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  1. Like
    Wanderoz got a reaction from Dmitri in Massage by Garic in San Francisco?   
    Let’s not digress & go back on topic to experience with the man.
  2. Like
    Wanderoz reacted to + topdocsf in 411 on this Asian masseur (Peter LA)   
    name change...
  3. Like
    Wanderoz got a reaction from Lazarus in 411 on Brett in Las Vegas - possible fake?   
    Yeah, been around forever with those same photos. Those pics must be on loan from the Gay National Archives in the Conserved Old Photos section.
  4. Like
    Wanderoz reacted to Jeff Meuller in 411 Ashton Haze in Vancouver visiting from Toronto   
    I see he's visiting from Toronto to Vancouver for a while. I recognize the photos and he worked a few years back under the name Pierce IIRC. The pictures certainly look updated and show him aging appropiately (I think he was escorting back in the early 10's).
    Almost was able to set up a meeting back in Toronto but because of schedules it didn't work out.
    Anyone have any info?
  5. Like
    Wanderoz reacted to rogerG in 411 on GingerJock   
    He works on a bed for outcalls, but will not perform the service in the nude no matter where. The only ginger you get to see is the hair above his neck. He claims "respectful mutual touching is allowed," and we all know what that means. As for HE, "yes, there can be." He also describes his massage as "light touch."
    Considering the price, there is no mention of certification. But he's very accommodating with multiple payment methods. He's only 23 years old. He says he loves to travel.
    His prices are way too high for me. I typically don't look for escort services in a massage, but if I can't enjoy the view of a ginger cock, I see no point in paying a premium for a ginger jock. On top of that, "light touch" is not the pressure I want.
    This guy excels at his business presentation, but word of mouth and cost ruins any motivation to book. Using clever words to talk about massage aren't enough for me. I need to hear customer raves. Looks like I will pass on this one.
  6. Like
    Wanderoz reacted to + beethoven in 411 on Pizh in NYC   
    I had asked about him a few weeks ago, but no one had been with him. Anyone?? He looks like a keeper.
  7. Like
    Wanderoz got a reaction from lanyc in Justin Herring   
    He’s into kippering.
  8. Like
    Wanderoz got a reaction from marylander1940 in Aiden Ace, twink now in DC   
    Anyone know anything about this twink into everything?
  9. Like
    Wanderoz reacted to Lewis H in 411 on Tomer for Massage in NYC   
    Found a sexymasseur link:
  10. Like
    Wanderoz reacted to Lewis H in 411 on Tomer for Massage in NYC   
    Googling his cell number brings up various other ads and pages, plus some face and abs photos. He looks familiar, I think he's advertised on the regular massage sites.
    and considering he offers enemas, I'd say it's pretty intimate work:
  11. Like
    Wanderoz reacted to + glutes in JulianB visiting from Germany   
    No reviews or mentions, anyone?
  12. Like
    Wanderoz reacted to hgpal in LA: This guy has a surcharge for last-minute appointments   
    Chastising ads are always a red flag...
  13. Like
    Wanderoz got a reaction from + ButchAtl in Scam Alert   
    Never EVER fall for the gift card bit. It is ALWAYS a scam.
  14. Like
    Wanderoz got a reaction from + Hoover42 in Scam Alert   
    Scamorama everywhere.
    That’s why we look out for each other & call out &!post the scammers in this great forum.
  15. Like
    Wanderoz reacted to jcarper in Scam Alert   
    On RM they get around it by using the "free month," which doesn't require payment+ID. Once the "free month" is up they just create a new account. Legit masseurs, after the free month on RM, must show ID and pay either $19 or $39.
  16. Like
    Wanderoz got a reaction from Massageislife in Scam Alert   
    Scamorama everywhere.
    That’s why we look out for each other & call out &!post the scammers in this great forum.
  17. Like
    Wanderoz got a reaction from Redwine56 in Massage by George   
    Well said. I do not like being explosively turned on, as I am sure I would be with Georgie (I already am just from his MF pics) & then end up deflated. I love the relaxed & unwound feeling of a therapeutic massage from someone to whom I am not attracted, but I hate the drowning in my own hormones, blue-balled feeling when I get a therapeutic massage from someone to who totally turns me on, but doesn’t go beyond therapeutic.
    It’s why I had to stop seeing one really good straight masseur. I thought I would finally be able to overcome my reactions, but I just kept on getting more & more turned on. He was nice about it, but it got to the point I’d walk in with a hard-on. It felt awkward & I could not torture myself again.
  18. Like
    Wanderoz reacted to RubMyThighs in LA: This guy has a surcharge for last-minute appointments   
    That’s a new one for me. This guys James doesn’t define here what last-minute means, and that would seem like a necessary element to let clients know if you’re gonna have this weird rule. Also, it is only available to returning clients. So, he will charge returning clients this surcharge and won’t allow new clients to book last minute? Red flags all over this.
    Finally, he’s familiar. Why?
  19. Like
    Wanderoz reacted to Scotty in LA: This guy has a surcharge for last-minute appointments   
    Good flag @RubMyThighs
    I can’t imagine being tempted by this ad at all.
    Like wanting a last minute massage makes me a bad person. Next.
  20. Like
    Wanderoz reacted to cooldemo03 in Any 411 on Vinny Vitali in LA?   
    He is so hot and handsome.
  21. Like
    Wanderoz reacted to alexslaveboy in Any 411 on Vinny Vitali in LA?   
  22. Like
    Wanderoz reacted to MrMattBig in how long wait before sending another text?   
    It depends on your availability and when you are looking to meet. If it later that day maybe a couple hours. If you are planning on advance, at the end of the day or next morning. Just make sure your message is concise, don't have too much expectations for a reply back to a "Hi, how are you" message.
  23. Like
    Wanderoz reacted to + Brad in NYC in What does YMMV mean to you?   
    I’ve always been interested in language and word choice. Very nerdy, I know.
    I’m not young or good looking. I’ve never read a post with YMMV to mean the poster was bragging in some way. To me it’s always been more of a heads-up: no guarantee that my experience will match yours.
    These are human interactions we’re having and writing about here. Every masseur has good days and lesser days. I have good days and not so good days. Throw those infinite variabilities in the pot along with how the masseur and me are impacted by many other things leading up to the moments of massage and there you go. YMMV.
    I’m introducing a new term: MOMMV, which stands for My Own Mileage May Vary, which applies to how I have seen the same masseur on different occasions and felt one appointment was so much better than another.
  24. Like
    Wanderoz reacted to jcarper in What does YMMV mean to you?   
    My #1 most favorite massage ever turned into one hilarious fuckfest, and I told someone about this masseur... he went... and he said it was the worst experience he's ever had lmao! So YMMV! He started grabbing too early, ended up getting no massage because the masseur thought he just wanted to get straight into the extras, then he lowballed the starting offer, and refused to take my advice and bring ur own condom, as some places won't have them because they are pretty incriminating if found during raids. It just went to hell after that hahaha.
    So to me, YMMV = You're not me and I'm not you, so our experiences may differ.
  25. Like
    Wanderoz got a reaction from Massageislife in Massage by George   
    Well said. I do not like being explosively turned on, as I am sure I would be with Georgie (I already am just from his MF pics) & then end up deflated. I love the relaxed & unwound feeling of a therapeutic massage from someone to whom I am not attracted, but I hate the drowning in my own hormones, blue-balled feeling when I get a therapeutic massage from someone to who totally turns me on, but doesn’t go beyond therapeutic.
    It’s why I had to stop seeing one really good straight masseur. I thought I would finally be able to overcome my reactions, but I just kept on getting more & more turned on. He was nice about it, but it got to the point I’d walk in with a hard-on. It felt awkward & I could not torture myself again.
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