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Everything posted by TruthBTold

  1. Why do I believe that Cher (that bitch) had something to do with this!
  2. Met someone who stayed at the El Mirasol in a single bedroom suite and really liked it. If I recall he told me that they also had 2 bedroom suites if that more meets your circumstances.
  3. It is great. A lot of material and much of it not necessarily of the porn variety. But it is great that you give your assessment of the guys that attract you and that you might one day see. Plus, of course, you review the men that have made your job. The new site is really professional looking. Congratulations.
  4. Not that people might not answer here but you may want to put this thread in the "Deli" section.
  5. It is great that he seems just as comfortable showing bottom stuff as top.
  6. My trainer is straight and good looking (think Hugh Jackman with a better body) and I have liked him so far. Be very specific about what you want.
  7. I guess I must be the only one watching this program. It was the finale of the first season and it really is a wonderful show. I guess I really like how it is done very differently than other comedies. The main character (pot dealer) goes in and out of other people's lives so you get involved with characters for short periods of time and just cycle out of their lives. You have to pay attention because a character may come back for a short segment. I think it is one of the best shows of the season.
  8. I am going to have to watch a few episodes to pass judgment. The first one was OK. I can understand but way too much exposition about the characters while you have very complicated plots going on. In my estimation, the writers could have introduced some of the qualities of the main characters and kept some of the background for further episodes so that you stay interested in them. I liked the lead female actor and character. While some of the situations were funny, I did not find him all that humorous. Perhaps that will be further developed. At any rate I certainly will see how it goes.
  9. Beautiful done. Interesting song title, "Mao's Last Dancer."
  10. I does not surprise me when there is no face pic but if the body "intrigues" me I simply write and ask him to send me one. I figure I will either like it or I won't. And if I do not it's a no hire. No big deal. Simply a matter of taste.
  11. Well actually I can give them two choices. Don't have sex or have sex with me.
  12. Actually I like the comment but there wasn't that choice.
  13. This is why packing on a lot of muscle can be a detriment. It makes this appear out of proportion. And not in a good way.
  14. He really was a rebel and way ahead of his time. Thanks Two guys who are so sexy in such different ways. Too bad they weren't a couple. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9G4jnaznUoQ Just a couple of videos. Kinda makes me think of how much time has passed. And this I've never seen but enjoyed.
  15. Has it really come to this?? ;);)
  16. Was he ever made a knight or some such so that he was Sir David Bowie? It is a shame if he was not.
  17. I ordered it on Amazon to send to my friend but it was sold out there and had to be reordered. It will be mailed to her. Not exactly sure when.
  18. I could not even imagine trying to be compared to Judy Garland. It seems like a hopeless task unless you are really, really sure you can do it. She such an icon and more than that to the gay population.
  19. Thank God. At first I thought you were announcing his death. It is nice for you to remember his birthday.
  20. Rafael knows how to fuck!!
  21. I will be cremated and I have a list of people whose faces I want my ashes thrown in. No, not really. Probably donated to science (if they want it) then the parts they don't want cremated and have my family (or whoever is left) decide what to do with them.
  22. Isn't masturbating while driving against the law? I mean if making a telephone call using a mobile phone is.
  23. What kind of person picks one day?
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