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Everything posted by Ajac

  1. Good looking kid very disconnected. YMMV. Massage just OK. Won't repeat but don't go by me.
  2. Good looking kid very disconnected. YMMV. Massage just OK. Won't repeat but don't go by me.
  3. OK time to bring out the Geezer card. Ron Cey, Steve Garvey, Manny Motta The guys back in the day that actually seemed to play for the love of the game. Before the multimillion dollar contracts. Yes I know that is more than one.
  4. As I wrote previously I look at tattoos as an art form some are beautiful some are not. A““““““ll in the eye of the beholder. That being said I really hate the newest tattoo fad... neck and face. Again it is every individuals decision I just don't personally get it.‘
  5. I notice that I am increasingly bothered by celebrities aging. I will see someone I haven't seen in a long time make a guest appearance on a show and think "Oh my god they are so old!" hi Def doesn't do anyone any favors either. Than I go by a mirror and think when the hell did that happen. I guess there is no stopping time. Time seems to pass so quickly but why does it seem like this Presidency will go on for ever?
  6. Again I apologize but they did capture a lot of passion between those two. I like to think they are versatile flip flopping.
  7. My sincere Apologies, You are completely right I was just so Gobsmacked by it I wasn't thinking clearly. Just one day without the orange Yetti is all I want.
  8. SPOILER... I started watching this and thought what an interesting show, intriguing characters and some humor. Well this will be a nice diversion. Then Trump bombs China in the last days of his presidency....Argh! I just want to crawl into a hole.
  9. Look Like Owen Wilson or Ben Stiller. Come on guys you aren't bad looking but it took a lot of suspension of belief to buy that premise no matter how funny.
  10. Not sure what I feel about those shoes
  11. I recently went to a dermatologist to have a growth over my eye removed. Let's just say the Dr was not a good example of what procedures can result in. The word Plastic was very appropriate. So shiny I nearly had to put my sun glasses on from the glare. That being said I do have concerns about what will happen as I lose weight and may opt for tightening the loose skin. My weight has been a yoyo since I was young. I hope to have one more thin in me but know that the skin probably won't bounce back leaving me looking like there is a Sharpei sitting on my lap.
  12. OK this might sound stupid but does anyone else see a perfect christmas tree in Kary's happy trail. Just aching to be decorated with some snow ; ^)
  13. Also as a client you can always do a quick wipe with damp toilet paper when you arrive just in case .
  14. And if you avatar is accurate you are super cute ...embrace being single and spread the goods around you lucky bastard you. (safely of course)
  15. And if you avatar is accurate you are super cute ...embrace being single and spread the goods around you lucky bastard you. (safely of course)
  16. I would never arrive for an appointment without doing a deep cleaning back there. Even when the expectations is of a legit massage I am a boy scout at heart adhering to the moto always be prepared. That being said, maybe as in the case of your 20 year old you could have some wipes available or a warm towel and do a bit of spring cleaning. With a zip lock bag handy to make sure there is no lingering aroma. I have had a warm toweling on my feet before a masseur massaged them. Even when I know they have been thoroughly scrubbed. It really isn't your duty to deal with a clients hygiene but why not be prepared for that eventuality. Now that I have said that don't get me wrong I am just talking about musty swampy if it is more than that it is beyond rude of a client.
  17. https://rentmasseur.com/SexyEthan Super nice Canadian guy.
  18. I know the Tatoo lovers maybe pissed at me. This kid recently went for neck tattoos it is such a shame he was the picture of perfection with flawless skin then he started with the ink.
  19. Like the shoes, oh was there a dick in the picture didn't notice. LOL I am more of an ass man but that was very impressive.
  20. Yes, I have tried carter twice now. I opted for the shower addition and was glad I did. I felt very pampered. Hate to use the old cliche "he is even better looking in person" but it applies. I am a sucker for a beautiful backside, Carter's is amazing. We were very chatty I know some guys don't like that but I think I may have initiated that. The only thing that may be a little off putting is there may be family members in other areas of the townhouse. His space is on the top floor so it shouldn't be an issue. He is on my list of go to's with Mark in North Hollywood and Ethan in Glendale. Damn if I ever win the lottery I will walk around like a tenderized veal with my weekly visits to these three.
  21. LMFAO, Dale it isn't fair for you to have that dick and a sense of humor too.
  22. Always thought he was handsome and had a great body but even though I am envious of anyone with a full head of hair I never understood the Little Lord Fauntleroy hair style.
  23. I am sorry I think it would be like being in a Wes Raven film every time you glanced up
  24. Yes I had the same experience years ago with Josh Big Texan. Not the rate increase but the sudden change in personality. Moving on though sad is the best way to go.
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