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Everything posted by TruthBTold

  1. tumblr_lhwfs9Dep21qc7fw2o1_500.jpg
  2. Yumm, let's see. Where should this go . . . tumblr_inline_o2wfuprZcP1sr8dr6_500.jpg
  3. Body language is great but perhaps a nice waxing/sugaring would help it speak louder.
  4. Ya know there are some that enjoy that sort of thing. I guess you are not one of them. I will call the President.
  5. I binged Pretend It's A City last night and peed my pants through much of it. It is directed by Martin Scorsese and stars in most part Fran Lebowitz. It basically features Ms. Lebowitz hilariously expressing her opinion of what she loves (but mostly what irritates her) about New York and its happenings. Lebowitz makes her opinions known seated at a table in a couple of restaurants but also giving public talks. She answers various questions during the talks. A prior Scorsese movie Public Speaking similarly gave Lebowitz free reign to give her opinions about various situations and people. This Netflix series has 7 episodes. I have been a fan since I discovered her in the "70s so I was stuck watching all 7 last night. I found that it took my mind off a somewhat troubling year.
  6. Unfortunately if there is any coffee in that cup it is going to get spilled. It is right in the line of fire. Or trying to make an easy putt.
  7. Michael Boston, one of the premier porn butts to be fucked.
  8. Thanks Marylander, I guess it is one big coffee cup . . .
  9. Sorry, I forgot to reply. He is LipeScorpion. (@ScorpionLipe)
  10. Cover it with some kind of makeup while you're fucking him (just advice).
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