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Posts posted by Jason901

  1. I got an STD once from an escort. It was unsafe oral (we used condoms for anal). He was the only one I had been with in a while. I just reached out to him and let him know - didn't confront him or get mad at him. He had no idea that he was infected - and then I told him, and he had that "Ah ha" moment. I just would want to be warned myself...better to be safe. Thankfully it was a treatable STD

  2. I saw one of them two years ago - sorry, I don't remember which one. It was nude. I could touch. No HE, but I was encouraged to finish happy (on my own). He was gorgeous to look at. Worth it for me to do once...but after I've seen it, and without really any mutual touch - no reason to go back.

  3. He was completely nude the whole time. It was mutual touch. I tried to push it once beyond just mutual touch and he shut it down - very nicely. But yeah, he was nude the whole time. Good massage. Nice place. Very nice HE.

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