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Everything posted by Monarchy79

  1. Why do people assume that those who order escorts, do so because they can’t get laid for free? I have a good friend who has a great body, good looks, has a successful career and CHOOSES to have a regular escort. His reason? He can guarantee good sex, he will get exactly what’s expected, and he doesn’t have to deal with the bulllshit of dating, bars, apps, and all of those other things that brings out the worst in guys.
  2. I confess, I am a mild conspiracy theorist. Understanding the history of this country and it’s government.... many beliefs aren’t too far-fetched (i.e. Agent Orange, The Tuskegee Experiment, the Hepatitis Vaccination “error”, of the 1970s) So yes, The fact that US Government is targeting the gay male population for Truvada (the same population that was targeted for Hepatitis vaccinations about 45 years ago) Gives me somewhat of a “side-eye”. Call me crazy (I can take that), but 10 years down the road, I’d hate for studies and articles to come out about side effects, or a larger issue arising from this “wonder drug” I sincerely hope I will be wrong, But it just cracks me up how so many people are so trusting and so easy to just “pop a pill”, without conducting any research.
  3. Well, There are theories that this same government created HIV, and there’s a specific theory that was Intentionally administered to the gay population under the disguise of a hepatitis vaccine. https://ahrp.org/1978-1981-hic-aids-and-cdcs-hepatitis-b-vaccine-experiment-in-young-homosexual-men-before-these-experiments-there-were-no-reported-cases-of-hiv-or-aids-in-america/ So many people have a “if it sounds too good to be true, then it is” philosophy. https://rense.com//general94/gayvac.htm However, I sincerely hope you are correct, and that this awful epidemic will one day come to an end.
  4. Unfortunately, many people don’t... and are happy with the “Free lunch”
  5. It’s important that we understand that PrEP was intended to be used in CONJUNCTION with other methods of protection. The gays are now doing what the straights did with “the pill”.... having bareback sex, thinking of only ONE issue rather than the others. Everyone is now having this big barebacking party, thinking they are superhuman now they they claim to be free from any risk of HIV infection. However, no one is thinking about: 1.) the other numerous STD’s that PrEP doesn’t protect your from. 2.) how other medications one is taking will react to PrEP, and could possibly affect its overall efficacy. 3.) the possible side effects of long term use, and 4.) PrEP’s ability to work within ones system, that may already have other existing STI’s (for example, if a PrEP user currently had syphillis and gonhorrea, how is the medications reacting to the users compromised immune system to properly do its job to prevent HIV infection? Also, as a side note, I find it alarming that so many people trust the government enough to regularly take a medication which they have sanctioned to prevent a disease that they claim they can’t cure. This could be one huge unorthodoxed “clinical trial/experiment”....
  6. It would depend on the masseur. For a trained, experienced massage therapist, 90 minutes is fantastic. For a limited skilled masseur whose focus isn’t exactly on massage therapy in it’s true form, 90 minutes could be like watching paint dry.
  7. Unfortunately, the “war on drugs”, is a money-making institution. The government makes billions of dollars off of the services that are procured by the federal bureau of prisons. The “contractors” (i.e. prisoners), work at low wages for these services. Prison populations are needed in order to produce and do the work. And the arrests and incarceration’s are great for the economy. The bail bond system capitalized off of the smeared judicial system as well. Ending the war on drugs would cause the US to lose a lot of money.
  8. Stephen Paddock, lone wolf terrorist (BKA, the Las Vegas Shooter) managed to carry the following artillery in his car without getting pulled over: 23 rifles and one handgun inside his rooms.[63][64]They included 14 .223-caliber AR-15-type rifles, eight .308-caliber AR-10-type rifles, one .308-caliber Ruger American bolt-action rifle, and one .38-caliber Smith & Wesson Model 342 revolver,[65] But people driving through towns with their cat in a crate are “suspicious”, and “needs their vehicle searched” ?
  9. Does anyone find it strange that the nations top serial killers have been able to drive damned near across the country with dead bodies in their trunks without getting pulled over, yet YOU seem to get regularly stopped for bogus reasons?
  10. Don’t be tempted by the nice body. Tried him once and won’t again. Nice guy, but no... just no.
  11. Please make sure to record your interactions with the police. It has proven successful in many lawsuits and defending oneself from false charges.
  12. Never trust a mirror, For the mirror always lies, It makes you think that all your worth, Can be seen from the outside. Never trust a mirror, It only shows you skin deep, You can't see how your eyelids flutter, When you're drifting off to sleep, It doesn't show you what he sees, When you're only being you, Or how your eyes just light up, When you're loving what you do, It doesn't capture when your smiling, Where no one else can see, And your reflection cannot tell you, Everything you mean to me, Never trust a mirror, For it only shows your skin, And if you think that it dictates your worth, It's time you looked within. -e.h
  13. HOLD UP: Did you just say that your friend showers every 2 to 3 days? This is part of the point I want to make. Hygiene habits okay a huge factor in how people are drawing their conclusions here. In this case, this man doesn’t smell bad because of his ethnicity. He smells bad because he doesn’t bathe. Anyone, regardless of their ethnic background will smell bad if they don’t bathe for DAYS.
  14. So you’ve just categorized ethnic groups of people, and used “statistics”, to “prove” it... How typical... and how ethnocentric of you.. lol.. I’m almost certain that the “expert”, who created this “range”, had absolutely know acknowledgement of the “odors”, of his own ethnicity ? I respect your comment as any commenters, but you kinda missed the big point here.
  15. It also it hillarious how everyone is immune to their own ethnicity’s smell, and will Nonchalantly say that a particular group smells bad. You all smell bad... you just don’t notice it when it’s your group. I former white workout buddy and I were on the treadmill and this sexy, Arab, guy was down from us, sweaty as hell and he did indeed stink (I wasn’t offended). My buddy commented on how intolerable he smelled. I reminded him of the night before where we were at the eagle, full of shirtless, sweaty white guys, 80% of which didn’t use any deodorant and they all stank (on purpose).... he said it didn't smell that bad to him. I told him that it did and he stank too.... We cracked up laughing... ??? Just remember, you are immune to you own group’s stank.... but your own group does indeed stank.... to others...
  16. No you’re not.... Just eat lots of green vegetables As well. The Chlorophyll in them serves as a internal deodorizer to the body
  17. Also, westerner’s consumption of milk and pork, also contributes to their body odor
  18. A very prolific comment you made sir!!! Especially regarding the stereotypes of the assumed hygiene habits of men of color. I go toa Gym that’s primarily white and take an indoor cycling class weekly.... (I’m the only black guy there). Of course it gets sweaty and one particular guy smells terrible... although he’s friendly to me, I never use the bike beside him, but it’s not because of his B.O. it’s because once his smell starts emanating, I feel as if people are going to automatically assume it’s coming from the only black guy in the room, me....lol (By the way, I shower right before aiming to class)
  19. Its true, Different ethnicities of men have distinctive smells. Although some may use this fact as a form of racial bias, the truth is that I’ve been in many social situations with concentrated groups of men (specifically crowded nightclubs and gym locker rooms across the world) and they do smell different... the funk comes in different variations... the combination of diet, hair texture, blood type, etc. does contribute to these smells... And yes, inappropriate stereotypes emerge from these generalizations and observations. However, it cracks me up when someone says that another group of people smell “wierd”. Guess what? You smell “weird”, to others too, you’re just immune to your own smells.
  20. ☺️?? You are absolutely right. However, I don’t associate myself with that type of nonsense. I was explaining what I’ve witnessed throughout my life.
  21. I remember years ago I worked with a very young intern who wanted some advice on being a gay man. I sent him a video on the modeling industry.... it was filled with young women who talked about constantly dieting, working out, and taking care of themselves to ensure that they don’t get old or fat. He watched it and then came back to me confused and told me that he has no desire to be a model. I laughed at him and then explained how being a gay man is no different than being a model. Your longevity in dating, and getting laid depends on how long you choose to maintain your “shelf life” (looks and body) Once your shelf life expires, you have three options: 1.) work on extending that shelf life 2.) start paying to play or 3.) Say “fuck it”, and get out the game. Men are shallow as hell and this is a harsh reality
  22. Calling yourself “unkind”, would be relative to the audience. In an audience of primarily gay men, your behavior is quite typical.
  23. What an adorable guy with such a positive disposition!!! I may have to make an appointment myself!!!
  24. Not yet... soon enough, they’ll claim “gender discrimination”, and will demand entry.
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