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Everything posted by TruthBTold

  1. Does it have to be only one? And maybe it could be something else.
  2. Perhaps your shorts are constructed differently but I'm glad they are.
  3. I called RCN and found out through an extremely sympathetic guy that RCN does not have an app for HBO Max. However, like many others I suppose, am paying for HBO. I found it so funny that RCN of course told its customers that HBO was going to be something else. It also then has you pay for just HBO and not be able to get Max. So I thought I also pay for Amazon's Prime Video. It seems from what you all have said that I can somehow pay extra and get HBO Max through Prime. Is that correct? It appeared that you pay $14.99 and that will get you HBO Max. I thought to myself that I would rather pay $14.99 for Max through Prime and then cancel HBO for which I pay $23.00 and only get plain HBO. Is that the way one does it? I have nearly run out of my Valium prescription and I do not think you can buy it on Amazon. You can buy liquor so maybe I will go that way. Thanks.
  4. Damien Crosse . . . even better when he is on his knees.
  5. Two-fer, Marylander was taunting me . . .
  6. You know I pay for HBO through my provider (RCN). For the life of me I cannot figure out how to add HBO Max as an additional streaming provider. I see that you do it through HBO (I think) and then do something with your "smart" television but I cannot figure out how. I do get my regular HBO and am able to get Netflix and Prime Video. However the instructions they have for HBO I just cannot figure out. If anyone has some tips for a very lost low-level techie I would appreciate it.
  7. Definitely like to see him slide down the pole. I am sure it would make a part of him feel very good.
  8. Definitely like to see him slide down the pole. I am sure it would make a part of him feel very good.
  9. I will tell you what I am naming it . . . him.
  10. I will tell you what I am naming it . . . him.
  11. Two-fer. I definitely have to thank Whitman . . .
  12. You're probably right but in my world he does not need to be. All he needs to do is lay face down, butt up.
  13. Another thing I remember about Tom is that he would have more than enough for the both of us. No "get in line" shit. They may get older but one thing seldom shrinks.
  14. They look fine to me. I'd like to see something else first. With your permission of course.
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