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Everything posted by samhexum

  1. Bird gets lost and accidentally spawns a new species If you get lost at sea and find yourself on an island you’d probably try to build a fire, pile some sticks and stones into a makeshift home and maybe even try to signal for help. When one misguided bird found himself in the same situation, he didn’t wallow in his own self-pity; he created his own entirely new species. Over the past 36 years, scientists have been closely studying the incredible story of an entirely new bird species that seemingly came out of nowhere and it all started with one poor finch who lost his way. The peculiar tale takes place on a remote island in the Galapagos chain tucked away in the Pacific Ocean and it’s helping scientists to understand how new species can form much faster than we typically imagine. Back in 1981, researchers working on a tiny volcanic island north of Santa Cruz called Daphne Major noticed a strange bird that didn’t look like anything typically found on the remote dot of land. It was larger and built differently than the few bird species native to the island and it also sounded different. It was clear that the bird wasn’t from Daphne Major, but its origins were unknown, so the scientists caught and tested the bird’s blood before releasing him. What happened next was a shock to the scientists. Not content to live out his life on the island where he clearly didn’t belong, he actually managed to find a mate among the native finch species, resulting in hybridized offspring that were a mix of the two. These new unnamed birds were called simply “Big Bird” because they were larger than the native species and while it was strange on its own, nature had one more curve ball in store for researchers. After reaching maturity, the new Big Birds attempted to find mates of their own only to be met with a big problem. The hybrid birds couldn’t replicate the song of the native finches and that, combined with their difference in size, prevented them from attracting mates. What they did manage to attract was each other and interbreeding resulted in more and more Big Birds on the island. Now, six generations later, the hybrids are their very own established species. The original “lost” male was eventually identified as a cactus finch that had originated on a neighboring island over 60 miles away, but the new species is now an entirely unique animal. The assumption that it takes long stretches of time to create new species has been tossed out the window and the ongoing study of the Big Birds revealed that it takes as little as two generations for an entirely new species to take root.
  2. http://66.media.tumblr.com/529c43844285c4e33dd77fc73658343f/tumblr_nmj08vVG7U1rw3pgqo1_500.gif http://cdn4.images.motherlessmedia.com/images/75EF494.gif?fs=opencloud https://pbs.twimg.com/media/B_9jA63WAAAutV_.jpg http://mensparkle.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/Luciosaints-Rocco-Steele-Fucks-Allen-King-01.jpg http://www.errattc.com/media/13731.gif
  3. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-oxWwryJSnrw/VSzl2rkoOUI/AAAAAAAAJrY/Ouukxtk7L-k/s1600/free%2Bhug%2Bfrom%2Ba%2Bhunky%2Bmodel.jpg
  4. http://www.malespace.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/013.gif
  5. http://www.saunamensclub.com/uploads/7/9/7/5/79756372/1956269_orig.gif http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-4IERkjr70tE/VJShUvQ0oZI/AAAAAAAATAU/_EBb0k06ZwM/s1600/sean-lawrence-12.gif http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-r0kcAIVVMTA/VJShYQk3fRI/AAAAAAAATAg/F7gNfF7I4FY/s1600/sean-lawrence-13.gif
  6. http://66.media.tumblr.com/6228d2dbbf53aaf95fb2d434f92d4343/tumblr_o7bo1k4zH31u9ond7o1_400.gifhttp://33.media.tumblr.com/9d679b0b93e83f9d1ef30fd0f9c1b050/tumblr_nwxbaecVC71u09on0o1_250.gif http://badwolfblog.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/tumblr_ne4k7x640T1qifqhio1_500.jpg http://78.media.tumblr.com/9fb96b59ef58908732f5c75e047e8757/tumblr_nvrd1qajEZ1r1e6ewo1_400.gif http://38.media.tumblr.com/3768326a50f42fd6effbfd19af61a2f0/tumblr_n6u391JonJ1qbz1afo6_500.gif http://78.media.tumblr.com/0ce75cc4b4f742dbb04e0870df9b8748/tumblr_mlghcemk9z1r91w4uo1_500.gif http://www.xplosivegrowth.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/mcgrath.jpg http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-CCHqXDG4ANg/UPHrCT5T0CI/AAAAAAAAGMQ/4nxpQxIG5yQ/s1600/gunter123ad1a.jpg http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-XJEprtmNv1k/UHMYVB2bwhI/AAAAAAAADrk/rpqTLATz97Y/s1600/david+riley65gte.jpg http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-WytWC6kuohs/T91BfEYHDrI/AAAAAAAACGk/qybP2_WwpJ4/s1600/SteveKuclo12bgd.jpg http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-tMBfhATr_Wc/T69LTRFRjnI/AAAAAAAAB9g/Dkdj_21Gd14/s1600/2chad+ray+martin+ad1.jpg http://xxgasm.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/biggest_dic-6792.jpg
  7. http://www.alanilagan.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/17tysonbecka04.gif
  8. http://www.queerclick.com/asians-img/images/2014/03/ken-ott-gif-140309-3.gif
  9. http://i.huffpost.com/gen/2445586/thumbs/o-FIREFIGHTERS-570.jpg?3
  10. http://ic.pics.livejournal.com/paxbias/66020550/22316/22316_original.jpg http://25.media.tumblr.com/f1f6a9646ecd5b672e6f032a905ee83e/tumblr_muj2x4IM7h1skqbrzo1_500.jpg https://img-hw.xnxx-cdn.com/videos/thumbslll/bd/0b/94/bd0b94fdfbd8536dd58d3abd8e85521e/bd0b94fdfbd8536dd58d3abd8e85521e.30.jpg
  11. I've already had a bath--I don't need a shower! http://media.gettyimages.com/photos/participant-at-the-burning-man-festival-and-his-dog-shower-off-mud-picture-id51635804 He never lets me lead when we dance. Mr. Big Bucks is too cheap to buy a scarf http://www.dogster.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/naked_man_with-_dog_600.jpg Separated at birth I hate the smell of a wet human http://www.blakemag.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/Bruce-Weber-31.jpg They say we're young & we don't know-- we won't find out until we grow... http://www.flopetersgallery.com/files/artworks/BruceWeber_06_Trevor%20and%20Billy_0.jpg What a tail!
  12. http://78.media.tumblr.com/63376ebfa3a8c5e4cf6d6ea2fb83962f/tumblr_oc204zD2fd1uvfp2no1_400.gif
  13. I've been bad. Do you want to punish me? http://78.media.tumblr.com/753a7be3dc4c78be47ce6a79c27df2db/tumblr_op8nzrVsWm1ujffgxo1_400.gif http://78.media.tumblr.com/10b58a23687e5364b010427b7ec1d6d6/tumblr_muncbhZxgY1s1szpho1_500.gif http://67.media.tumblr.com/4e643a3eae976b5e3b0e6ba9debeb2ec/tumblr_nr6l9pJ1I31u72bypo1_400.gif http://78.media.tumblr.com/f85250313e9269d011b46403054220cd/tumblr_n7xk64Inrb1ts4hwho1_400.gifhttp://4.bp.blogspot.com/-a_QhhWleTOQ/VDa-YXlUn2I/AAAAAAACpxM/VSyK-XHmsJc/s1600/tumblr_n7tzh7A0fv1so34pto1_400.gif http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-WLcCr2_naHI/VDa_bHaWGRI/AAAAAAACp0Q/n0WWXVoXqZ8/s1600/tumblr_n8lnxm23Ut1tfne6bo4_500.gif http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-rck8NF5_aJc/VDa_ajcCrHI/AAAAAAACp0M/-9kL-BkTxVI/s1600/tumblr_n8lnxm23Ut1tfne6bo5_500.gif
  14. You haven't seen the bootleg pics online of Davis whipping a tied-up Howard?
  15. Semi-truck destroys historic bridge in Indiana Tuesday, December 29, 2015 A 2015 Volvo Semi Truck filled with 43,000 pounds of bottled water destroyed a small bridge in Paoli, Indiana that dates back to 1880. The staggering part is that signs before the bridge said that the weight limit was 6 tons and that semis were not allowed on the bridge. According to police reports the driver, Mary Lambright, was unaware that her vehicle was more than 6 tons because she couldn't convert to pounds. (@&*#ing female mathematicians!) All told she was off by about 24 tons, her truck weighed in at 30. More than that, the 53 foot box trailer didn't even clear the top of the bridge. She ended up at the bridge mouth after making a wrong turn en route to a Wal Mart parking lot where she had a stop off planned. Being uncomfortable in reverse after getting her CDL license earlier this year, she tried her chances on the bridge. As the pictures show, that decision was regrettable to say the least. Lambright will be subject to a fine of $135 for "reckless operation of Tractor-Trailer" and "disregarding a traffic control device" but the main culpability will be with her company. No one was injured in the incident which took place around noon on Christmas Day. http://assets.nydailynews.com/polopoly_fs/1.2479857.1451414986!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/article_750/1266851-761761923929493-3034932991606087751-o.jpg http://assets.nydailynews.com/polopoly_fs/1.2479908.1451416892!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/article_750/856365-761761640596188-5442225229494425105-o.jpg
  16. Of Human Bondage is a 1915 novel by W. Somerset Maugham. It is generally agreed to be his masterpiece and to be strongly autobiographical in nature This is the weirdest chiropractic session I've ever had! I have to remember to ask where he found this fabric Two fellas just crossing something off their bucket lists http://www.crocogays.com/pictures/bondage/bound-gods/anal-for-bondage-submissive/8.jpg Are you sure this is how you play pin the tail on the donkey? http://content.wafflegirl.com/galleries/content/0/296/296595_ca7ea52.jpg Can't talk now--I'm a little tied up http://78.media.tumblr.com/2088763f4bd3ff9eafdccf4685cd5e30/tumblr_mfvd3iq1jZ1qdkrbko1_500.gif http://www.bustyteengallery.com/images/11bk8/nude-spread-eagle-male-gay-bondage.jpg http://gaybondage.kinkbdsm.net/wp-content/files/menonedge/menon107.jpg http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-rr7vdZp2QFg/T7ImDLlxlrI/AAAAAAAAP2Q/eTwPPk36OLg/s1600/marc+dylan+-+men+on+edge+(10).jpg https://68.media.tumblr.com/dd9ea03dc928e45f265101594996c927/tumblr_oo2rbm0bhd1rodbqco1_400.gif http://33.media.tumblr.com/34c1e24b24edf458e5a385316e459495/tumblr_nj8hcsDWEG1re1s3qo1_500.gif http://cdn4.images.motherlessmedia.com/images/A882382.gif?fs=opencloud http://37.media.tumblr.com/fcc452b2ac4a614853ca2ae56d5563e9/tumblr_mwucu7YXCs1slzarso1_500.gif http://ruffsstuff.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/tumblr_mrfy22bR921rl5zwpo1_400.gif
  17. Pickup truck shot by hunter who thought it was a deer in western N.Y. Authorities say an Ohio man shot a pickup truck he mistook for a deer in western New York. The Post-Journal of Jamestown reports that Friday's incident happened around 11:30 a.m. in North Harmony. Sheriff's deputies say Marvin Miller of Middlefield, Ohio, fired a high-powered rifle at a pickup truck. They say Miller told authorities he had mistaken the truck for a deer The sheriff's office says the bullet entered the engine compartment and disabled the truck. Miller was arrested on charges including reckless endangerment. It's not clear if he has a lawyer who could speak for him.
  18. Throw your legs up in the air like you just don't care...
  19. http://i.imgur.com/KwxHmQ6.gif
  20. What beautiful landscape equipment! http://manhuntdaily.com/files/Pavel-Petel-Russian-cross-dressing-dj-butch-masculine-feminine-gender-bending-muscular-ass-butt-nude-uncut-uncircumcised-fat-cock-beard-smooth-body-powerful-legs-8.jpg http://www.projectq.us/images/uploads/project_q_morning_fix_diet_coke_model_andrew_cooper_main.jpg http://i.imgur.com/O9PsepE.gif
  21. I prefer THIS uniform:
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