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Everything posted by Vegas_Millennial

  1. Miss Saigon I realize now that dramas aren't my cup of tea. I also didn't like Lion King. It is a very depressing play. That's why I am not in a hurry to see Les Meserables or Phantom of the Opera
  2. Just saw FuzzyAss again today. Great guy all around. Beautiful body, great conversation, good massage, and I was twice as happy as before. Treat this guy well
  3. If anybody messaged me with the phrase "wbout", I would be trying to end the conversation as well. Laughable words yield laughable responses.
  4. Oh, I know the rules. I hope you consider these public: Theme park attractions, cruise ship decks, public beaches, public parks, hiking trails, hotel hot tubs and pools, in a car in a parking lot, and campsites, to name a few
  5. I'm hoping the charge would be the same, "sex with patient", regardless of sex of either party. Even if not convicted, I'll bet you he never works in nursing again.
  6. This is why I don't have sex at work.... any more. And I NEVER share about it in photos or in writing.
  7. Unless you are certain you are his first sexual encounter since he was tested, his tests are rather useless to you anyway.
  8. It is my understanding that Palm Springs hotels are prohibited from accepting reservations from customers with out of state ID, unless the reservation length exceeds the mandatory quarenteen length and the patron does not leave the hotel. https://visitpalmsprings.com/whats-open-and-whats-not/
  9. I thought the same before I tried it. The good dancers made the masks unnoticeable, by positioning their bodies to focus less on their face and more on their other assets.
  10. I'm hoping to give Montreal my $ by September 2021. If not, another trip to Atlanta will have to suffice. Atlanta is operating with dancers and patrons wearing masks, and patrons sitting six feet apart, but lap dances are still going on albeit with masks.
  11. Get something that wipes down easily or hides the cum stains. I still remember my housekeeper's reaction to finding the multiple streaks of cum stains on my porn laptop, when I had one.
  12. Unless you can find or create your own mortgage refinance spreadsheet, ask a human with the company to give you a quote for a loan with the exact same number of years remaining as your existing loan, and the upfront costs absorbed into the loan amount. Then you can see how much lower the monthly payment will be, with no out of pocket costs now. Or let's say you have 22 years left on the existing loan, ask for a quote for a 20 loan with the costs rolled into the new loan. If you can shave 2 years off the time frame of the loan without increasing your monthly payment, it's a no brainier good deal. I did that several years ago, refinancing from a 4.65% with 18 years remaining down to 3.125% with a 15 year term. There were no out of pocket costs to me because they were rolled into a higher loan amount, and my monthly payment stayed about the same. I simply am on track to pay off the loan 3 years sooner. Last week I evaluated refinancing again. I currently have 8 years left on my loan with 3.125%. Even though I can get rates as low as 2.0% right now, my time frame of 8 years is so short that when the costs are included in the new price of a refinanced loan, my monthly payment would actually go up a few dollars a month to pay for the costs added to the loan. Therefore, the refinance does not make sense for my situation now.
  13. I just saw LeonardoBrazil in Las Vegas. Boy friend experience: check Great kisser: check Looks as good as photos: check Fun to be with: check Not a clock watcher. Run, don't walk, if you're into tall, lean, muscled Latin boys. His versatility is a bonus
  14. Merry Christmas, Gentlemen! If you're like me, you know that "Happy Holidays" doesn't have the same impact as an old fashioned "Merry Christmas". Here's wishing you all a Merry Christmas, however you celebrate it, and Peace on Earth, Good Will Towards (Hot) Men (on Man action)
  15. I guess that's one way to get him to swallow ?
  16. Rod probably doesn't remember me; I saw him for a massage only once about 10 years ago. But I still remember discussing engineering in school, and Rod bringing up the Bernoulli equation. It was eye opening to realize that these beautiful men have brains and personality in addition to technique and looks. Rod's and others' thoughtful insights on this forum remind me just how amazing these men are
  17. I treat the situation the same as with any of my non-paid sexual encounters. I notify him of the STI so that he knows to get tested sooner rather than later. It has never stopped me from seeing the person again, or vice versa.
  18. Also, why aren't they offended by the word Christmas being displayed at a department store at Christmas time? Lol. Just as many % of Americans celebrate this commercial national holiday today as they did last century
  19. If I make an appointment for a doctor, lawyer, tutor, or personal trainer and show up late or not at all, I am still charged for the service or dropped as a client. It is unethical to book and then not show up, as it is too late for the provider to sell his time that he had reserved for me. While I do not pay escorts in advance, I never cancel without at least a day's notice. If I show up late to an appointment due to traffic, I expect to pay the full fee even if my time is cut short due to my tardiness.
  20. Nate, I know about the Palm Springs gathering, but who arranges the DC gathering? I'll be at the PS gathering in '21
  21. Many of us feel the same way. Max, please focus on improving grammar and sentence structure as you continue through secondary school. It will help not only in this forum, but in your ad writing when you become an escort, and in your career after escorting.
  22. You asked about Escort Friendship here, only 2 weeks ago: https://www.companyofmen.org/threads/friendship.161787/
  23. In all seriousness, I haven't kissed anyone since February and I can't believe how much I miss it. I've cut down my fun, but still want to treat myself for the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays by hiring a hot guy. I've already had my bout with the Wu Flu in October which gives me a little more confidence to travel. I still obey all mask orders and separation requirements outside of the bedroom. The sex positions mentioned above make it safer sex, not safe sex, but that's inherent with all sex.
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