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Everything posted by TruthBTold

  1. I love when the butt creates its own Niagara Falls.
  2. Whoa! That's enough for the table. But I'm not sharing. Let'em eat pie.
  3. I guess he can't believe just what's in there.
  4. He definitely looks like a power bottom. If you put it in, his hole is gonna hold on to it.
  5. The front is very nice but the back is god-like. pic_11_big.jpg
  6. There are a lot of pics of various guys with remarkable butts at the site listed above. (gayrimmingass. blogspot.com) Always liked Dean Coulter and Chip Tanner.
  7. I have a feeling you will be advised that this post really should be posted in the Review section of the site.
  8. Devin Franco and Sean Xavier in the first pic are so fucking hot in their vid together. And I'm not exactly sure why but the I find the second pic incredibly exciting. I wish I was there. Is it from a vid (if anyone knows)?
  9. It's so hard to find good workmen (who will let you eat them out).
  10. For some reason I find that he would be really passionate. I guess its the nips.
  11. I also was amazed that she passed. I also had no idea that she was ill but the last couple of days PBS explained that they explained this by stating that she was away on assignment. It is so sad. She was a correspondent that could explain the facts and the circumstances surrounding them. And at the same time I was always strangely comforted by her. I'm sure everyone will miss her.
  12. I think that something might already be happening.
  13. Geez, I would too. Then I would put my hand on the other cheek, spread, and go to town.
  14. Thank you WG. It is always nice to get a dose of Francois.
  15. I agree. I think the pic just clips off the other 2.
  16. No, plenty of edible meat on that.
  17. Thanks that definitely is the whole pack of cards.
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