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Everything posted by BonVivant

  1. Cause the cover is cool!!l: baby chasing money while in a pool! It can have lots of symbolism of meaning.
  2. He’s been around or at least the pics have. His nomme-de-plume changes now and then. He’s tasty looking. But I’m just cautious…. The one RM review said “it was epic”!
  3. That’s too bad. Someone advised him incorrectly. Way to detonate a great reputation.
  4. I remember when the album came out. I bought it. I played it. Listened to it many times. Amazing music. NO ONE BACK THEN viewed it as porn. BACK THEN lil babies were lil babies. That’s it. People these days are just ridiculous. The legal standard is “you know it when you see it.” It ain’t porn.
  5. My experience was different and it was awesome. I met him in Miami in 2021. It was a courtesan experience: welcome drink, etc. I really enjoyed it.
  6. Solo or duo? I guess it depends on how much you can handle.
  7. That’s what magazines were for!! 🤭🤭🤪
  8. Not me… I know exactly what I want. Price can influence who I pick. But then again I’m Gen X and we had to navigate the world on our own from a wee young age. Life and death decisions were made in a blink of an eye.
  9. Umm… they’re allergic to peanuts. When did that happen?
  10. I have no reason to think so.
  11. The posted RM reviews are laudatory.
  12. Probably enjoying a lifestyle that he never had growing up. Give him a break. I never had luxuries until I was 30. I didn’t have the money (very middle class, suburban upbringing; studying til 29; conservative parents, etc.). Then I treated myself. I indulged. Gotta do it when you can. Gotta live when you are alive.
  13. Grindr was cool and useful when it was also a marketplace (for all sorts of things). Then the prudes took over. And then some company from Chhhina bought it. The combo ruined it.
  14. It has 3 cutie Twinkies and the National Quilt Museum! Field Trip!
  15. Paducah? What’s in Paducah?
  16. No, but boy does he get around the lower 50. Hoping he gets to where I am sometime soon. Follow him on Twitter to see his latest shenanigans.
  17. I’m not seeing the Ken from Barbie aspect from the profile. Sorry. Nope.
  18. Straight? Then fuggedaboutit! It never works out.
  19. It’s like having a non-alcoholic beer. Sure, go ahead and give head with a condom on it and suck that plastic. It’s not going to be the same. Why even bother? I hate it. Not even a turn on.
  20. Ask for a face pic in the DM. You might receive one. 🤯
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