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Everything posted by Monarchy79

  1. IIRC: “If - I - Recall - Correctly” ☺️??
  2. Absolutely!!! For a little trivia on the term “Santorum”..... that was a slang created a little over 10 years ago, dedicated to permanently smear the name of then Sen. Rick Santorum, who vehemently denounced gay marriage. ?
  3. Most important tip: Be thoroughly showered (super fresh) immediately before the massage. Dirt, B.O., bad breath, funky feet, smegma, dingleberries, oily backs, and lint are dealbreakers for many masseurs... and will assure you that your “mileage may vary”... ?
  4. I’ll definitely pass. Ain’t nobody got time for that!!! lol. If you’re strictly therapeutic, just lower your damn prices, work in a spa, and do not post in MF or RM, and if you do post, stop trying to be sexy!!!!
  5. I’m dead serious. His ad also says he’s still here until tomorrow
  6. I literally just saw this guy in my gym locker room, in briefs.... he’s still in DC, and he’s a hottie!!!
  7. As someone who has received a lot of racism in my own life, I think you are somewhat reaching with your use of the term “racist“..... and forgive me, but it’s hard to take the idea of racism seriously when the reasoning is because someone has a “type”, that they will or will not give a massage to ...lol Racism is such a deeply-rooted institutionalized construct that has ruined and altered so many lives for generations, that it’s hard for me to take these “massage-racists” allegations seriously. Why? Because it doesn’t matter... When I think of racism, I think of the linkages to prison populations with the criminal justice system, in which the bureau of federal prisons makes billions off of cheap prison labor. When I think of racism, I think of the history of the socio-economic disenfranchisement of people of color, in business, real estate, education, and even the disparities of how our credit is reported. So although I appreciate and respect your enthusiastic abborhence towards racism in this discussion.... please ask your self... is this really important? There are issues with race that extend far beyond this that people never seem to want to address, which makes this forum topic quite ironic. Lol So for me, as a black man, I’m more concerned with being shot by the cops, having a white woman call the cops on me for sitting in a Starbucks, racism on the job, and my overall state of well being in this country... I could care less whether some dude prefers to massage me or not.
  8. Another sidebar: Asian guys should be THE PREFERENCE for massage. Their skin is always smooth and blemish-free (seeing their skin oiled down is just amazing, totally easy for massaging.... ) And they are always clean..
  9. Greetings All, Interesting post!!! I wanted to state that when I’m inquiring the services of a massage therapist, I purposely include my name as my name is a stereotypically “Black”, name. By doing this, he knows my race, and we don’t have to have an awkward discussion about racial preferences..... personally I don’t find it racist, or better yet it doesn’t matter to me... I’ll explain why later...I’ve always had a good experience. However, what I have experienced is Black massage therapists who prefer non-black clients... my first experience hiring a message therapist from massagem4m was one of them. Years ago this guy got so many reviews for giving outstanding massages... I naively decided to hire him. Not only was the massage mediocre and the services were poor, I just got a bad energy...as if he was disgusted to even touch me (which was far different than his reviews).... after I left feeling humiliated, I tried to figure out why.... and find the “ism”... it wasn’t a body issue, as I was (and am) in better shape than him. It wasn’t an age issue either (I’m at least 7 years younger), after deductive reasoning I realized the guy was a “snow queen”, and prefers not to engage with his own... which I wish he would have stated. I wouldn’t have wasted my time or money.... which brings me to this: I see absolutely wrong with any guy having preferences, whether it’s racist or not, and I’d prefer for massage therapists to be open about it. Giving and receiving a massage can be a very sensual, intimate experience and a good vibe and energy is part of that. Sometimes being attracted to that person is needed to heighten the experience. Now when it comes to employment, education, banking, and human rights, OF COURSE everything should be equal opportunity, but when it comes to physical contact , touch, affection, and any other action of physicality, no one is obliged to be equal opportunity, as it’s your body.... So if there’s no energy or attraction there, I don’t want the person to touch me either... it will only lead to a lackluster experience. Now let’s get to ethnic guys who call white guys racist because of their preferences.... the response I always have is this: “Why should a white guy be into you, when you’re not even into your own? He thinks the same of your race as YOU do.” The problem isn’t the white guy with his preference. It’s the ethnic guy’s with so much self-hate, that they desperately seek the validation of white men in order to feel accepted and whole. So if you’re Asian, Hispanic, Black, etc., and exclusively pursue white guys... you’re racist too. Lol
  10. Thank you!!! Your commentary and feedback is always appreciated!!!
  11. Hello All, https://www.masseurfinder.com/massage-therapists/7251/ Wondering if anyone has tried this guy and if so, feel free to either post, or share your experience with me in a PM. Thanks!!!
  12. Ugh!!!! miserable sons of bitches like Ronnie Arnau is the reason why massage therapists are so paranoid and can’t even enjoy giving a good sensual massage when they want to!!! He’s just looking to capitalize off of a lawsuit. He should be banned from all spas as a possible liability... if he wants a massage, have his husband rub sandpaper all over his uptight, miserable ass!!!
  13. AGREED!!!! The natural/earthy/hippy ones usually give the best massages too.... Usually it’s those seeking those “pretty” ripped “models” with absolutely no massage skills , that end up getting snookered, wasting their money, trying to fulfill a ridiculous fantasy... To each his own, but I’ll gladly book an apointment with Jeremiah any day....
  14. So has anyone actually had a massage with him yet? I’m curious and want to try him out, but don’t want to be the guinea pig... lol
  15. And one more thing, If these delusional arrogant wanna-be trophy queens were so fabulous and hot, they wouldn’t have to resort to sucking random dicks in a spa steamroom... no one is better than anyone... and some of these people need to really be put in their place.
  16. The racism and body shaming will only end when people stop asking superficial white men for validation.... If they say on a dating profile that they’re “not into asians, blacks, fats, fems , etc”, don’t even bother trying to change their mind... just block their ignorant asses... stop asking for validation and acceptance!!! You give them power by begging for their validation. So I suggest you walk back into any place you have felt rejected, with your chest out, shoulders back, and sit your ass in whatever spa, sauna, salt cave , you choose and if they leave, LET THEM.
  17. With all of what I read in this thread and what I witness living in DC, can someone explain to me why there’s this specific genre of white gay men who are such delusional, arrogant, bitchy, assholes? It seems to be that they hate everyone who isn’t a white, gay, blond or redheaded twink or twunk. First of all, YOU paid to be wherever you are and should NEVER leave. If they have a problem with your being there for whatever reason, that’s their problem!!! Quick story: my gym is full of white bitchy queens (and the other races of snow queens who chase them around for validation).... and yes they are rude.. So after a long workout, I go into the steam room, and the two average looking Cokehead whores walked out (guess my blackness bothered them).. So now, after my workout, I make a purposeful effort to get some steam just to piss then off, and the last time I walked in, I literally opened the door for them and gave them the motion to leave... Don’t let these bitches intimidate you, ever!!! Whether you’re black, Asian, Hispanic, fat, short, old, or any other group they like to marginalize.. own your pride and walk into any setting with confidence... and send them the ultimate message that they can kiss your entire ass!!! What makes me so mad is that white gays will preach to the high heavens about gay rights, but will marginalize the living fuck out of everyone else, far worse. The next time I go to LA, I think I’m going to Century Spa, just to annoy some racist, bitchy WeHo whores. LOL
  18. Hello, Has anyone tried David? https://www.masseurfinder.com/massage-therapists/1095/
  19. Errors like this is why it’s best to leave the topic of disclosing personal health diagnoses alone
  20. Uhm, If he had athlete’s foot, and was open about that, would you have ever-so-openly disclosed that as well? I think not. Bottom Line Up Front : Your comment appeared shady and disingenuous.
  21. I don’t think that’s it’s appropriate to disclose any individual’s health status, whether it’s HIV, Cancer, the common cold, or a gluten allergy... that’s an individual’s role to disclose on their own behalf... And furthermore one should always play safe, regardless of what anyone discloses to you....
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