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  1. Applause
    + cougar reacted to coriolis888 in KevinMasc   
    And, his ad says "anything goes" which could be a problem.
  2. Like
    + cougar reacted to Buff Daddy in Big Nate 💪   
    Hi. If you're looking for a Hot big 🍆 Alpha in the Philadelphia, South Jersey area look no further than Nate. A Hot guy with a great personality.
     If you're interested hit Buffdaddy up. My email is buffboyzzentertainment@gmail.com
    Subject Nate 

  3. Haha
    + cougar reacted to dutchal in 411 on Lorenzzo_HOT in NYC   
    A red flag might be the only thing not tattooed on him somewhere.  😉
  4. Like
    + cougar reacted to + purplekow in Roll a mile in my chair.   
    Last week I was at my favorite Italian deli and while walking toward the counter, my foot slid under a moveable shelf which was just a bit out of line.  When I went to take a step, I fell forward and landed on a low shelf filled with bags of pasta and both shelf and the pasta were surprisingly sturdy/ So I did not fall to the ground,  but I did partially tear my Achilles tendon and I have a fairly bad tear of my calf muscle.  Though no surgery is required, conservative estimates are that I will be unable to resume most activities for 6 weeks to 3 months.  Fortunately, that does not include horizontal activities. 
    Anyway, I have been going to work and using a wheel chair.   At times, I can walk a short distance using the chair as a walker.  As I work in a hospital, there are also handrails I can use to pull myself along.  Also, for rounds, my residents have taken to wheeling me from patient to patient.  However, when I go to leave at night, there really is no one to help and I have been struggling to get back to my care.  Once I am home, I can get myself back into the house.  I have been struck by how helpful so many individuals have been.  These are not people I know but with only a few exceptions, people have asked if they can assist me in any way as I am making my way around.  Tonight, as I was trying to pull myself up a gentle incline the chair kept sliding back and I fully understood the torture of Sisyphus and the Rock.  Finally a stranger happened by and not only pushed me up the incline, he pushed me to my car and loaded the chair in my trunk.  This was not the first act of kindness I have received, only the latest.  
    So, if anyone here has used or is using a wheelchair, are people as considerate as the people I have come across?  And how has your experience been in trying to deal with a world that is to my mind, not very considerate of the differently abled.  
  5. Haha
    + cougar reacted to dbar123 in Bizarre Time with Long Time Barber in San Francisco   
    I think you’re lucky. Sometimes I wish my barber would shut up. When I’m getting my hair cut I like to close my eyes and zone out
  6. Applause
    + cougar reacted to + Charlie in A Season Of Giving   
    Too many people only think about food at Thanksgiving and Xmas, but people need to eat all year round. The money I used to spend on escorts I now give to two local food banks every month.
  7. Applause
    + cougar reacted to Cooper in A Season Of Giving   
    My community’s club house erected a Christmas Tree to place gifts and gift cards under. These go to the Cohen Children’s Medical Center and St Mary’s Health Care for Children. When I went in to drop off my gifts, I was pleasantly surprised to see so many toys under the tree. It’s a good feeling to know there are so many caring people. 
    As for the food banks. My church operates a Parish Center where people in need can go to pick up food. It’s run by volunteers who give freely of their time. I’m happy to be actively involved in it. We have plenty of food on the shelves but could always use more. Every Wednesday one elderly donor brings in cases of cereal. We’ve nicknamed him the “cereal-man”. Volunteering at a food pantry is so rewarding. 
  8. Like
    + cougar got a reaction from Farallon in 411 https://rent.men/Miguelbrandon   
    I would bet English is a second or third language with him and planning a date would probably be a painful experience. 
  9. Like
    + cougar got a reaction from Act25 in Advice to yourself   
    I have thought about this several times in the past and it seems each time I come to the same conclusion.
    I wish that when I was younger, I would have taken high school more seriously and moved farther away from home to go to college. Don't get me wrong, my career has been very successful, even with some major bumps along the way! Since I grew up in the deep South, I wish I would have gone to a different region of the country for college. Even though I was fortunate enough that my family had no problems paying for my college, I wish my parents would have pushed me more. So regardless, here I am approaching retirement in less than two years knowing that the southern college I graduated from did provide me a good career. So, the advice I would give to myself, when I was younger, would be to get out, push your limits and explore. 
  10. Like
    + cougar reacted to + purplekow in Advice to yourself   
    I understand this is question which has been posed many times.  In this case, it was posed to me the interviewer by the interviewee.  And though it has been posed to me in different settings in slightly different ways, my answer keeps changing and so I think this is probably a question worthy of reflection. This is not a question of  regret, but rather as a means to see how one has grown and how one's actions and values have changed with the benefit of the wisdom of age.  
  11. Like
    + cougar got a reaction from + Vegas_Millennial in Advice to yourself   
    I have thought about this several times in the past and it seems each time I come to the same conclusion.
    I wish that when I was younger, I would have taken high school more seriously and moved farther away from home to go to college. Don't get me wrong, my career has been very successful, even with some major bumps along the way! Since I grew up in the deep South, I wish I would have gone to a different region of the country for college. Even though I was fortunate enough that my family had no problems paying for my college, I wish my parents would have pushed me more. So regardless, here I am approaching retirement in less than two years knowing that the southern college I graduated from did provide me a good career. So, the advice I would give to myself, when I was younger, would be to get out, push your limits and explore. 
  12. Like
    + cougar reacted to pubic_assistance in Advice to yourself   
    I would tell my 30 year old self to spend more time with my grandmothers, because no one will ever love me in the same unconditional way that both these women did. ❤️
  13. Like
    + cougar got a reaction from Harryinny in 411 https://rent.men/Miguelbrandon   
    I would bet English is a second or third language with him and planning a date would probably be a painful experience. 
  14. Haha
    + cougar got a reaction from Enronnja in 411 https://rent.men/Miguelbrandon   
    I would bet English is a second or third language with him and planning a date would probably be a painful experience. 
  15. Like
    + cougar got a reaction from + Charlie in going to bed alone   
    Well here in South Florida, it's underwear for me. I do have a very thin t-shirt that I might wear the 30 nights a year where I might see temps in the 50's. I also have a ceiling fan directly above my bed and I run it at medium speed every night. Last year I tried running it in reverse mode a few nights and that was very nice. I haven't worn pajamas since high school.
  16. Haha
    + cougar reacted to CJK in going to bed alone   
    I used to sleep naked, until...
    I lived in a carriage house behind a stately house in Druid Hills, Atlanta, while a student at Emory. For those unfamiliar with the neighborhood, Jessica Tandy's house in Driving Miss Daisy was a couple doors down. An older gay couple lived in the main house. They were out of town for a few days. '
    At about two in the morning their house alarm went off. After it wailed for ten minutes it shut itself off. I was in bed when it occurred to me whoever was trying to break into that house was probably looking for a place to hide,
    Suddenly there was a loud bang-bang-bang on the screen door. Oh, crap, I'm about to get killed. My only chance was to yell loud enough that the people next door in the round house (the house was round) would hear me. Jumping out of bed, walking into the kitchen, the intruder was shining a bright light through the door. I yelled louder than anyone ever before or after. (Probably an exaggeration, but it was loud.) The intruder kind of stumbled back, the flashlight fell and suddenly I could see the badge, He was the officer responding to the alarm.
    I opened the door and apologized for the scream. The officer assured me I did the right thing and said I startled him until he realized, "I have a gun and you are standing naked in your kitchen." At this point the husband from the round house was also at my door.
    After being naked in my kitchen in front of a police officer and a former White House Chief of Staff (Hamilton Jordan lived in the round house) I stopped sleeping naked. 
  17. Love
    + cougar reacted to ShyBi95 in Financial district NYC   
    I’ve seen Colombianboy a few times, he gives a great massage and has a great body. 
  18. Like
    + cougar reacted to RadioRob in Let's Talk Turkey - Alternate Thanksgiving Main Dishes   
    Only a quack would do that.  
    Getting back on topic...  I'm going to be traveling most of today.  I'm headed to the airport at noon and will have a connecting flight on my way down to FLL.  So *my* Thanksgiving meal will be spent in either the Centurion Lounge.  It will be interesting to see what's on tap today.  
  19. Like
    + cougar reacted to jeezifonly in Let's Talk Turkey - Alternate Thanksgiving Main Dishes   
    For a great Thanksgiving gathering, I demand adherence to the Rules
    Rule 1: Hands Washed after toilet *and before* touching food or dinnerware.
    END of RULES
    Bring what you want, (plus some extra, if able). First drink served, sit, “drink laugh eat share some” is the theme,  as we all give thanks.
    Second drink Y’all know where the damn bar is
  20. Like
    + cougar reacted to + Pensant in Good fare, better wine, the best company. . .   
    Thank God I rarely travel on Thanksgiving!
  21. Love
    + cougar got a reaction from + Vegas_Millennial in How do I know a guy at the club is not really into me?   
    I have an old friend who once had a T-shirt that said..."You Had Me at...Get Lost"
    I loved that shirt and that has been about 20 years ago!
  22. Like
    + cougar reacted to + DynamicUno in What do you think happened to my friend?   
    It seems the older hot porn actor didn't feel like a slap in the face was acceptable gay foreplay, and decided your "friend" should leave before he crossed another line with him.
  23. Like
    + cougar reacted to CuriousByNature in Never have I ever...sort of   
    My life is SO boring and uneventful compared to all of you!
  24. Applause
    + cougar reacted to maninsoma in Dolce & Gabbana Ads   
    None of the models excites me, but I do appreciate the photographs from an artistic perspective.
  25. Applause
    + cougar reacted to RadioRob in Lottery Fever: Have you caught it? Who would be the first escort you would call?   
    As noted, I have a few bucks on the line… on the unlikely chance I win, I’ll be setting up an endowment for the site and arrange to have an operating fund established to help thank our moderators who tirelessly work to maintain some sense of normalcy around here. 
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