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Everything posted by BonVivant

  1. Lol. Exactly. It’s a free market and he will get whatever he can command.
  2. He says he is in high demand
  3. Ooooooh! Gotcha! Learnt something new! Thanks
  4. Why do folks reply with “bump”? What does it mean? Are people saying “I pass” or “I’m not interested” or “I don’t like”?? Just curious. If that’s the case, why say anything at all? Please enlighten me. Thanks.
  5. Amazing guy. Very friendly. Just like his pictures. DM for details.
  6. Lots of guys are “Forever 24!” But if they can get away with it…… ?!? and as for Dima always enjoyed meeting up with him… haven’t seen him in a few years though.
  7. Ooooh. Cutie. Let us know how it goes.
  8. DM me. Hi is very handsome and enthusiastic. Had a wonderful time.
  9. people are jealous and judgmental of Autumn-spring pairings. But I think a male-female pairing attracts less attention then male-male. It’s very misogynistic but folks accept That successful str8 men can have trophy women. But not men. Society isn’t used to it. just have to have thick skin.
  10. Oh I’ve definitely done the CK “take my Purty Boi on a public stroll”. It’s a lot of fun don’t get me wrong!! l LOVE Especially watching all the Mom’s eyes bulge ? in horror And all the pearl clutching. ? ? ?. Luv it. BUT to make it work the Boi needs thick skin and nerves of steel. Plus he needs to keep his objective in mind…… whahahahahah. Evil ? laugh.
  11. send me a DM for more.
  12. There is great Truth and Wisdom to these stories. It applies to all situations where there is no match between the partners other than sex and money. It applies not just to First World-Third World dalliances but to all worlds. I can add my own experiences but you have given plenty of examples.
  13. Thank you. I thought we lost it. Suggestion and only a suggestion: what if we made it a non- profit membership? We could divide the annual cost/members. etc.
  14. Well, if it helps, the Dharmic religions don’t have a negative view of pleasure (“Kama”). It is one of the 4 goals of a good life. And as long as all is consensual then it is karmically ok.
  15. You can always go to Tel Aviv! ???
  16. No. I was asking in the context of place of origin. Not travel.
  17. Also re his rate. It is his rate. Either you can handle it or you can’t. If you can’t, move on. Inflation is a bitch! (Both monetarily and life style wise). If you are stuck on a fixed income without increases to account for inflation then that’s too bad. A young man like him can command a high rate for only so long. He might as well as capitalize on it. God Bless Amerikuh!
  18. I can confirm that. It’s true. But why is that relevant?
  19. BonVivant


    Check out Hunqz on Planet Romeo. That is where all the Europeans go and they get better local rates. RM is for the Yanks with special American rates.
  20. Unless u r vying for electoral office or a political appointment, no one will care. Plus gifts are legitimate.
  21. If he’s real he’s smoking hawt?
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