
  20. Steve Kornacki - OK. Not traditionally good-looking you MFs but there is enough to work with. Having watched him on MSNBC now for years (who knew there were that many shades of khaki) he would need a total makeover. Just throw away the glasses. And he is just geeky enough that he might love me. So that ain't so bad. And please do not write and let me know he has a boyfriend or is married or whatever. I do not want to know. http://i2.wp.com/www.celebhubs.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/Steve-Kornacki-Bio-Boyfriend-Married-and-Gay.jpg?w=336
  21. I guess I am one of those people that believes that relying on shame for any reason is not the way to make people adopt healthier habits. If scientific information does not help people to understand why avoiding some things or not avoiding those things then they should choose whichever they are most comfortable with. PrEP has lowered the possibility of infection and much of whether you might get an STD depends on just balancing what you know about the person you are going to make your partner. I really do not like to use shame as a psychological technique as it has been used to stop any kind of homosexual behavior much less barebacking.
  22. Thanks for the info. I read a small blurb about it in the discussion yesterday regarding all the Pulitzer prizes that were handed out. I put it on my (seemingly endless) list of books to get. Thanks for the background information that makes it more imperative to do so.
  23. I really had not heard of picture restrictions. Now that it has been highlighted I am sure that every one is glad that we are all more aware and will be more careful. Perhaps this information can be posted and highlighted in the various emails that are sent out detailing the various aspects of the Weekend, such as the dinner and the pool party. Having met Latinbear and spending time with him I cannot imagine he meant any harm to anyone and was as in the dark as I was. In fact, I am probably not in the same predicament because I am so technologically backward that even taking pics, much less publishing them in any way, would be a big step for me.
  24. My legs forgive you. Though I am sure they were covered in the release I signed.
  25. No, it started with one of the famous northern England/Scottish (can't recall) recalls and while it was supposed to be English being spoken I had no idea what was being said. So I use subtitles for everything if it is available. I figure I can understand if possible but there is always the possibility of using the subtitles if I just doin't understand what had been said.
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