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Everything posted by Monarchy79

  1. Awesome!!! Hope you have an outstanding massage. I plan to book an appointment as well.
  2. He’s one of my favorites!!! I’ll be scheduling an appt with him very soon!! ☺️
  3. I heard from him yesterday, 5 hours after I reached out to him... this is the second instance his communications were spotty.... I’ll leave him alone and take my money elsewhere.
  4. Bumping this as he’s back in DC. Has anyone tried him out? Feel free to post here or PM me. Thanks
  5. I completely understand your point ... and although you are technically correct.... this whole dynamic of specifically requesting sex has ruined the innuendo, and metaphysical aspects of courting that used to make sexual interactions hot.... Now I’ve literally had a guy wanting me to confirm allowing him to fuck me via text... soon we’re going to start issuing permission slips to have sex.. and it’s such a mood killer
  6. You’re comparing a totally coherent person (who can verbalize their wants), to a victim who is drunk, intoxicated, drugged , comatose!?! Please!!! My entire sentence was relevant, yet your purposefully omitted it to make your irrelevant point valid. It’s quite easy to go around screaming “rape”, without knowing all of the details... the poster clearly stated that the guy was on top of him, and he was already near his butt, massaging him and prodding before putting it in....everyone who has sex, doesn’t make a person sign a permission slip to do it... just like in many Human interactions, nature takes its course and Moves into that.... (i.e. all of the foreplay that leads to sex).... So don’t sit up here typing all of that self-righteous bulllshit, to validate your sarcastic, smug, obnoxious ass!!!!
  7. That’s literally what is when the victim says “NO”. Otherwise, is a person supposed to be psychic? is
  8. Ummm please add funny how you cleverly omitted the rest of my sentence.....
  9. I know I’m going to get scolded for this... so I’ll first say that I’m truly sorry for the poster’s experience. I would like to emphasize the importance of clarity and saying “NO”. This whole massage/masseur thing is complex, specifically because the MTs have to give and read queues from the client, especially with more sensual aspects of massage, when YMMV is involved. With a single MT, he has a variety of clients, some who probably are begging for the massage to go into full on sex, others who want none at all, and others who want something in between. I’ve had instances where the massage got erotic, we’re both oiled up, and he started “knocking at the door”, and as that door was opening up... I immediately locked that door up “kegels”, lifted my head out of that headrest and told him “no thanks”, and the massage continued and was a lot of fun. I’m not at all blaming the victim, but I want to also make clear that there are two sides of this interaction... this MT may have been reading your queues as passive acceptance... It’s easy to call someone a rapist because you didn’t want it... but how are they supposed to know you didn’t want it, if you didn’t tell them “No”? Again, I want to reiterate that I am in no way shaming the poster.
  10. Bumping this up to get any updates....
  11. Any updates on Serge? I’m thinking about booking an appointment .
  12. Greetings Crew, Any reviews or commentary from your experience with Luke Hunter: https://rentmasseur.com/Lukehunter
  13. I completely understand... it’s also never a reason to be rude or disrespectful..... and although you feel that you wasted some of your time, at least, you didn’t waste your money... Imagine if he did schedule an appointment with you, the energy would have been so bad, and his touch would have been so disengaged, that you would have being angrier after wasting a few bucks to really know of his “preferences”. I personally wish all MTs would State their preferences, so I can scroll through what’s for me and be at ease, knowing we will both enjoy the session ☺️
  14. I’m sorry but many of the commenters are being flat out hipocrites. The truth is that EVERYONE has prejudices and that includes you all... the same archetypes that you claim he discriminates against (old, fat, hairy, Asian, etc.), are the same ones you are discriminating against.... because none of you are seeking out older, fatter, or Asian masseurs. All men are superficial and prejudicial, and it’s not fair, but sometimes you will be on the receiving end of such prejudices and sometimes you’ll be the one discriminating. My very first masseur didn’t particularly like massaging black men (and he was black LOL), and I wished he would have stated that initially so I wouldn’t have wasted my money on such a bad massage... so at least give this guy credit for being honest. If he’s a jerk, then everyone’s a jerk, because you all picked a classically good looking in-shape, white guy... and is shaming him for preferring what’s in his own likeness... another classically good looking, in-shape white guy.... Now go and find a MT, that’s a good fit for you and have fun.... because no amount of money in the world can force someone to be “into” you...
  15. He will be in town from the 12th through the 22. If you wait until he gets here, there will be no slots. I’ve already booked two sessions
  16. Their techniques are so similar that I told this to Javier after my first massage with him, and when I told him about Meka, he said he knew him. What I’d like more is to have a four-handed tandem from both of them.
  17. Meka is the Spirit TWIN of Javier Gold. Go for it!!!
  18. Paul gives an outstanding massage. He gets knots out, uses aromatherapy, heat packs, and he even snapped one of my wrists back in place too. In terms of everything else, the vibe was awesome, and the entire experience was great. I’ve been to him about five times, and will definitely go back. But this definitely is subjective, based on the energy between the client and the therapist.... I say give him a try!!!
  19. Thanks!!! Greatly appreciate the info!!!
  20. Hey Guys, Has anyone tried this guy out? He’s visiting DC for a few days: https://www.masseurfinder.com/massage-therapists/5595/
  21. Why in hell should a masseur disclose that?!?! No offense, but the idea of demanding that perpetuates stigmas of those who are positive.... as if someone could catch HIV from being touched.... (that’s so early 1980s) However, if the massage goes down a sexual route, one should always behave using sound judgment and personal responsibility, and should treat every encounter in a way that preserves your own health.
  22. I had a massage with Javier Gold this evening. The entire 90 minutes was OUTSTANDING!!!! Thanks Kahlil for recommending him. He’s awesome!!!!!
  23. None of you are paranoid, you're SMART. I'd strongly suggest using your intuition and discretion with sharing information with those who PM you for extreme details.
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