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Everything posted by TruthBTold

  1. If he did, he's pretty selfish as it looks like he took his own.
  2. When I look at him I think that he's just asking to be pleased. I would love to begin by spooning and lightly rub between his thighs to his hole and up his ass crease till he shivers slightly.
  3. Seems like he would definitely be fun to make out with.
  4. I could sit and watch that ass (or other things) all day and night.
  5. He would not have to wait with me.
  6. Not sure why your quote pics don't come up Marylander but despite that this guy is almost "pretty" (in a good, masculine way).
  7. Oh Santa Baby, stay like that, I have a gift for you.
  8. Butt on the far left guy (Brodie id'd above) is really scrumptious as is middle guy.
  9. Like Tarzan's look but who in their right mind would put their bare feet on a subway car floor?
  10. This is lovely. But damn, Marylander, I can't keep up with your supply.
  11. Always my favorite guy, leather or no.
  12. Well, daddy with a really soft, round ass. Nice.
  13. I like that it won't even stay in.
  14. http://68.media.tumblr.com/1b110b175f910b00e32a0499011e60f0/tumblr_oaq4djU5QM1rphqceo1_1280.jpg Those shorts would not stay on for very long.
  15. There's a nice ass there. Wish more were shown.
  16. Nice thighs, well really, nice everything.
  17. I know you'd swim by to say "hi."
  18. With pecs, nips and thighs like that, I really wouldn't care what's in between.
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