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Posts posted by OCClient

  1. When I first moved to SoCal and saw the diversity including so many cute Asian men, this one fellow kept reminding me that some Asian guys only want to be with Asians. This friend was Asian, himself and would sometimes warn me to forget about certain dudes, how "that one is sticky rice," meaning only attracted to other Asians. He said I must be a rice queen, for liking Asian guys. However, I never restricted my dating in that way. There just happened to be an abundance of these cute Asian dudes all over the place.


    At the time it bothered me if a super cute Asian dude had no interest in me because I wasn't Asian. Not sure how I got past caring but at some point I did.


    As far as massage therapists, I definitely sample the rainbow.



  2. The buzz continues about a sequel. In one of the gay mags a clever fellow recommended calling it "And I'll Call You by Mine"


    Aciman just tweeted he is writing a sequel to his novel. Hope it all turns out well.

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