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    samhexum got a reaction from Walker1 in DEMENTIA   
    I should already be misplacing my keys and getting lost driving home from the supermarket around the corner.
  2. Like
    samhexum got a reaction from Penn7 in I love a good pun...   
    almost as much as I love a bad one...

  3. Like
    samhexum got a reaction from + MasssageGuy in I love a good pun...   
    almost as much as I love a bad one...

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    samhexum got a reaction from rvwnsd in I COULD CARE LESS about I COULDN'T CARE LESS   
  5. Like
    samhexum got a reaction from rvwnsd in I COULD CARE LESS about I COULDN'T CARE LESS   
    Of all the mistakes people make when speaking, either grammatical or misquoting expressions, the one that most drives me up the wall is when somebody says, "I could care less..." about something.
    THAT MAKES NO SENSE! If you could care less about something, that means you DO care about it, at least a little bit, and it is possible that something could make you care even less than you currently do.
    HOWEVER, when you use the correct expression, "I COULDN'T CARE LESS..." it means that nothing in the world could cause you to care any less, because you already care as little as is humanly possible for you to care.



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    samhexum got a reaction from + Axiom2001 in Hot chocolate!   
    "I'm the pretty one..."

  7. Like
    samhexum got a reaction from caldude in I COULD CARE LESS about I COULDN'T CARE LESS   
    Of all the mistakes people make when speaking, either grammatical or misquoting expressions, the one that most drives me up the wall is when somebody says, "I could care less..." about something.
    THAT MAKES NO SENSE! If you could care less about something, that means you DO care about it, at least a little bit, and it is possible that something could make you care even less than you currently do.
    HOWEVER, when you use the correct expression, "I COULDN'T CARE LESS..." it means that nothing in the world could cause you to care any less, because you already care as little as is humanly possible for you to care.



  8. Like
    samhexum got a reaction from + easygoingpal in Size Queen   


  9. Like
    samhexum got a reaction from + Just Sayin in Even with His Shirt On.....   
  10. Like
    samhexum got a reaction from + Kufrol in I'd have given different advice   
    DEAR ABBY: I am a bridesmaid for my brother's upcoming wedding. However, his fiancee is throwing out some crazy mandates for the big day.
    1. All family members must wear contact lenses. Glasses will not be allowed because they look ugly in pictures. (Both her mom and my parents wear glasses.)
    2. She made my father get dental work to "improve his smile."
    3. I recently tore my ACL, and she says I can't bring crutches to the ceremony because she doesn't want them in the pictures.
    How much more of this should our family put up with? I love her as my niece's mother, but not as my future sister-in-law. Would it be better to tell them I won't be a bridesmaid? I am afraid to speak up because I want a relationship with my niece. -- AFRAID OF BRIDEZILLA
    DEAR AFRAID: Your brother's fiancee appears to have gone off the deep end. Weddings are supposed to be about love, commitment and the joining together of two families, not the photo album.
    While I sympathize with her desire for a "perfect" wedding, the idea that your parents and her mother must invest in contact lenses or miss seeing the ceremony and reception because glasses aren't "allowed" is ludicrous. And the suggestion that you leave your crutches and risk further damaging your ACL is off the charts.
    Talk to your brother. Perhaps he can make his ladylove see the light. If not, I wouldn't blame you -- and your parents and her mother, by the way -- if you decided to skip the "show."
    DEAR AFRAID: Your sister-in-law-to-be is a FUCKING LOON. Tell your brother to grab his daughter and run for the hills!

    DEAR ABBY: My husband, "Jason," and I have a 19-year-old daughter, "Laurie," who finished her freshman year of college with a 4.0 GPA. She has always been a great student and is interested in theater, music and dance. She has never given us any trouble.
    My husband is very conservative and opinionated about politics. Our daughter has become much more politically liberal over the last couple of years. Jason thinks it is disrespectful of her to not want to listen to him try to influence her to think like he does (he has tried before). I have told Jason she needs to work out her own political beliefs and, as she matures and sees how the business world works, she'll probably become more moderate.
    Jason is now insisting that we set a time when "the three of us can talk," which means he will lecture her about where she is wrong. What can I do as a mother and wife to mediate this meeting? I think both of them are pretty dug in. -- LOVE THEM BOTH IN ARKANSAS
    DEAR LOVE: I see no way that what your husband has in mind will be either pleasant or productive. However, because he is her father, Laurie owes him the respect of hearing him out. When the conversation becomes heated -- as it very well may -- suggest a timeout until they both cool down. Or leave the room if it becomes too stressful for you.
    DEAR LOVE: Your husband is a FUCKING LOON. Grab your daughter and run for the hills!
  11. Like
    samhexum reacted to bostonman in TV ADS: THE GOOD, THE BAD, & THE UGLY   
    Like a number of ads, it was cute/funny the first time, but starts to get more and more obnoxious on repeated viewings.
  12. Like
    samhexum got a reaction from happyguy2 in Law & Order SVU   
    I watched THE BLACKLIST last night, then was too lazy to get up & go back online afterwards, so I watched SVU for the first time in years (since Ray Donovan’s brother abducted Olivia). Lousy episode… I knew what was going to happen right from the start. And it was almost a rehash of an old episode (guest-starring Tessie Harper): A teenage girl shows up at the home of a family whose young daughter went missing years ago, claiming to be the missing child. Instead, she was just trying to escape an abusive parent (in this case, a meth-head mom, in the prior case a father who kept her locked in a basement vault and raped her for 6 years). In both cases, it turned out a sibling had killed the missing daughter years before.
    But the most notable thing about the episode is that it had a scene that was supposed to take place at a diner on Jamaica Ave. From the brief exterior shot and the supermarket across the street and the barriers erected to prevent mid-block crossings, I recognized it as The Flagship Diner on Queens Blvd, a block and a half from where I used to live. (Back then I could walk more than I can today, & occasionally went in there for an omelet).
    Many classic diners in Queens and Brooklyn have closed in recent years, as the land they sit on has been purchased for apartment building construction. The Flagship is not long for this world:
    A Briarwood diner that has served Queens residents for more than five decades is facing a bitter court battle with its new landlord who is trying to get rid of it before its lease expires in more than two years, the owners said.
    For 53 years, The Flagship Diner, at 138-30 Queens Blvd., has been a popular hangout for the community, as well as lawyers and court officers working at the nearby Queens Criminal Court.
    But the owners said the diner has been forced to fight for its survival ever since Jamaica-based White Rock Management group purchased the site for $6.125 million last year, with plans to knock down the eatery and replace it with a seven-story, mixed-use apartment building featuring 64 units.
    Shortly after acquiring the property, White Rock Management filed an application with the Department of Buildings to demolish the diner, which was approved on July 26 last year, and then another application to replace it with a new building, which was approved on June 9 this year, according to city records.
    The diner’s owners said they were hoping to keep their business open until their lease expires in October 2019.
    But Jimmy Skartsiaris, who co-owns the eatery with Vincent Pupplo and Frank Lountzis, said the new landlord began harassing them “the minute he bought the building.”
    First, the landlord wanted to buy them out, offering each of them $100,000, but they turned it down, the owners said.
    Since then, they said, the landlord sent them several “notices to cure,” requiring them to address a variety of issues within five days if they wanted to avoid eviction.
    The owners said they were forced to hire a lawyer who was able to obtain a “Yellowstone injunction” for each notice which temporarily suspends the time period during which they must address the issues.
    The first notice pertained to 13 boiler-related violations the diner began receiving in 1993, some of them issued before the trio bought the business in 1994, according to the owners and the Department of Buildings website. Twelve of those violations are still active, according to the DOB, and the owners are currently working on resolving the issue, they said.
    The landlord then sent them another letter saying that their parking lot, sidewalk and back steps are in disrepair and have to be ripped up and replaced within five days, followed by a note accusing them of not having proper liability insurance — claims that the diner owners denied.
    “In my opinion they are trying to bankrupt us in court so that we can’t stay in business,” said Vincent Pupplo.
    In August, the restaurant owners decided to strike back and filed a lawsuit in the Queens County Supreme Court accusing the landlord of harassing them. They also want the landlord to pay their legal fees. The first hearing was scheduled for Sept. 19.
    White Rock Management did not return a phone call seeking comment.
    Meanwhile, the diner also started a petition asking customers for support, which they said was signed by more than 1,300 patrons as of the end of August, Skartsiaris said.
    On Sept. 12, at 11 a.m., the owners were also planning to organize a rally in front of the diner asking locals for support.
    “It’s not fair to the people and it’s not fair to us,” Skartsiaris said, adding that the 24-hour restaurant employs around 35 workers.
    Customers said they can’t even imagine that the diner may one day close.
    n coming to the Flagship Diner almost every day for over 35 years. (DNAinfo/Ewa Kern-Jedrychowska)
    “It’s a big part of my life, I feel comfortable here,” said Joe Moskowitz, 72, a retired teacher who has been coming to the Flagship Diner almost every day for more than 35 years. “I know everybody here, this is my home away from home. To me, this is a landmark.”
    Gayle Malone, 44, a marketing strategist, called the Flagship Diner “the soul of the community.”
    “I don’t know what we will do without it,” she said. “Where will people gather if they can’t come here?”
    A review from May of this year:
    In a city that was once celebrated for its 24-hour culinary delights, the diners of yore are on the decline.
    In the ethereal childhood memories of every New Yorker’s youth, mom and dad would pack the family into the station wagon and head down the boulevard to the local diner for a Sunday breakfast. Patrons would slide into those booths and a nice lady would call you ‘honey,’ bring crayons for the kids and serve you pancakes with a smile. It’s an iconic scene that Hollywood has preserved on celluloid for years.
    Briarwood’s Flagship Diner is one of the last bastions of the city’s old school diners. Vinny Pupplo, one of the diner’s four owners, looks around and sees it as “the classic New York diner.”
    “Most of the classic New York diners have gone the route of cutting corners,” said Pupplo as his nine-hour selection of 1950s and 1960s pop music plays overhead. At the Flagship Diner, everything is made in-house. He said that the owners still buy their own beef for the diner’s classic cheeseburger, grind it and press it to make sure that the customer is getting the very best.
    The eatery has a baker on duty nearly 50 hours a week to make fresh desserts.
    “Everything you see, [our baker] makes it,” said Pupplo. “And it’s not like cardboard, it’s actual good stuff.”
    He said that Forest Hills residents come in every day to buy a couple of his baker’s prune Danishes since they can’t find the level of quality anywhere else.
    Pupplo said that all of the seafood purchased by the diner is fresh. He added that he would never outsource picking out the food for the diner.
    “You lose all quality control,” he said. “Most diners are not making their own stuff. You get institutional preservatives. Here, what you see today is in the garbage tomorrow.”
    Pupplo points out that each of the owners have more than 30 years of experience at Flagship Diner.
    The restaurant opened in 1965 and has seen many changes, but the menu has not been altered too much.
    “The old staples are still there,” Pupplo said. “We make them the way they’re supposed to be made.”
    Younger patrons from the neighborhood come in on the weekend for the diner’s $13.99 brunch entrée.
    Pupplo said he is proud of the long list of styles that the eatery has created for eggs Benedict, homemade challah bread or homemade whole grain French toast.
    “We do everything well, breakfast, lunch and dinner,” Pupplo said. “Our Greek food is authentic. It’s made by Greeks. Our Italians food is authentic. I approve of it. We make baked ziti properly. It’s the way it’s supposed to be made. The way you would make it at home.”
    But not everything lasts. The Flagship Diner is running strong today—but, last year, local media ran with the story that the land owner sold the property to a developer and the diner would be forced to vacate when its lease ran out in 2019.
    “It was like a knife in my heart,” Pupplo said when he saw the coverage. “Everyone thought we already closed. I still get 10 calls a day [asking if they are open].”
    There is a still chance to enjoy the Flagship’s service. Pupplo said that many of his staff have been serving at the diner for 20 to 30 years, know the menu by heart and eagerly await their daily customers.
  13. Like
    samhexum got a reaction from happyguy2 in I'd have given different advice   
    DEAR ABBY: I am single and the mother of a 7-year-old girl. When she was 4, I decided there would be no parade of guys coming in and out of my life, or any at all. I have barely dated, and the few times I have gone out, I never talked about it around her.
    Over the last two or three years, she has come home every few weeks or months with a new boy she likes. I never say much except that she's not allowed to have a boyfriend. She recently swore her grandfather to secrecy and told him she had a boyfriend.
    Is this normal? Should I be concerned that she likes a new boy every few weeks, or that she didn't tell me she had a boyfriend even though I don't punish her for being honest? I'm concerned about her being interested in boys at too young an age. -- POSSIBLY PRUDE MOTHER
    DEAR MOTHER: Having a "boyfriend" at the age of 7 means something different than it does to a teenager or an adult. When your daughter tried to confide in you that she liked someone, you cut her off by telling her it "wasn't allowed." If you had let her confide in you, she wouldn't have found the need to do it with her grandfather. I suggest you open up the lines of communication now, before it's too late.
    DEAR MOTHER: Your daughter is a tramp. Prepare to be a grandmother in 6 years.

    DEAR ABBY: I need suggestions on what to do to get a close family member to go out to lunch with me. I have offered to pay for lunch, let him pick the restaurant and do the driving. ("Nope. Can't go. Got to check with my wife. No.")
    I am in my late 80s, and he's in his late 70s. Someday it will be too late. What do you suggest? -- LOOKING TO LUNCH IN THE EAST
    DEAR LOOKING TO LUNCH: Try this. Invite his wife to come to lunch with the two of you. However, if that doesn't work, forget about trying to get him to go because he may be less eager to see you than you are to see him.

    DEAR LOOKING TO LUNCH: You probably chew with your mouth open, then floss your teeth at the table. Learn to eat like a civilized person.
  14. Like
    samhexum got a reaction from Gvtire in I'd have given different advice   
    DEAR ABBY: I am a bridesmaid for my brother's upcoming wedding. However, his fiancee is throwing out some crazy mandates for the big day.
    1. All family members must wear contact lenses. Glasses will not be allowed because they look ugly in pictures. (Both her mom and my parents wear glasses.)
    2. She made my father get dental work to "improve his smile."
    3. I recently tore my ACL, and she says I can't bring crutches to the ceremony because she doesn't want them in the pictures.
    How much more of this should our family put up with? I love her as my niece's mother, but not as my future sister-in-law. Would it be better to tell them I won't be a bridesmaid? I am afraid to speak up because I want a relationship with my niece. -- AFRAID OF BRIDEZILLA
    DEAR AFRAID: Your brother's fiancee appears to have gone off the deep end. Weddings are supposed to be about love, commitment and the joining together of two families, not the photo album.
    While I sympathize with her desire for a "perfect" wedding, the idea that your parents and her mother must invest in contact lenses or miss seeing the ceremony and reception because glasses aren't "allowed" is ludicrous. And the suggestion that you leave your crutches and risk further damaging your ACL is off the charts.
    Talk to your brother. Perhaps he can make his ladylove see the light. If not, I wouldn't blame you -- and your parents and her mother, by the way -- if you decided to skip the "show."
    DEAR AFRAID: Your sister-in-law-to-be is a FUCKING LOON. Tell your brother to grab his daughter and run for the hills!

    DEAR ABBY: My husband, "Jason," and I have a 19-year-old daughter, "Laurie," who finished her freshman year of college with a 4.0 GPA. She has always been a great student and is interested in theater, music and dance. She has never given us any trouble.
    My husband is very conservative and opinionated about politics. Our daughter has become much more politically liberal over the last couple of years. Jason thinks it is disrespectful of her to not want to listen to him try to influence her to think like he does (he has tried before). I have told Jason she needs to work out her own political beliefs and, as she matures and sees how the business world works, she'll probably become more moderate.
    Jason is now insisting that we set a time when "the three of us can talk," which means he will lecture her about where she is wrong. What can I do as a mother and wife to mediate this meeting? I think both of them are pretty dug in. -- LOVE THEM BOTH IN ARKANSAS
    DEAR LOVE: I see no way that what your husband has in mind will be either pleasant or productive. However, because he is her father, Laurie owes him the respect of hearing him out. When the conversation becomes heated -- as it very well may -- suggest a timeout until they both cool down. Or leave the room if it becomes too stressful for you.
    DEAR LOVE: Your husband is a FUCKING LOON. Grab your daughter and run for the hills!
  15. Like
    samhexum got a reaction from MuscleChaser in What's your favorite fast food?   
    No votes yet for Dairy Queen or Jack in the Box? Sacre bleu!
  16. Like
    samhexum got a reaction from Nvr2Thick in "Will and Grace" is back   
    So remember when Leo showed up at Grace’s breast cancer scare?
    Jill Goodacre, a former model and the wife of musician and actor Harry Connick, Jr., revealed Wednesday her secret five-year battle with breast cancer.
    Goodacre, 53, told People that she went for a routine annual mammogram in October 2012, and though that test came back clear, her sonogram didn’t.
    After undergoing a biopsy, the model learned she had Stage 1 invasive ductal carcinoma, the most common form of breast cancer.
    She immediately underwent a lumpectomy and radiation, which she says “absolutely wiped (her) out.”
    Connick, who lost his mother to ovarian cancer when he was just 13, admitted that his wife’s health scare left him fearful.
    “I was scared I was going to lose her, absolutely,” he told People. “I wasn’t going to let her see that, but I was. I know from losing my mom that the worst can happen. She’s my best friend, and I really don’t know what I would do without her.”
    The couple also revealed that one of the most difficult parts of learning Goodacre had cancer was breaking the news to their three daughters.
    “It broke my heart,” she said.
    In the five years since her diagnosis, Goodacre says she’s continued to take Tamoxifen, an estrogen modular that helps halt breast cancer — but that the negative side effects, like weight gain, have been difficult to deal with.
    “I’ve always been a pretty fit person, and so to be just rounder and heavier and not to really be able to do much about it — that’s been hard,” she said. “It’s taken a lot out of my self-confidence.”
    Connick and Goodacre — who tied the knot in 1994 — explained that since she’s been in remission for five years now, it felt like the right time to share their battle with the world.
    “It wasn’t like we were superstitious, like if we said something about being in the clear we’d somehow jinx it,” she said. “But we wanted to be well on the other side of things before we told everybody. The doctors all say that after the five-year mark, things look optimistic, so we’re starting to feel pretty good.”
    Goodacre will talk more about her breast cancer battle on Thursday’s episode of her husband’s show “Harry.”
  17. Like
    samhexum reacted to bigvalboy in What's your favorite fast food?   
    No one for Checkers? Nothing could be better at 2 am.
  18. Like
    samhexum reacted to JayCeeKy in What's your favorite fast food?   
    When I lived in L.A. I was amused when people would stick IN-n-OUT BURGER bumper stickers on their cars but would block out the "B" and second "R" to make it read "IN-n-OUT URGE"
  19. Like
    samhexum got a reaction from + g56whiz in Was Alexander The Great Gay?   
    Obviously not, or he would have been Alexander the Fabulous.
  20. Like
    samhexum got a reaction from Kenny in Was Alexander The Great Gay?   
    Obviously not, or he would have been Alexander the Fabulous.
  21. Like
    samhexum got a reaction from Gvtire in Was Alexander The Great Gay?   
    Obviously not, or he would have been Alexander the Fabulous.
  22. Like
    samhexum got a reaction from + WmClarke in Was Alexander The Great Gay?   
    Obviously not, or he would have been Alexander the Fabulous.
  23. Like
    samhexum got a reaction from Bertster in Dmitry Averyanov   
    I'd let that Russian meddle in MY election!
  24. Like
    samhexum got a reaction from Kevin Slater in Was Alexander The Great Gay?   
    Obviously not, or he would have been Alexander the Fabulous.
  25. Like
    samhexum got a reaction from + robear in Was Alexander The Great Gay?   
    Obviously not, or he would have been Alexander the Fabulous.
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