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  1. Applause
    BonVivant reacted to italianboyph in What does "into" really mean?   
    For me, it’s what sexually satisfies you and turns you on. 
  2. Haha
    BonVivant reacted to + Keith30309 in Would you hire a robot escort with AI?   
    Good news: The stiff on the right is the UPS guy who carries it into your house and helps you with your box.
    With my luck they would send me a straight one and I'd have to pay the extra $50 to download the gay firmware pack.
    (Side note: Why is this sexbot naked? Would it have been a huge problem to run to Walmart and get him a pair of shorts and t-shirt or something before his flight? What if the crate had broken open in transit or something? A little modesty, even with a stiffie, would have been a nice touch. )
  3. Applause
    BonVivant reacted to + José Soplanucas in Would you hire a robot escort with AI?   
    I would not hire it. I would buy it.
  4. Applause
    BonVivant reacted to + Tarte Gogo in Would you hire a robot escort with AI?   
    Not yet!
  5. Haha
    BonVivant reacted to AndyDandy in Would you hire a robot escort with AI?   
    Some of the escorts I've hired have acted like robots!
  6. Applause
    BonVivant reacted to + José Soplanucas in four recommendations in Buenos Aires -JUNE 2021   
    In order of preference based on the experiences they delivered to me, but all of them were fro excellent to outstanding.
    My number One this year: Tomy Stark
    My review: https://ilikepinga.com/2021/06/25/tomy/
    His ads: http://www.onyce.net/escort-masculino/tomy.html - https://www.soytuyo.com/es/escort-masculino/tomy-brasilian - https://www.leonos.com/es/escort-masculino/tomy-brasilian
    His Tweeter: @tomystarksex
    His OF: https://onlyfans.com/tomystarksex

    My Number Two (head to head with #1): Alan (or Ezequiel)
    My review: https://ilikepinga.com/2021/06/29/alan/
    His ad: https://www.escogeme.com/escorts-masculinos/capital-federal/once/ezequiel-15-5148-9672
    His Tweeter: @xparodisx
    His IG: parodis.alan
    His OF: https://onlyfans.com/xparodisx

    My Number Three: Ander
    My review: https://ilikepinga.com/2021/06/20/ander/
    His ad: https://www.soytuyo.com/es/escorts-masculinos

    My Number Four: Samir
    My review: https://ilikepinga.com/2021/06/22/samir/
    His ads: http://www.onyce.net/escort-masculino/samir.html. - https://www.soytuyo.com/es/escort-masculino/samir

  7. Like
    BonVivant reacted to pubic_assistance in 411 - CALVINNX - NYC   
    Handsome guy. I had asked about his escort rates and he stated he doesn't do "secs" (sp.)
    So I am gonna assume his "escorting" only includes accompanying you to a black tie affair or a family event as your plus one.
  8. Applause
    BonVivant reacted to Prime38 in 411 - CALVINNX - NYC   
    This is good to know, wanted to try him out, but I'll just see if he's dancing next month at Adonis when I visit. 
  9. Applause
    BonVivant reacted to Luv2play in 411 - CALVINNX - NYC   
    I avoid dancers from Montreal if I'm looking for a full service date. They are mostly gay for pay. I agree with the $20 per dance suggestion.
  10. Like
    BonVivant reacted to + Coolwave35 in 411 - CALVINNX - NYC   
    Took him home after the Adonis party along with several others. It wasn’t for him and he was totally out of his element. He did eventually manage to cum, on his own with his phone on a chair away from the group activities, but escorting isn’t for him…. yet. I agree with BonBivant.  Spend $20 to get a lap dance and save your money. He’s very nice and very cute. 
  11. Like
    BonVivant got a reaction from HoseMaster in 411 - CALVINNX - NYC   
    Any information on this fine fella?
  12. Sad
    BonVivant got a reaction from TorontoTwink in Atlantis Cruises - your experiences?   
    What has been the experience of folks on this forum with Atlantis cruises?
    My first and only experience from October 2009 was not great. I was not treated well on the cruise by others. It all started from the welcome reception and just got worse.  I was body shamed (5’10” 36 inch waist) (I would have been fine on a normal cruise) (it was a tough year and I just wanted to relax). People wouldn’t even sit with me for dinner or socialize.  I ended up eating by myself in the cafeteria. I also had two different cliques openly make fun of me whenever they saw me. I finally had to confront them to stop and it went up to to the Ships officers who basically told them to knock it off.  They also advised me to try and have fun on my own. Basically, what I learned was that it is only really for the lean six pack abs muscle set. All others should stay away. I will never go on another gay cruise. Ever!! 
    What about your experiences?  
  13. Sad
    BonVivant got a reaction from Walker1 in Atlantis Cruises - your experiences?   
    What has been the experience of folks on this forum with Atlantis cruises?
    My first and only experience from October 2009 was not great. I was not treated well on the cruise by others. It all started from the welcome reception and just got worse.  I was body shamed (5’10” 36 inch waist) (I would have been fine on a normal cruise) (it was a tough year and I just wanted to relax). People wouldn’t even sit with me for dinner or socialize.  I ended up eating by myself in the cafeteria. I also had two different cliques openly make fun of me whenever they saw me. I finally had to confront them to stop and it went up to to the Ships officers who basically told them to knock it off.  They also advised me to try and have fun on my own. Basically, what I learned was that it is only really for the lean six pack abs muscle set. All others should stay away. I will never go on another gay cruise. Ever!! 
    What about your experiences?  
  14. Like
    BonVivant got a reaction from lonely_john in Atlantis Cruises - your experiences?   
    O-M-G. Yes indeed. It was out of LA down the Mexican Riviera. Yes indeed. 
  15. Like
    BonVivant reacted to + Vegas_Millennial in Atlantis Cruises - your experiences?   
    Can I guess that your October 2009 cruise was out of Los Angeles?
    I avoid flights and cruises out of Los Angeles in general, gay or straight.  I find that even on straight cruises, passenger are less friendly out of LA and more focused on appearance.  Flight attendant friends of mine have said that LA passengers are stereotypically the most difficult passengers to deal with.
    I've been on three RSVP cruises out of Ft Lauderdale, and even with a 42" waist I met people and had lots of fun.  The people could not have been nicer.  RSVP and Atlantis are the same company, with slightly different entertainment offerings on their cruises.
    I hope you get the opportunity to go on another all gay cruise.   Longer cruises, and those that depart from Ft Lauderdale or Europe will have fewer young party boys on them than Los Angeles or Miami.
    And just work your way around the dance floor and find a group you do click with.  Go up and say hi to other people sitting by themselves at the Lido buffet.   Go to happy hours and look for single people drinking by themselves, and go up and talk to them.  Even with a gut, I managed to get laid every day on a gay cruise
  16. Like
    BonVivant reacted to + Lucky in Atlantis Cruises - your experiences?   
    Our experience with Atlantis was okay. Sure, there was an A-Gay type crowd, but I didn't care about them. The entertainment was mediocre, but the food was good enough. I thought that the shore travel was awfully expensive.
    My mom and I once went on an Alaska cruise, straight, and I can't say it was much different from the gay cruise. Instead of A-Gays you had loudmouths. Not as pretty, but the scenery was superb!
  17. Like
    BonVivant reacted to lonely_john in Atlantis Cruises - your experiences?   
    I would avoid cruises completely and wait at least a couple years after Covid is under control. Cruises passengers were those who died faster and greater numbers (relative to total population) when they first got in touch with the NEW virus. And there already reports of a NEW variant of concern (Delta Plus) discovered in India that is already present in the UK.
    You ended up at Atlantis because they are the most popular and publicized gay cruises on the internet, but they are indeed Muscle Queens cruises. Picture the RM Provider who is a complete PNP queen, requests clients photos, and when you meet he's not at all into you, shorts the session time and provides you with a very poor experience.
    There are less commercial options that welcome all ages and shapes and more popular among more diverse groups. Check these:
    I also would not understand why anyone would like to spend time in a boat with this kind of neighbours:
    BTW, you also gotta be careful what route your cruise takes. The fact that you are in a gay cruise doesn't mean that you are free from judgment and discrimination, or immune to local laws.
  18. Sad
    BonVivant got a reaction from + Yellowrod in Atlantis Cruises - your experiences?   
    What has been the experience of folks on this forum with Atlantis cruises?
    My first and only experience from October 2009 was not great. I was not treated well on the cruise by others. It all started from the welcome reception and just got worse.  I was body shamed (5’10” 36 inch waist) (I would have been fine on a normal cruise) (it was a tough year and I just wanted to relax). People wouldn’t even sit with me for dinner or socialize.  I ended up eating by myself in the cafeteria. I also had two different cliques openly make fun of me whenever they saw me. I finally had to confront them to stop and it went up to to the Ships officers who basically told them to knock it off.  They also advised me to try and have fun on my own. Basically, what I learned was that it is only really for the lean six pack abs muscle set. All others should stay away. I will never go on another gay cruise. Ever!! 
    What about your experiences?  
  19. Like
    BonVivant reacted to CuriousByNature in Atlantis Cruises - your experiences?   
    I'm so sorry to hear that happened to you.  I have been on several cruises but never a gay cruise.  Even at my heaviest weight there were always many people on the regular cruises who appeared to be in worse shape than me, and I was never made to feel like a pariah or outcast.  Ugh - what an absolute nightmare - to look forward to a great vacation and then have it destroyed by the attitudes of fellow travellers.  On a cruise there are only limited options for getting away from toxic people, as you are on a ship in the middle of the ocean.  Again, really sorry that happened to you.
  20. Applause
    BonVivant reacted to HoleTrainer in Escort Market is HOT !   
    This is likely due to increased wages for the lowest wage workers who make those lunches.  Before the pandemic they may have been paying those workers $8-10 an hour depending on where you live, and now they might be paying them $15 an hour.  I do think we are going to see prices for anything that RELIES on low wage workers earning poverty wages increase as those poverty wages are bumped up to something more closely resembling a living wage.  As it should be...
  21. Applause
    BonVivant reacted to Wanderoz in Escort Market is HOT !   
    I think this is just additional tiering of this market into evermore different price levels.  Of course, Bel Ami boys and others like them can charge more, but that does not mean that every guy in the business or those deciding to jump in can command high or higher prices.  It's much like the housing and car and restaurant or most any other product or service markets.  Not all offer the same quality and offering and service.  Not all can or should charge the same price, or in this case, raise prices.  Markets will alway test price levels, but it doesn't mean that the higher prices always stick for all who try.  Nor should it.  Every clothing shop cannot be Hermès.  Some will always be H&M.
  22. Applause
    BonVivant reacted to + azdr0710 in Asking for full time next session   
    remember when assertiveness training was all the rage back in the 70s!??!......one of the pointers was to sandwich a negative with two positives before and after.....therefore, I'd add something like "holy cow, the sex is incredible!!" to the very beginning, then, as you've written, express your disappointment and end with the "fast as lightning" note.....
  23. Verbose
    BonVivant reacted to Skip in 411 - ERICCHARMMING. NYC.   
    Do you pick him up at middle school or does he take the bus ? 
  24. Thanks
    BonVivant reacted to Skip in 411 - ERICCHARMMING. NYC.   
    But maybe it's just me getting too old to relate! 
  25. Applause
    BonVivant reacted to + Pensant in 411 - ERICCHARMMING. NYC.   
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