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Everything posted by TruthBTold

  1. It's hard to know where to start with this guy.
  2. Man, I can't even imagine being able to touch any of that, much less the pecs and nips.
  3. I think he is waiting for him to turn around.
  4. If Spencer Reed would only let himself get fucked. Regularly that is.
  5. I'm awake butt or my dick is at least.
  6. Tonyko, I agree 100%. It is the same thing that happened to Ben Kieran IMHO. Still a nice guy tho. The pic you show seems oddly photoshopped???
  7. This is why I love Tristan. He always seems to put in a good word for someone he thinks deserves it and is equally willing to give an honest answer if need be.
  8. More than I personally need and it would be fantastic to look up at that face when I am doing my thing.
  9. I will take him any way I can get him.
  10. Vaguely reminds me of a boyfriend, if he was fucking me, who would insert his thumb and take it out, and then put in his cock and take it out, and then put in his thumb again, all in rapid succession. Drove me wild.
  11. Imagine taking that all the way down, looking up and seeing those nips. Yumm.
  12. If you think the front is nice, the back is even better.
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