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Everything posted by TruthBTold

  1. If he's real, put him in the truck, please.
  2. Love to pull those teeth apart.
  3. Maybe include The Long Day Closes by Terence Davies, tho I may have missed the cut off point.
  4. He sure does. Think of him as wearing a hat. He's still bald. If you can't get past the tattoo just look at the cock and butt.
  5. It's like having a chance at a second helping of a nice ripe melon.
  6. I was on the whole wrong railroad. Very embarrassing.
  7. No wonder everyone is confused because I WAS SO FUCKING CONFUSED. I first just tried to start a thread about the new shingles vaccine. Then for some reason I started to talk about the hepatitis vaccines. Who knows why. It had to confuse everyone. I think it was because I had wanted to call my physician and set up a schedule to get the hepatitis vaccines. I really want to apologize to everyone.
  8. I was just kidding. I guess I meant that as with all vaccines I assumed that you had to receive all doses (and perhaps a short time after that) for it to take effect. From what I have read there are months between doses. I have received the old vaccine so I am covered to some extent, however that vaccine had only 70% or below effectiveness in most cases to begin with and time has gone by. So, my mind would have some ease while I received the new vaccine. I guess what I meant by fairly stupid comment is that Hepatitis A (from what I understand) can be contacted by being exposed to contaminated feces. Hepatitis B, on the other hand, can be contacted by exposure to infected blood and body fluids. The chances of infection are low but who knows. At any rate, like PrEP, this gives some protection.
  9. You may be thinking of the original shingles vaccine, Zostavax, as it appears that the new vaccine, Shingrix (where do they get these names?) was only recently approved. Or perhaps you are referring to something else and I apologize. https://www.fda.gov/downloads/BiologicsBloodVaccines/Vaccines/ApprovedProducts/UCM581750.pdf
  10. Most people over 50 have but the best thing is to check with your doctor just to see. Also I am not sure if you are 100% immune from infection if you have not had chicken pox but that is another question. I had the vaccine at 50 but it wears off after a certain number of years so I will probably get the new one as it not only has probably worn off but also is a lot less effective (according to the news account). The only problem is that if you want to be really sure about avoiding hep you will have to wait at least 6 or 7 months to be sure about the vaccine. That means I will definitely have to put off sexual connections or at least put some regular items I usually enjoy off to the side. Life can be so hard.
  11. Definitely like to scramble his eggs.
  12. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/to-your-health/wp/2017/10/25/expert-panel-recommends-new-shingles-vaccine-that-gives-increased-protection/?utm_term=.3e006168d516 Unfortunately the article does not seem to include any kind of vaccination schedule. I guess some investigation will be required. It seems insurance will cover it.
  13. I think a tad photoshopped but let's pretend not.
  14. Looks like he is sculpted by Michelangelo. Yum!
  15. While it might have been a "glorious day" for the cause of homosexuality if Mr. Bogarde had come out, he would have spent years in prison (or worse) and his career would have ended. It is always easier to want others to do the hard work.
  16. If he grew his hair he would be well worth the fun.
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