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Everything posted by TruthBTold

  1. Just to clarify, did you mean "Got together with him and he was truly amazing!" or "I looked at his profile and you are right he looks truly amazing."
  2. I wonder if he will be back for the 2018 hi jinx?
  3. On the other hand I think he will be very satisfied. I hope there is a flip flop so they each get to eat to their heart's content.
  4. The most perfect ass in the world and a kissable mouth to match. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_snS8Jt3bp3Q/StyDphn_gMI/AAAAAAAABbc/0Fs2cxNzAJ0/s400/1.JPG http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_snS8Jt3bp3Q/StyDgmWh7lI/AAAAAAAABbE/T9pU5W3jxf4/s400/8.JPG http://ecdn.hs.llnwd.net/titan/content/contentthumbs/36/81/3681-set-2x.jpg 13.JPGhttp://2.bp.blogspot.com/_snS8Jt3bp3Q/StyDfnt5jhI/AAAAAAAABa0/3N7ctyiZjYc/s1600/10.JPG http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_snS8Jt3bp3Q/StyDhRNo-kI/AAAAAAAABbU/YwVEohQUYwY/s1600/6.JPG
  5. Can't remember his name but during the time he was with Colt all I could remember is really, really wanting to rim and fuck him.
  6. I guess I have to use the word "perfect."
  7. Why does he look dissatisfied?
  8. As others have confirmed, he is Stu from Sean Cody. Like him best in his last years with the site. Nicely built and a great performer.
  9. That is sometimes how I will watch certain movies. I watch them before Netflix offers it and then get it from there. I do that because I can watch when I hear about it but the downside is that I can only see it on my computer screen, which while large, is not as large as my TV screen. I do not mind watching a film two times if it is worth watching. Torrents often have things that Netflix just won't get.
  10. For some reason the first clip you list does not come through but the other moment I remember that really touched me is when Ennis goes to visit Jack's parents. He is horribly treated by Jack's father who I am sure does not like the fact that the man who has led his son down the path to sin has had the nerve to visit Jack's parents. Then he goes upstairs and looks over Jack's room and finds the shirts. Then he goes back downstairs and walk's out of the door to the parent's home. He goes a few steps and Jack's mother touches him and in a hushed tone asks him to visit again, obviously recognizing that Ennis and Jack had been in a relationship. She obviously knows how much pain he is in. So sad.
  11. I watched Brokeback Mountain again (actually a couple of times) and saw how incredibly wonderful it is. Like everything else you see more and more every time. There are flaws for sure but Ledger's performance is really gut wrenching. Unfortunately, it makes you wish that they had cast someone else in the other part. I'm not sure if it was the actor or if it is the fact that the character itself is shallower in the way it is written and you take what you are given. At any rate, it is such a great portrayal of the loss of love and the bad decisions we can make that impact us more deeply than we ever think they will.
  12. Ken Ryker. He always reminded me of someone that would be conjured up if you got inside Michelangelo's brain while he was dreaming of a prototype for the David. Of course, he then would have said to himself unfortunately IT can't be that big.
  13. Talk about classically handsome. Sigh!!!
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