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Everything posted by TruthBTold

  1. Pop, I generally would not say this but I think the easiest way to get an idea of the various components of the weekend would be to just start at the beginning post and read through the thread. There are many posts that simply give information about the Weekend and you could just take what you think you need. Then if you have specific questions about certain aspects you can ask about those parts. I think it would be easiest and give you a more complete picture.
  2. Sorry, but those are some damn ugly shorts.
  3. I bet his feet ain't cold.
  4. You seem to find something wrong with that.
  5. Right now I don't. I had an iPhone and used it about 3 times. Then the battery blew up. And I just never could quite figure it out. People kept saying it was intuitive but it never quite made sense to me or I would turn it off/on without knowing. And that female voice kept coming on. I never texted. However, I have to give in and get one for health purposes. My relatives are insisting. I guess it is because I tend not to answer my landline either. Oh, well.
  6. Very interesting story. Weird how life works. I was 16. I had an older cousin who showed me his. He was straight. He often bought couple porn rather than just a single girl. He did not realize I was looking at the guy in the couple fucking the girl. He used to buy a lot and he asked me a couple of times if I wanted the magazine. I never turned it down. I hid it when I got home.
  7. You could sleep on those things.
  8. Italians always need good bakers.
  9. Ummm, if I did not have to see the video before actually meeting and playing with him.
  10. OK, my chauvinism will show through. However why not live in Italy? As my previous post noted, "[y]ou can buy a house on Sardinia for $1.20 as long as you promise to renovate it within 3 years. Then you can sell it after 5 years. They also are selling some in the Puglia province. . . . http://kdvr.com/2018/01/30/italian-town-selling-1-20-homes-to-lure-new-residents/." My grandmother used to tell us that that the French would still be eating with their hands if it were it for Catherine de Medici. Sure untrue, but who cares.
  11. Well, better grab the lube boys because Congress is just starting its march to fuck you big time as far as health benefits are concerned. http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2018/03/11/medicare-drug-benefit-is-weakened-by-congressional-budget-deal.html (And this is from FoxNews)
  12. I used to be only boxers. Then as I got older and colder I started to wear sweatpants and either Ts or long sleeve Ts. After sex? Who the fuck remembers.
  13. Is the film an HBO production? Or is it just the interview that is reproduced above? If it is an HBO production, will it be shown on that channel?
  14. Not only being wrong what is the point of that. He is missing out of a lot of enjoyment by not being rimmed. Something tells me that ain't the case.
  15. How do I know that sex would be great with this guy?
  16. Great. Tell us how you enjoy it.
  17. TruthBTold


    I know that it is a couple of years old but I was really effected by the film, both because of the way it was shot and because of its subject matter. It is hard to describe the film because it has many levels; history of the Louvre (particularly during WWII), biopic regarding the two gentlemen (French and German) who saved much of Western art during the war, and philosophical meditations on art, history, war, and the effects of humanity on art and art on humanity. The director has done a previous film (The Russian Ark) regarding his home country's national museum, The Hermitage. One relevant thing I noticed was the effect that Nazi anti-Slavic thought had on how Germany treated Russia during its attack on that country versus how it treated France once it had her in its grip. Another thing I thought odd was that there was little discussion about how so much effort went into saving the physical manifestations of culture versus the small effort that went into saving people, e.g., the Jews. The director does have a couple of weird things that are funny but sort of make sense, e.g., Napoleon and Marianne running around the Louvre.
  18. I wonder what country he is in? At any rate, Tristan is a Pisces, I am a Taurus. That is the way it is. However, for you Tristan, allegedly this is what the year holds: LOVE & RELATIONSHIPS Freedom is your aphrodisiac! The last two years had a heavy relationship focus with Jupiter in your commitment houses. You may have gotten serious with one special person or parted ways with a longtime love. Maybe you spent a good amount of time supporting your mate or disappeared into a “couple bubble.” Now, you’re ready to poke your head out and see the wider world, as Jupiter soars through your globetrotting and freedom-loving ninth house. People who give you plenty of room to roam (and, ahem, breathe) are the ones you’ll keep around. Travel, learning and even starting a business together could make your heart beat faster. For single Pisces, sparks could fly with someone from another culture or country. The July 12 solar eclipse in your romance house may bring love or even a pregnancy out of the blue. MONEY & CAREER The weight has lifted! In December 2017, heavy Saturn finally ended a three-year trudge through your career house that challenged you to be more structured. If you weathered slowdowns or setbacks, the pace will now accelerate. You could do a complete 180 from pessimism to optimism, as new possibilities crop up all year. Bountiful Jupiter is in your enterprising ninth house until November, getting you back into blue-sky thinking. And in November, Jupiter will start a 13-month journey through your career sector, which might be your luckiest professional year in over a decade. In May, unpredictable Uranus will end its seven-year run through your financial zone, making it easier to stabilize your work and money. HEALTH & WELLNESS Fresh air, please! With worldly Jupiter in your outdoorsy ninth house, you’ll be your happiest in wide-open spaces. Combining physical activity with time in nature will make your spirit soar during this big-picture year. Four of this year’s five eclipses will touch your health and healing houses, which could inspire you to change your diet, fitness routines or lifestyle. Some Pisces will deepen their interest in spirituality or adopt a new healing practice. FAMILY & FRIENDS Friends with benefits? (Not that kind!) In 2018, your networking can pay off handsomely and connect you to a compatible new tribe. With ambitious Saturn in your group activity house for the next three years, be discerning about the company you keep. Seek a solid community of like-minded people who are up to big things, like you! Mid-May, unconventional Uranus moves into your social third house until 2026. Gather with kindred spirits around a common cause—and prepare to meet people who show you a whole new outlook on life. Sounds pretty exciting. Peace and love. TBT
  19. Damn you. I think you are right or at least my hand does.
  20. It sort of reminded of me of what you will see Ms. Oliver telling everyone as they arrive on Friday and head to their respective place of weekend residence. (Actually I believe I may have seen Stormy Daniels in the touring version of this musical.)
  21. Is the "special" something that we think of on this site or is it a special meaning just the training, a regular massage, and shower (I assume you can shower by yourself). I do not think that I could extend my training past that because I would be too tempted to make it "special."
  22. Mmmm. What is that an advertisement for?
  23. What a voice; so, so sexy, and smart to boot.
  24. I am confused that a working guy would want to avoid showing something to a potential client that may make the client hire him. However, I do make it a point (where I can) to include information in my original request for locked pics regarding why I want them. Generally it is because the guy is in the city I reside in and am looking for someone here. I think guys like the fact that it could mean repeat business. If it were a guy in another city, I would let him know why he interested me. Small things seem to make it likely he will take the time to open the photos. Maybe it should not be that way but what can I say.
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