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Everything posted by samhexum

  1. What are you looking at DeeDee?
  2. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-Bj1LUeje0zg/TsutQRXlVnI/AAAAAAAANbE/N9wgBgZOHl0/s320/BU11c.jpg
  3. http://images.thepostgame.com/sites/default/files/Jim-Palmer-flickr-ThePostGame.jpg
  4. That's Israeli model/gay entrepeneur Eliad Cohen in the middle. http://www.bitchyf.it/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/eliad-cohen-kadu-giacomini-video.jpg Eliad, again http://68.media.tumblr.com/9e6c538a852b65ddcd916f336f7c2a87/tumblr_ojl1s0yM4q1qmc3z1o2_1280.jpg http://btchs.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Kadu-Giacomini-14.jpg
  5. http://scontent-sea1-1.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s480x480/e35/c135.0.810.810/13267458_118645878554653_1666362659_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTI1OTc4ODg0ODUzMDI2NDc3OA%3D%3D.2.c http://giovedignocchioriginal.altervista.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/Kadu-Giacomini-8.jpg http://www.bigodino.it/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/2017-01-19-10_57_10-Kadu-Giacomini-kgiacomini-%E2%80%A2-Foto-e-video-di-Instagram-Copia.jpg http://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s480x480/e35/c0.75.878.878/13437296_261055344270935_2071394179_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTI3MzM1NzE0Njk2NjUyODk1Mg%3D%3D.2.c
  6. This Guy Is The Hottest Dentist Ever Make sure you always have a good oral routine!
  7. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-dyN6FyHPE9I/VOiOrjjIl1I/AAAAAAAAswQ/XZU9Yegdf-c/s1600/Goncalo-Teixeira-Homotography-Celso-Colaco-11.jpg http://www.bitcheshouse.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/BitchesHouse-42.jpg http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-qIDvtr7I4wk/VPqEeTwpC6I/AAAAAAAAL00/YAPHMppHVAg/s1600/Goncalo-Teixeira-Homotography-Celso-Colaco-02.jpg
  8. It's such a handsome name. http://www.tvi.iol.pt/multimedia/oratvi/multimedia/imagem/id/14062333/800 http://list.lisimg.com/image/12111508/700full.jpg
  9. http://stream1.gifsoup.com/view5/20140704/5063501/marlon-teixeira-shower-o.gifhttp://i.imgur.com/WgNh2.gif http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mat197cCJe1rvxacao1_400.gif
  10. http://data.whicdn.com/images/217826913/large.gif
  11. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-dfNXdIEQ9JI/TuDrEWzW-LI/AAAAAAAAAh0/2njnNGm5u5U/s1600/Marlon-Teixeira-Glamour-Mexico-111.jpg http://www.malemodelscene.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/Marlon-Teixeira-Glamour-Mexico-12.jpg http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-rUgM3IbiAGE/Upi4nhdyyfI/AAAAAAABLHE/vc6tZ-nDgvk/s1600/Marlon+Teixeira+cover+editorial+LOfficiel+Hommes+Middle+East+Firts+Issue_002.jpg
  12. http://list.lisimg.com/image/8621416/700full.jpg http://ftape.com/media/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Marlon-Teixeira_LOfficiel-Hommes-Korea_02.jpg http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-50FdlGxGyJ0/UFLRgdaLw1I/AAAAAAAAHRE/6t4ssgS3y9Q/s640/Marlon+Teixeira+-WONDERFUL+FAKE.jpg
  13. Maybe I'm just attracted to the name Teixeira http://ftape.com/media/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Marlon-Teixeira_LOfficiel-Hommes-Korea_04.jpg http://68.media.tumblr.com/7edaf4045b220771bfc69fb029be6e03/tumblr_npod35kQ5E1qamfowo1_500.png http://res.cloudinary.com/next-management/image/upload/c_fill,f_auto,g_north,h_628,q_auto,w_471/v1/photos/246833 http://amsterdam-ftv-blog.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/Marlon-Teixeira-2.jpg
  14. I thought recently-retired Yankee first baseman Mark Teixeira had the best butt in baseball http://www.bronxbanterblog.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/mark-teixeira-yankees-492694c46fdc876e_large.jpg http://cdn.riveraveblues.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/Mark-Teixeira-001.jpg?x77199 http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_hEPUXBWaCy8/SiaXdRXQqpI/AAAAAAAAA78/TJilOYiU1Dc/s400/teixbutt.jpg http://thesportsquotient.com/media/posts/19011/Mark%20Teixiera_1.jpg http://cdn.newsday.com/polopoly_fs/1.11505297.1456338764!/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/display_600/image.jpg http://www.sawxblog.com/photos/2009/regular_season/august/mark_teixeira.jpg
  15. Have to agree that young Lee Mazzilli had a great ass, as did the above-mentioned Randy Velarde. When he played 3B for the Yanks, I'd get my tickets on that side of the field to watch his ass in the field all game. http://www.historyforsale.com/productimages/jpeg/118833.jpg http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-fTimn5l-X0Q/T7KSDBqwTfI/AAAAAAAADDw/w9XsLEzkSnM/s1600/randy+velarde+card+back.jpg http://www.tradingcarddb.com/Images/Cards/Baseball/177/177-679Bk.jpg
  16. Sorry to be obtuse, but what is his name? Kevin Kiermaier
  17. 2017-07-14 Two teenagers have been arrested after a series of acid attacks terrorized London motorists on Thursday night. Police say several people were injured in five attacks across the British capital when two men on mopeds splashed an unknown noxious substance on other people riding similar bikes. Two teenagers, an unidentified 15-year-old and 16-year-old, were arrested for the 90-minute rampage, though no motive has been given for why they threw the acid. At least one victim, in his 20s, has life-changing injuries after the attack. Another victim, UberEats delivery driver Jabed Hussain, told the Guardianthat he did not realize the liquid was acid until it began burning, and that he ran behind nearby cars after fearing the assailants would strike again. “I was screaming for help and for water. No one was opening their door or window,” he told the newspaper. Hussain said that he got water from a cab driver and then bought more to keep pouring it on himself until an ambulance came. He said there had been a spree of attacks in the area, and credited his helmet with preventing further damage to his face. London’s Metropolitan Police say that corrosive liquid attacks rose to 454 in 2016 from 261 the year before. Aspiring model Resham Khan was attacked in London last month on her 21st birthday along with her cousin, and has suffered severe changes to her face. (see above) Both Khan and her cousin Jameel Muhktar are Muslim, and police say they are investigating the attack as a hate crime. London police did not discuss the possibility of a hate crime on Friday, and said that the victims were part of multiple groups. “I’m aware of rumours circulating that the victims were all food delivery riders set up in advance of the attacks. This is not the case. All victims were riding mopeds at the time of the attacks, but were from a variety of backgrounds,”Chief Inspector Ben Clark said. 2017-08-11 Such a sad story A Bronx family was reeling from twin tragedies Friday after a 34-year-old man died of a gunshot wound on the same day his father suffered a fatal heart attack. The son, Duro Akil, took a bullet to the torso Monday night when a man fired a shot through the door of the victim’s Williamsbridge building after getting into a fight with a neighbor, cops said. The father of two, a Fresh Direct deliveryman, was rushed to Jacobi Medical Center with a punctured lung. He died two days later. When his devastated family returned to the scene of the shooting to tell his father, Okera Ras I, 54, they found him lifeless in bed. “We were in the middle of the street screaming. In shock,” said Akil’s sister, Makini Akil, 23. “It was like something out of a movie scene.” Makini Akil said the family is convinced that Ras, a longtime Fox News network web video producer who rode with his son to the hospital following the shooting, died of a broken heart. The city Medical Examiner told the family he suffered cardiac arrest. “It was really too much for him,” added Makini Akil. “It was really like heartbreak.” The bloodshed was set in motion when an upstairs neighbor forced an unwanted visitor out of the two-story brick building on E. 219th St. near White Plains Road. The man stomped over to his car, grabbed a gun, and stormed back to the front door, cops said. The gunman then pounded on the locked front door before smashing its top window with the pistol’s handle. Alarmed by the banging, Duro Akil, his brother and father came out into the hallway — unaware that the man on the other side of the door was carrying a gun. The man opened fire through the door, striking Akil. “The way this happened, it’s stupid,” said Daquan Johnson, 27, the brother of the neighbor who quarreled with the shooter. “It was ego. That’s all it was.” The killer jumped into a car and sped off. Police have identified him but were still hunting for him Friday night. Makini Akil said her brother, the oldest of five siblings and a graduate of Beacon High School, loved sports and had a passion for journalism and creative writing. He had recently spent two months with his daughters — ages 8 and 13 — who live out of state. Ras held a bachelor’s degree from Morehouse College in Atlanta and a master’s degree in communications from New York University. Makini Akil said he recently left Fox News to pursue several entrepreneurial endeavors, including producing a film on the meaning of Kwanzaa. He also deejayed events in the community and led a monthly healing retreat, his daughter said. “There are so many people who can speak to how giving and well-liked he was,”she said. Friends have launched a GoFundMe page to help the family cover funeral costs and other expenses. “This heartbreak has left their family in an extreme state of anguish and sorrow,” the page reads. “Your contribution is needed to help honor these two amazing men.” A pack of dogs attacked and nearly killed an elderly woman in Mississippi — “mutilating” her and causing horrific injuries to her neck and head — during her usual morning walk, witnesses and cops said. The incident unfolded August 22nd at around 8:30 a.m. in Marshall County near the small town of Byhalia. The victim, identified as Sheena Rose, 82, remained hospitalized Wednesday after being treated for severe, life-threatening wounds on her scalp and throat, as well as other parts of her body. Neighbors and friends said it was a miracle that she was still alive and able to speak following the savage attack. “Just awful. To see her lay there and look at me and say, ‘ Vickie they got me,'” pal Vickie Harris told WREG. “Her left arm is…they don’t know if they’re going to be able to save it or not.” Rose had been taking her normal, early-morning walk around her neighborhood when the dogs — described as seven mixed-breeds — reportedly set upon her. She was about a half mile away from her home. Harris recalled how her sister stumbled upon the heinous scene and told her to call police. “She heard [Rose] screaming and she drove down to the end of the road, and she said the dogs were just like mutilating her,” Harris said. Neighbor Chelsey Brock also witnessed the attack — and said it was something she’d never forget. “I know she struggled from the side of the road to the middle,” Brock remembered. “And then they just took her to the ground. And she was pretty messed up.” Authorities and paramedics arrived, soon-after, and rushed Rose to a local hospital. Harris and others told WREG that the octogenarian had been carrying a bottle filled with water — which she typically uses to deter the dogs — but was unable to use it in time. “She had the bottle in her hand, but she wasn’t even able to get the top off to protect herself,” Harris explained. “She said she would spray them with that and they would leave her alone, and someone told her to put ammonia in the bottle, but she said she didn’t want to hurt the dogs.” The Marshall County Sheriff’s Department said Wednesday that they had seized all seven dogs who were allegedly involved in the attack. According to officials, they belong to two different people — a male and a female — though it’s unclear if the two know each other. “A male subject claimed a few of the canines we seized. And he informed us there was a female that was owner of some of the canines as well,” said Maj. David Cook with the Marshall County Sheriff’s Department. Officials said the dogs were neither registered or vaccinated, which is required by law. Local prosecutors are reportedly reviewing the incident and weighing charges for the owners.
  18. 2017-04-06 A Detroit doctor who stopped to help passengers in an overturned car died after being struck by a car herself. Forty-seven-year-old Cynthia Ray succumbed to her injuries Wednesday after she was hit on Sunday. She had stopped on her way to work, where she was an interventional pulmonologist, when she saw an overturned Jeep on I-96 and tried to help six teenagers trapped inside. A car pulled around a curve and hit her. Another person who stopped to help, teenager Sean English, also was hit and had to have part of a foot amputated after the crash. The driver of the vehicle that hit the people trying to help also was injured. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX An 11-year-old Michigan boy hung himself after his 13-year-old girlfriend faked her own suicide as part of a “manipulative” social media prank. Katrina Goss said her son Tysen Benz died at a hospital on Tuesday after she found him trying to take his life on March 14. She said that she later learned her son’s suicide attempt was in response to a sick online joke. The shocking stunt, Goss claimed, was carefully coordinated between the teen girl — whose name is being withheld by The Post because she is a minor — and her friends. “I’m quite angry,” Goss said. “I feel like, yeah, they’re young and all that, but I feel like when you’re 13, you’re completely knowledgeable of your choices and you know right from wrong. You can make your own choices. I do feel like she took advantage of a younger boy to control and manipulate him. “I don’t feel like it should be taken lightly. She should be held legally responsible for this horrific prank.” Capt. Mike Kohler of the Marquette Police Department confirmed there’s an investigation into Tysen’s death, but declined to comment directly on his mother’s allegations. “If criminal charges are going to come out of this, they’ll be forwarded to the prosecutor’s office for review,” Kohler said. Goss said trouble began after Tysen — an active, athletic and popular student at Bothwell Middle School — bought a cellphone from a friend without Goss’ knowledge. That’s when he began “secretly dating” the teen, who inexplicably concocted the “controlling, harassing and manipulative” prank on her son. “She did a prank that made it look like she killed herself and used other friends and their [social media] accounts to make it look like she killed herself,” the mother said. “So, he believed her and said, ‘I’m going to kill myself.’” Precisely what motivated the girl is unclear. Attempts to reach her parents were unsuccessful Thursday. “I don’t know what she actually thought,” Goss said of the 13-year-old. “I feel like she certainly took it to the extreme, using other people’s accounts, with other people backing it up on several social media platforms … I don’t know how or why she initiated this.” She said she never met the girl, but would see her while dropping off or picking up her son from school or hockey practice. She didn’t approve of their relationship, which other students at school characterized as “boyfriend-girlfriend.” “He was probably the most amazing kid that you would ever know,” Goss said. “He was in every sport, he was super social, he had tons of friends and every single person who knew him loved him … [He] was the last person who would choose this choice, which I think was an impulsive choice based on a controlling, harassing and manipulative prank from this girl.” William Saunders, superintendent of Marquette Area Public Schools, said in a statement that they had few details because the incident happened off of school grounds, but that officials were cooperating with investigators. He also warned that young students need to be careful online. “Many of us have followed Tysen’s mother on social media and agree wholeheartedly in her statements regarding the dangers of social media,” Saunders said. “After the gut-wrenching loss of a student we ask ourselves, ‘How can we do more?’” More than $31,000 had been raised by Thursday in a GoFundMe campaign created days after the boy was hospitalized. “He has now been set free and can Rest In Peace,” the website reads. “He was loved by everyone he knew and he will absolutely never be forgotten. Our family is completely heartbroken.” 2017-04-11 A woman delivering food for the Meals on Wheels program has been killed by her pickup truck as it rolled over her in a Connecticut driveway. Police say 78-year-old Carol Moriarty was making a delivery to a home in Clinton on Tuesday and her pickup truck was parked on an incline in the driveway. They say when she returned to the truck it began to roll backward and she tried to stop it but was knocked down. Moriarty suffered head injuries and died on the way to a hospital. 2017-06-27 A young woman has told of a terrifying acid attack on her 21st birthday that left her hospitalized and her cousin in a coma. Resham Khan said she was in a car traveling through Beckton, East London, on June 21 when the horrific incident occurred. Khan tweeted: “On my actual birthday, my cousin and I went for a drive in the morning, blasting music and chilling like cousins do, hyping it as I WAS 21.” But out of nowhere, she said, a man approached the car as they waited at a traffic light and threw a liquid at her through the open window. Khan, who said she had just returned from a year exchange in Cyprus, told how the assailant ran around to the other side and threw more over her cousin. She said: “The pain was excruciating, I was struggling to close the window. My cousin struggled to get us away. I saw my clothes burn away in front of me. “He put his foot down as we were coming onto a dual carriageway but the pain took over and we crashed. “We stripped off in the middle of the road, running around screaming and begging for water. “We did this for 45 minutes.” Khan said another driver eventually stopped and drove the pair to a hospital, before they were transferred to a specialist unit. She continued: “I have had a skin graft, they are waiting on what my face will actually look like. And I have burns across my body. “My cousin was put into a coma as his burns were worst. “He has been woken up and I’m waiting to be told I’m no longer bedbound to visit him.” Khan added: “I’m devastated. I keep wondering if my life will ever be the same. Acid attacks in the UK are unheard of for me.” “I am so grateful to everyone that has prayed for me. I feel as though I’m blessed to have my limbs and senses. But I loved my face and body. “I just want this guy caught.” One of Khan’s student pals has set up a GoFundMe page to raise cash to support them in their long recovery. Daniel Mann said his friend and her cousin, whom he identified as Jameel Muhktar, have had to put their lives on hold since the shocking attack. He wrote: “Resham is usually a very confident young woman. She was preparing to open her own business over the summer, and had plans to model for Asian bridal, makeup and hair artists. “But now she feels as though her identity has been stolen from her, on her 21st birthday.” Khan said she had made a full statement to police, adding that one officer told her he was “certain [the attacker] will be found and sent away for a long time.” A spokesperson for the Metropolitan Police told Sun Online: “Police were called at approximately 9:15 a.m. on Thursday, 21 June to reports that two occupants of a car had been sprayed with a corrosive substance. “The occupants, a man aged 37 and a woman aged 21, were assisted by members of the public and had been taken to an east London hospital prior to the arrival of police and the London Ambulance Service. “Both victims have suffered burn injuries described as life-changing. “It is believed the victims were inside a parked car when a man approached and threw a corrosive substance through the open window. “The car made off pursued by the suspect on foot before it collided with a fence. The suspect made off. “Officers from Newham and the Met’s Territorial Support Group executed a warrant at an address in E16 on the afternoon of [June 21] in connection with the incident. There were no arrests; inquiries continue.” 2017-06-30 The Yankees seem to be introducing a new rookie everyday. Last night, a kid named Dustin Fowler debuted. On the first ball hit to him, he ran into a wall, and ruptured the patellar tendon in his knee. He would’ve had his first major league at bat the next inning. His whole game was based on speed, so this could be a career-altering injury. His parents couldn’t make it for his debut. They were going to meet the team in the next city tonight. I’m sure they were watching on TV. Ironically, he could've been replaced by another rookie named Jake Cave (but wasn't), who used to have blazing speed, but suffered a career-altering knee injury in his first professional (minor league ) game.
  19. Prettiest eyes & best grooming in baseball: Kevin Kiermaier
  20. BACK TO PLAYERS... http://66.media.tumblr.com/c812af30235270f1ab9d02d2c31d8ca4/tumblr_nsxgb5neKQ1r9hrxoo1_500.jpg http://metsmerizedonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/lee-mazzilli.jpg
  21. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_E7A3hYlZMiM/Rsst8SFSx9I/AAAAAAAAAqk/hIEBqSI7Bso/s400/Brad+Ausmus+002+Houston+Chronicle+082007.jpg
  22. http://greginhollywood.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2868418007_c69d7e44d5.jpg http://greginhollywood.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/ausmus1-1.jpg
  23. Best Looking Managers... Former catchers Joe Girardi & Brad Ausmus http://www.chicagonow.com/loxas-factor/files/2013/09/080813-MLB-Yankees-manager-Joe-Girardi-BR-PI_20130808195432271_660_320-624x302.jpg http://media.gettyimages.com/photos/joe-girardi-of-the-new-york-yankees-looks-on-from-the-dugout-prior-to-picture-id492345353?s=612x612 http://greginhollywood.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/Brad_Ausmus_Web.jpg
  24. Whenever I listen to that song, I sing along: Me... Me... You know where I be...
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