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  1. Party
    BonVivant reacted to CalTec in Fire Island Pines   
    I've always wondered about this destination.  A while back I was invited by a regular to accompany him but had other commitments and it never worked out.  Is it still a hotspot destination in the summer months?
  2. Applause
    BonVivant reacted to foxy in Fire Island Pines   
    I also spent time in Cherry Grove usually when I was by myself and didn’t have a house rental. Cherry Grove was a friendlier environment. In the Pines if you were looking for sex you had to have a few things going for you. 
    You had to be young, you had to be beautiful, you had to have a perfect body and with luck a big dick. 
    Without these you would be mostly ignored and invisible. However for me what worked was I didn’t care. Every morning while taking a stroll on the boardwalk, usually to shop at the Pantry, I’d give everyone I passed a big cheery good morning. It was rarely returned. While that would infuriate most people I thought it was funny. Especially after you’ve walked passed the same person several times and they’d begrudgingly say good morning back. I win ha ha. 
    When I was with my husband and friends I didn’t really care about hooking up. Or the lack of it. It was all about the beach.
    A few times when I was by myself I’d stay at the Belvedere Guest House. It’s still there under new management. It’s about as over the top as you can get and often the guys who stayed there had a sense of humor and were friendlier. Not sure about now. 
  3. Like
    BonVivant reacted to + Charlie in Fire Island Pines   
    I used to go to Fire Island a couple of times every summer in the 1960s and 70s, but like @LIguy I stayed in the Grove, and if a friend was staying in the Pines, I would walk over to visit. My last visit to Fire Island was in 1981; after that, the guys I knew at the Pines started getting sick, and by the end of the decade, every single person I knew who had frequented the Pines was dead of AIDS. I was no longer living in NYC or spending much time there, so there didn't seem to be any reason for me to return to a vacation spot that would only evoke sad memories.
  4. Like
    BonVivant reacted to MscleLovr in Fire Island Pines   
    I went once in the ‘80s. It was a time when I commuted monthly between London and NYC. I was invited by a friend but I knew no-one else. The other people staying in the house were pleasant but I found it a difficult ‘scene’.
    I had (and have) no interest in casual, anonymous sex or one-night stands, but these seemed to be of major appeal to a lot of guys. It also seemed to me - but others haven’t noted - that it was quite socially competitive and consumerist. My friend observed that I commuted “on the fast bird” (Concorde) and, inexplicably to me, this sparked a lot of interest. 
  5. Applause
    BonVivant reacted to FewBricksShy in Cost of hiring   
    I can’t imagine anyone willing to pay for time that’s not spent together. That seems ludicrous to me.
  6. Haha
    BonVivant got a reaction from Chancealot in GATechJock   
    I could get into FinDom too. And I will take less…. 😝
  7. Agree
    BonVivant reacted to maninsoma in 411 on AlejandroMIL   
    At $800/hour as an escort and $500/hour as a masseur, I suspect most of us aren't willing to take a risk.  I can understand a well known guy commanding that rate, but not some garden variety (albeit attractive) young man.
  8. Agree
    BonVivant reacted to FewBricksShy in Odd Level Of Demand   
    The cost of hiring has increased at a time when a dollar doesn’t go as far. Pleasure goods like escorts are going to see a decrease in demand, even without increased prices for services. With a decrease in demand generally and an increase in price, I can totally understand that the client market is depressed. I know I’m in a saving pattern for my next hire, and it’s been harder to get that play money account to fill up like before. 
  9. Applause
    BonVivant reacted to TruHart1 in Odd Level Of Demand   
    Personally, as a client, I have built up a group of regular local and/or traveling escorts post pandemic whom I see on a regular basis. I’ve gone this route mainly because of inflation! If I see a certain provider once a month or once every two months, I can budget my hiring expenses and always rest assured that my go to guys will (usually) be available for me.
    Right now, that seems to be the case, with a “stable” of regulars I can always count on. It hasn’t always been like this but for now it works for me, though it may change in the future, depending on my regulars’ lives. I know from past experiences, that any of them may decide to retire or quit the business, but I’m enjoying myself right now!!! 😉
    TruHart1 😎
  10. Like
    BonVivant reacted to Jamie21 in Paid in fake money?   
    I don’t like to count the money in front of clients. I just take it and ask if they need change. Never had a problem with it being short or of fake notes. I guess I’ve been lucky. Most of my clients pay by credit or debit card though. No one carries cash these days. 
  11. Haha
    BonVivant reacted to + MysticMenace in Who was that cute guy?   
    lol, I tried using google search, and nothing helpful. although it was a great excuse to look at cute blonde men...and now my imagination is running wild with me helping him get back to the US, for a simple trade of sex 3x a day till he found his own place.

  12. Applause
    BonVivant reacted to maninsoma in Best twink hire ever   
    Cutie, but he looks a bit more twunkish than twinkish to me.  That isn't a criticism as twunks can be appealing, too. 
    My favorite twink hire ever was a UCLA student who only occasionally advertised on Craigslist 20 years ago.  I responded to one of his posts and he became a regular for a few years.  He had a very cute face, a very nice body for a twink (a little muscular, but still small enough to remain in the twink category), a nice personality, and was fun in bed.  I offered to post a positive review of him on the old site but he wanted to remain on the DL, only having a few regular clients to see when he was on breaks from school.  I still occasionally look at the photo I took of him fresh from the shower and fondly remember all of the loads I swallowed from him.
  13. Agree
    BonVivant reacted to Chancealot in Best twink hire ever   
    Best young Twinks and Jocks are on Grindr or SA.  While you have to work a little harder as some/most aren’t “looking” for that on Grindr for example - I find the return well worth it 
  14. Applause
    BonVivant reacted to coriolis888 in Rent.Men Reviews are Pointless   
    As Margaret Hungerford said,  "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
    So it seems, with rentmen reviews and its providers. 
    Rentmen reviews supposedly depend on the views and opinions of the person who met with the provider.  
    Those of us who have hired from rentmen have sometimes experienced less than stellar performance even from the all five-star providers and vice versa.    
  15. Agree
    BonVivant reacted to Medin in Rent.Men Reviews are Pointless   
    I take the RM reviews with a grain of salt.  I always try to leave (honest!) reviews but realize I'm often in the minority.  One provider I met several months was supposed to be hung like a horse and multiple reviews said the same.  When I met him I was surprised to see he was the size of a thimble.  I always thought an honest review helped the client community and never understood why anyone would intentionally leave a dishonest review which ends up hurting all of us.  Probably the same people who leave a 25% tip in a restaurant after they received terrible service and the wrong food. 
  16. Agree
    BonVivant reacted to + Pensant in Rent.Men Reviews are Pointless   
    I find the presence of positive reviews with notes to be helpful, especially those reviewers with a few years of membership. That said,  I’ve engaged newbies with no reviews who have been great.
  17. Agree
    BonVivant reacted to MscleLovr in New Batch of "Ukrainians" on NYC RM   
    Correct. It’s why the families fleeing fighting in Ukraine comprise women and children, and why they are often anxious to return to see their husbands/fathers.
  18. Applause
    BonVivant got a reaction from + DrownedBoy in New Batch of "Ukrainians" on NYC RM   
    Isn’t there a ban on men of fighting age leaving Ukraine?!? 
  19. Like
    BonVivant reacted to andymn in Adonis NYC 4th of July   
    Just figured it out — Sunday night at Phoenix 
  20. Applause
    BonVivant reacted to rvwnsd in Chasecarter need help   
    I just reported the ad. If what he says is true, RM needs to deal with this. If it isn't, he's opening RM up to a huge liability. Regardless, they need to intervene.
  21. Haha
    BonVivant reacted to Kevin Slater in 411 Dimitryy (Russian Dima)   
    And what is it about your upbringing that makes you feel that way?
    Kevin Slater
  22. Applause
    BonVivant reacted to MscleLovr in NYC Escort services acquired outside of App/web?   
    Yes. I enjoy dating very handsome guys with fit bodies. So I was a modelizer from 2000-2012. At that time, the best contacts for me were a couple of model scouts and assistants for two photographers. 
    As others writing above have intimated, discretion is paramount for these guys. If you wish to pursue this route now @PatrickWelsh23, I suggest you send a polite and discreet message through Instagram to guys who interest you. Just say something like “Do you meet men privately? I’d enjoy spending time with you. I’m very discreet and generous”. Those guys who are interested will read ‘between the lines’ readily enough. 
  23. Applause
    BonVivant reacted to Frankcal in 411 Dimitryy (Russian Dima)   
    I saw him a year ago and can say he looks amazing. Not sure what his secret is but this guy does not seem to age. Amazing bottom and overall beautiful body. 
  24. Surprised
    BonVivant reacted to Shawn Monroe in Providers: What would make you leave the room?   
    He was probably 13. If you’re being facetious. So there was no need. 
  25. Agree
    BonVivant reacted to TorontoDrew in Adam4Adam 2021, who’s on it?   
    App can't be owned or domiciled in the US then.  Remember what happened to Rentboy.
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