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    BonVivant got a reaction from CastaDiva in 411 flchiboy   
    Good to know. That’s why this site is such a valuable resource. 
  2. Like
    BonVivant got a reaction from + The Big Guy in 411 flchiboy   
    Good to know. That’s why this site is such a valuable resource. 
  3. Haha
    BonVivant reacted to + FrankR in 411 flchiboy   
  4. Agree
    BonVivant reacted to Epigonos in Should I lie about escorting?   
    Okay come on you are only twenty-three. Be decisive! Decide what you want NOW. Nothing, but death, is cast in concrete. If you are enjoying the money and experiences, you are having escorting now; continue. If in six, twelve, or twenty-four months, or more you feel differently then change your life at that time. You and you alone should be the master of your present and future. Good Luck and for God sakes have fun, Fun, FUN, move on and stop worrying about making a “permanent” decision.

  5. Applause
    BonVivant reacted to jtwalker in No tip clients   
    I usually tip if I think the provider undercharged and was excellent as an extra thank you.  For example, I met an excellent provider that only charged $400 for two hours, so I gave him $500.  If someone is asking $300 off the bat, then the odds of me tipping are very low.  If the service is great, I tend to pay $250-$300 an hour regardless of what they ask. 
    I also round up to 20, because 20's come out of the ATM, so some mediocre guys get $260 because I'm not asking for change.
  6. Agree
    BonVivant reacted to + Lucky in No tip clients   
    If someone is being paid some $300 an hour, usually in cash, I would be astonished if they expected a tip as well.
  7. Applause
    BonVivant reacted to Kevin Slater in Fidelity to allow Bitcoin in 401Ks   
    According to this article there is an 82% correlation between bitcoin and the Nasdaq, which sort of diminishes some of the appeal of crypto. 

    Kevin Slater 
  8. Agree
    BonVivant reacted to Luv2play in Fidelity to allow Bitcoin in 401Ks   
    The jury may still be out but Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are not holding up well against inflation nor are they weathering the current market downdrafts very well. 
    It seems they are performing like the Nasdaq these days, that is going deep into bear territory. Of course 12 months from now they may be riding high again. Or they could be in the trash.
  9. Applause
    BonVivant reacted to Kevin Slater in Borrowing on margin to purchase rental property   
    Oh, the three properties I already own have done great by me.  Passive income means money while I sleep, let alone any capital appreciation.  It's just that they're all paid off and I want to step back up to the table (albeit without going through the painful mortgage process again).
    Kevin Slater
  10. Applause
    BonVivant reacted to TorontoDrew in AlphaMuscle   
    I'd love to be that fat.
  11. Applause
    BonVivant reacted to Todd Jenkins in AlphaMuscle   
    If THAT is FAT, sign me up! 
  12. Like
    BonVivant got a reaction from miserybeme9 in Cost of hiring   
    No. The separate room is a huge red flag. This means he is not “yours” for the time engaged. You are just the bank for his trip. He will then see you when he wants; will give you your one hour of play time; and then he’ll trick or trade in his separate room. You’ll be miserable. 
    Walk away. Not worth it. 
  13. Like
    BonVivant reacted to Gymowner in Seeking arrangements success!   
    i just joined last night. i did so since you can filter the hell out of the profiles. anyone with "seeking luxury lifestyle" or "seeking life of leisure" was deleted so fast from my viewing database that their heads spun! at this time it appears you can create more of a match.com there as well as being a suckered john that just doles out the money. not cheap but hell, for 3 months i can look for maybe a good guy or two to strike up friendships or more.
  14. Like
    BonVivant got a reaction from + cougar in 411 on TWINKHEAVEN   
    Cutie. Hope someone takes the plunge and reports back. 
  15. Agree
    BonVivant got a reaction from Wanderoz in 411 on TWINKHEAVEN   
    Cutie. Hope someone takes the plunge and reports back. 
  16. Haha
    BonVivant reacted to + Charlie in Stocks and the marketplace   
    Years ago, a friend of mine had a relation who worked for a pharmaceutical company. He told her she should invest some money in the company, because it was working on a new drug that would be a big seller. She was reluctant to take a chance, so she didn't do it. She told me, "I think he's wrong about it selling well, because I don't like the sound of the name--it's called Viagra."
  17. Agree
    BonVivant reacted to + Charlie in Stocks and the marketplace   
    I don't believe in playing with things that I don't really understand and could make costly mistakes. I don't service my own car, and I don't invest my own money. I was lucky that when I started working at 23, one of the contractual requirements my employer made was that employees join a TIAA-CREF retirement plan, in which we had to invest a set percentage of our paycheck, and the employer would match it. I left everything in their hands, and I retired at 59 with a very comfortable income which has remained steady through all kinds of economic ups and downs.
    When my spouse got a jump in salary thirty-five years ago, he decided he needed a financial advisor, and he found one through a recommendation from a friend. Several years later, he unexpectedly inherited a substantial sum, and he turned that over to the advisor as well. Nick kept the investments growing, not dramatically but steadily, and we left everything in his hands. He was an independent advisor, but he worked through Schwab. When Nick announced last year that he was retiring at 82, I panicked for a moment, but he recommended that we move everything to an independent advisor whom he had known for years and trusted absolutely. Rather than try to find someone on my own, or--heaven forbid!--try to manage it myself, we moved it all to the new guy. So far, so good, but he does seem to want us to be more involved in investment decisions than we were with Nick, and I am really not too comfortable with that.
    BTW, because I am an old-fashioned type who was raised by working class parents, I think all those brokerage numbers on paper are nice to look at, but I never think of them as REAL money, so I always keep a stash of cash in traditional bank accounts, which would probably horrify an advisor.
  18. Agree
    BonVivant reacted to MmM in 411 on Lorenzofitness in NYC   
    The heads have been photoshopped to the bodies.
  19. Love
    BonVivant reacted to TheBx in NEIGHBOURS SON !!   
  20. Love
    BonVivant reacted to Whitman in NEIGHBOURS SON !!   
  21. Like
    BonVivant got a reaction from MscleLovr in Seeking arrangements success!   
    I think a lot of the SBs “leave” once they realize the SDs are savvier than they anticipated. I live in a No 1 metro area so there are lots of SBs with the  right attitude and approach. Spoilt for choice. But the monthly fee is eye watering. So I stopped. Plus I have my steady Ed-ies already. SA should be looked at as an as needed enrollment. Once you have your SBs you can cancel it. 
  22. Like
    BonVivant got a reaction from Quincy_7 in Borrowing on margin to purchase rental property   
    You also might want to wait until the current recession scenario plays out fully.  Properties will become available at a discount. 
  23. Love
    BonVivant reacted to marylander1940 in Who was your teenage crush (the guy that made you realize you REALLY liked guys)?   
    Tab Hunter and for the record I'm NOT big on blond guys... 

  24. Love
    BonVivant reacted to dutchal in Newbie in Nyc: William_Mann   
    One, tall drink of, er, water.
    You can find him under the same screen name on tumblr, gay0day and his youtube channel.  Am surprised he's not on OF, too.
  25. Agree
    BonVivant reacted to Cliff in Newbie in Nyc: William_Mann   
    What is the emoji for your eyes popping out of your head on springs? Trying to find it. 
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